
Growth and Development

Nix was by himself on the docks by the time Mina arrived. She was wearing her traditional black gear that she used to travel about freely in the human cities.

Mina offered him a polite smile and opened the crate he was standing next to. "This is from one of the elite Aquarion Assault forces, we can really use this gear Nix."

Nix nodded, "it's all yours. Can't have your people undergeared when we are fighting the same war."

She picked up one of the pineapple sized objects that had been found with the invasion force, right away she gasped in surprise. "Nix... Do you know what this is?"

"No, but I'd assume it's some sort of bomb."

"Yes. There is a tiny air sprite enclosed within. When you throw it at something the liquid fire inside breaks the compartment and destroys the sprite. This causes a massive explosion of air."

"So it sends shrapnel blasting everywhere?" Nix shook his head, it was the magical version of a hand grenade.