

Nix leaned comfortably against the rail. Jun Li, Sharl, Pon, Semmi, Wind, and Tess were all gathered in a circle as they discussed the ransom prices for crew and officers of the ships. He wasn't giving them his full attention because he was looking at the new guild options for Tier 4 Sea-Farer factions.

"Hmm. So that's interesting and very nice." Nix realized that most of the new options were cosmetic, but there was one addition he liked. NPCs could be invited into the guild.

Filamina has joined Inferno.

Hyai has joined Inferno.

Kyla has joined Inferno.

Shae has joined Inferno.

Fajii has joined Inferno.

Delphi has joined Inferno.

/Guildchat: Nix: Welcome to Inferno.

[Create a Raid Channel?]