
Ravager Scout

The sounds of two beasts fighting caused the small group to pause in mid-step. One was definitely the menacing growl of a feline, while the other was unrecognizable.

Pon shook his head and resumed his step. "The hell is going on in there?"

"STOP NIX! I gave up already!"

"Say it, then!"

"Damn you... Uncle Nix rules the roost."

Nix's laughter could be heard from outside the tent. "That's right... Try to remember that."

Alpha team arrived in the tent a moment later. The two uninhabited bunks were scattered and broken, while clothes and blankets had been completely shredded. An angry-looking Orion was covered in bites and scratches; the fur on her neck was sticking straight up.

"My bunk..." Fajii's face was expressionless as she took in the state the tent was in. "What happened in here?"



Both puppets spoke simultaneously; Nix hopped next to himself while Del stalked off into the far corner and started licking her fur.