
Blood Fusion (part two)

An instant later the Salamander roared in agony as two wings pushed outward through his shoulders followed by an explosion of emerald flames that instantly turned to sand beneath their feet to glass.

Sinfaya collapsed to her knees, her teeth showing in a grimace. "What is wrong with his flames?"

Deidra gasped for air, her dark eyes showing the pleasure she felt. "Don't approach him!"

The salamander stood at the center of the triangle, its yellow eyes showing curiosity as it flicked from one person to the next. When the flames surrounding it died down, its red-orange feathered wings became visible.

"Phoenix wings... That shouldn't be possible." Tai'Qui took a deep breath and focused. She'd heard that Nix's emerald flames could be pleasant when used on another fire creature, but hearing it was completely different than the experience.