
Rat Rescue (conclusion)

It took Nix a few minutes, but he succeeded in finding a piece of metal. A loose spring from underneath the bed frame gave him the tool he was looking for as he climbed onto the metal frame of the bunk.

Rat-Fajii couldn't help but sneak a peek at Nix when the grinding started. He held the rusty spring in his hand and was rubbing it vigorously against the frame. Time seemed to slow drastically, as the two Nether rats watched the third stubbornly scrape away with the spring. After several minutes, Fajii finally spoke.

/Ratpack: Fajii: Nix... What are you doing?

/Ratpack: Deidra: That isn't going to wor...

Her sentence was interrupted when the first spark flew, and the entire room flashed in a brilliant red flame. Nix was thrown off the bunk onto the floor. A moment later, he sat up, his yellow eyes trying to blink away the spots in his vision. Small tendrils of smoke rose into the air from his fur.
