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Quicksilver's pretty face wore a happy smile when she used her back to nudge open the door to Dex's place. The smile faded only slightly when she noticed both Thumper and Stiletto sleeping on his couch. The coffee table was littered with dozens of images taken by the off-site team. She could hear the low voices of Mongoose and Gadget conversing in the kitchen, but she ignored it and headed upstairs to the loft.

Dex was sprawled diagonally across the bed, his long frame stretched out while sleeping peacefully on one side. Being tired herself, she slid in front of him and then eased backward until her back touched his chest.

"Darsi?" Dex's voice accompanied the opening of one eye. Then, by instinct, he wrapped an arm around her and pulled her closer. "Just get back?"

"Yep. The Bottom Feeders are still here. You should lock your doors."

Dex chuckled sleepily. "We were studying the initial images from the off-site location."