
Pure Rat

Nix and Pon watched the breach as the guards from the frozen city helped usher in the 'once dead' into New Dharta. Felid Sah and the occupants of the caverns had been brought in first. As the remaining citizens entered the city, they were reunited with their families and directed toward appropriate housing.

"What's up with you?" Pon wasn't one to intrude into another man's thoughts, but Nix had an air of gloom surrounding him.

Nix shook his head slightly; the 'once dead' were weighing heavily on him. "I think that six years isn't much."

Pon watched the families as they came back together. The 'once dead' already knew what happened to them and how long they had remaining. Instead of complaining, most of them wore wide smiles as they hugged their loved ones. "It isn't much," Pon agreed. "Six more years than they already had. In their shoes, I'd be doing fucking cartwheels."

Nix chuckled at the old man's words. "I'd pay money to see you do a cartwheel."