
Easy Fix

The Dark Reaper turned toward her captors but was unable to see anything outside of the glowing circle she was trapped in. A long curved scythe formed from the shadows around her as her two bone hands gripped it tightly. The circle she was in was about five meters in diameter. She sprinted toward the edge and slammed her weapon into the barrier. Her weapon bounced harmlessly off the unseen wall as her body was picked up and tossed back to the center of the circle.

Fajii has been stunned.

"FAJII!" Shae's enraged voice filled the air a moment before the entire area was bathed in orange flames. The salamander waded through the barrier like it didn't exist, scattering the remanents of power in all directions. The Aquarion skelly was slowly climbing to her feet, shaking her head as if to clear it.

"I'm okay." Fajii rearmed herself and scanned the area around them. There was no enemy in sight. She held a finger to her lips to silence the salamander.