

Nix smiled drowsily, this bed was quite possibly the most comfortable bed in all of Colonial. Mina had stopped by the Kindled Spirit while he was finishing up the dishes with Hyai. She said she wanted to talk, so Nix had followed her to the beach cottage in the Sea-World. Oddly enough, they had started drinking instead and never really got around to a serious conversation. "I need to bring this bed to the Ranch."

Mina peeked into the room when she heard his voice. "Isn't this early for you?"

Nix nodded and pulled himself into a sitting position. "I suppose. Seems like I'm constantly on the run nowadays."

She gave him a smile and took a seat on the bet. She was wearing a pair of blue pajamas that Nix had made for her and her hair was hanging down. "I wanted to talk last night but instead I put it off."