
Chasing Seibel (part one)

Fey extended her wings and banked into a thermal updraft that sent her rocketing upwards, the tiny voice of Sasi could be heard squealing with excitement. There weren't many places to port into the Fir'Dhassi territory of Inuit, but taking the air was only slightly slower.

/Qi Family: Sasi: Oasis is so nice. How come Dhassi hate humans?

/Qi Family: Nix: It's not that they hate us, we were strangers not that long ago.

Nix remembered when Inferno first arrived in Oasis, at the time the Fir'Dhassi banned all humans from exploring Inuit. That ban was eventually lifted and now the members of the 12 Pillars quested and explored all over the continent. Nix's reliance on the human guilds in several breach battles resulted in the 12 pillars having top-end gear. None of the Dhassi went out of their way to cause trouble for the human alliance.

Rabi has joined the Qi Family channel.

Pon has joined the Qi Family channel.

Chiba has joined the Qi Family channel.