
Bird Watching

In the twenty-four hours since claiming the graveyard, the Undead Faction lay claim to the Fury Burrough (15) and all but three Precincts in the Peril Burrough (14). The northern section of Peril featured mountainous terrain that made regular traffic tedious. A plateau near the highest peak marked the location of the Burrough Graveyard, Tsavo Summit Precinct.

The stone buildings of the Fury were a welcome change from the cave and tents of Xander. Although the HQ briefing room was rather Spartan, it was several steps better than standing in the mud. Alfie, Edi, and the Inferno Officers sat around a large wood table, discussing their plans. As agreed, their access to [Thine Enemy] rings remained a carefully guarded secret.

Semmi had her hud opened up and was zoomed to the northern area of Peril, where the enemy had bunkered down. "The northern section of Peril is not easily navigated by foot or horseback."

Pon pointed to the dozen or so peaks. "Does this mean we're boned?"