
Battle for Sandcrab

Nix finished freeing the second wheel from the mud and lashed it to the first one. "Trying to shoot my bear, we can't have that."

Morti held the ten-foot iron cannon in his jaws like it was a twig. He nodded his head in agreement.

/Skelly: Sasi: Sending updated enemy positions to our tactical map. There are setting up north of the choke-point.

/Skelly: Pon: We starting something?

/Skelly: Nix: Let's get this stuff back and then decide.

/Skelly: Sasi: There are several crates hidden in the brush a hundred meters from your position.

Pon had been searching the immediate area for projectiles and powder charges. When he heard the report, he took off at a trot.

Nix patted Morti's shoulder. "Your first fight as a bone bear. What did you think?"

Morti sat the cannon on the ground with a heavy thump. "Was pretty much like Tautius said."

Nix froze at the mention of the Titan First. "Tautius? Did he mention this place?"