
Khione's Trap

"I am Enu Bak? How can I be someone I've never heard of?" Mina gently lowered Nix to the ground, even with his mana stone, his flames had completely sucked his mana dry.

"Time is short, but I will explain." The sprite gestured toward the glowing presence. "That is the remanents of a great water beast, only a small vestige of its power remains tethered to this area."

Mina could sense the water beast, it would have been massive in size during its life, perhaps like a Kraken. "Continue."

"Nix's Ice is being overrun by something that is way more powerful in that particular element, his fire has been shouldering the battle, the other elements he possesses aren't strong enough at this time."

Mina's pale eyes narrowed, "you want to give him the element of water?"

The sprite's small head nodded. "It does amount to that."