

Nix waded into the knee-deep surf to greet Soup. She had grown again but wouldn't reach his full size for quite some time. "We're gonna hit the next stage of Mermaid City in a few days, I'm expecting big things from you."

"Nix?" Hyai called to him from the shore, she hadn't wanted to come since it was lunchtime at The Kindled Spirit, but Nix had insisted.

Nix waved at the Innkeeper. He had seen her in a wide variety of outfits but never in pants. "You look good Hyai."

"Why am I wearing pants?" Hyai tried to frown at him, but her lips wouldn't comply.

"You'll be happy you did." He rubbed Soup's head one last time and then came ashore. "You have some Spirit companions now?"

Hyai nodded, her freckled face blushing slightly. She had found herself surrounded by a crowd of Aquarions, all of them wanted to be her Spirit companion. She was unsure if her popularity was caused by the Kindled Spirit or by Nix. "Four of them."