
Neva: Battle for Ever Flame (aftermath)

Nix walked toward the stables, groups were still running back and forth, but there was no more enemy to fight. Clerics from Inferno were busily rezzing the fallen pug groups while others were outside the walls stacking bandit bodies like firewood.

"Running into the teeth of Inferno Archers, not the smartest move." He found Nightmare exactly where he left her.

"Is she faster than Flash?" Randa exited the stable when she spotted him; during the fight, she tried to bring the animal into the stables, but it wouldn't let her approach.

Nix mounted Nightmare and patted her shoulder. "She is," he admitted.

Randa studied the demon horse with a practiced eye. "She looks like she had a foal recently."

"Yep, beautiful little filly, a few weeks ago." Nix studied the orphan for a moment, "I own a horse ranch, not that big yet, about forty horses in my herd."

Randa's dirt-smudged face lit up. "That's a good-sized herd."