
Dragon Temples

Nix stepped into Tai'Qui's nursery, instantly relaxing in the warm comfort of the place. The Earth Dragon was standing near the emerald-colored Dragon Egg, her brown lips curved in a smile at Inferno's leader's appearance.

"Going to stay and relax for a bit?" Tai waded out of the mud-pool. Her rolled-up leggings exposing her smooth tan calves. "Do you like this color?"

Nix shrugged slightly when she gestured to her new bandana. "The green is my favorite."

Tai motioned with her hand, changing the color to a pale green. "Like this?"


Any further conversation was interrupted by the arrival of Deidra. Seeing them at the same time always reminded Nix how different the two dragons were. The warm and personable Tai versus the cold beauty of Deidra.

Deidra's cold demeanor warmed the barest amount when she made eye contact with Nix. "It's nice to see you."