
Phoenix's Alpha

It all started with an offer to help. Two girls. One who was destined to stand up against an antiquated and unjust law. The other helping her from the shadows. They changed their very world. For the better. What started as an unlikely friendship, between an Alpha's sister and a Rogue, turned into a family affair when the Alpha finally caught the little Rogue. *** There is a party at at the beginning of Spring each year. Meant to help single wolfs starting at 16 to, maybe, meet their mate. It is a terribly large affair. This is a neutral ground and conflicts are strictly forbidden. The party lasts a week, allowing connections to form. Alliances to start or strengthen. Females are required to go. And most females long to go, dreaming of finding their prince charming and, well, to be fought over. For on the final day males will try to claim their choice. There have been females who have had over 10 males try to claim them. If an Alpha makes a claim though, most others back down. If the female chooses to not to accept a claim, by law a male family member must fight off the male. Though the one that wants her, can keep trying to convince her, and each year at the party retry to claim her. And her family can keep fighting for her right to say no. But if they lose, she must accept his claim and let the male mark her. And the mark will cause a bond that will slowly change her mind about him, even if she hates him. Or so they say. This is a horrific old law set when werewolves were a small endangered breed. But one that holds on to this day. Rouges are the only ones not allowed to join. Banished from their pacts they are looked down on by all werewolves. A female rouge is unheard of. But this time a female not wanting to be claimed meets a female rouge, and finds out that the law hides a truth or two. And together they turn their world upside down. With a tiny bit of help from their males. *** And then years passed since the unjust law that allowed males to claim females who were not their true soulmates was overturned. All unmated wolves now share a common fear; that as the first wave of rebels, many of them would be mateless, because of mistakes their ancestors made. And that their mate have been claimed by someone else. The Belcourt siblings are still waiting for their true mates to show up. André Belcourt is the Alpha of the Bell Moon Pack. As an Alpha, there is an immense pressure to have a Luna and an heir. But he hadn't been willing to give up the chance that she was out there still. With his peoples' very vocal worry for him, he had been constantly reminded that her presence was missing in his life. One night of weakness gave him an heir. Lorenzo. And with his birth the nagging stopped. The pack accepting that he was one of the ill-fated ones not meant to have a mate. With him having an heir and his sister acting as Luna, the pack had finally left the subject alone. Then Lorenzo was taken. And an old friend of his sister is suddenly in front of him. In all her adorable glory.

Sinjin · Fantasy
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49 Chs

A Canceled Spell

"She still hasn't told us her name," Theo pointed out as they walked away from the room they'd given her, heading back to André's office. André hadn't wanted to leave his son, but had compromised by leaving four of his most trusted men to guard them. Two outside her door and two under her window. She had laughingly protested that he was making her feel like a prisoner, but hadn't asked him to take them away.

"I know. Can you arrange the party tonight? I have some allies to call."

Theo's smile was on the edge of savage. "It would be my pleasure. As will be taking down those bastards."

André smiled back and, settling behind his desk, called Luc.

"Any news?" Luc's voice was tired and strumming with stress.

"Wonderful news. He's home without a single hair harmed."

"Oh!" Luc let out a sob. "Thank the Goddess. How?"

"A tiny, pretty rogue just waltzed in with him."

"That sounds like," he stopped himself.

André sighed. "Yvonne's rogue. And don't worry. I won't ask you for her name. She'd under my roof now. I'll get it myself soon enough. And she told me to tell you that Yvonne will be seen soon by a sorceress extraordinaire, implying that that too would turn out all right. Though she wants you home as soon as your able to finish."

"My last one is in an hour and then I'm on a plane."

"Good job, Luc."

"It'll be easier now. How'd she find him?"

André filled him in on the whole story.

"I will be home soon. Don't make a move on the Craters without me. I want to be there," Luc growled.

"It'll take planning."

"Good. Get to planning. See you."



André smiled at Phoenix's door as he heard Celeste giggle, followed by her soft laughter. He had informed Celeste earlier of Lorenzo's return and after a stunned second, she had dashed out of the room, only to mind link him a minute later to sheepishly ask where to go.

He knocked. Celeste opened the door with a grin. Her golden hair now braided in a crown around her head and she was dressed for the party. It wasn't her new look that had him blinking rapidly and his heartbeat picking up. It was the smell of roasting marshmallows over a fire flooding his senses. He heard Celeste talking from a distance.

"Are you here to escort us down? I told her she didn't have to change, that dress is adorable! But she let me curl the ends of her hair and add makeup to her eyes to make them pop." He felt himself be dragged into the room. "Well? What do you think?"

She turned to smile at his sister. She really did look good in that high waisted dress. Almost too good he thought as she took a step and the fabric clung to her hip. Her hair now fell in a mass of curls over her shoulders and down her back. Her eyes looked bigger and her lashes longer. His ring still glittered on her finger.

"Did you cancel your spell?" he asked in a husky voice.

"Yes, I do plan to stay until he's safe. So your point made sense."

He nodded, his wolf's joy combining with his joy until the feelings was almost painful. She tilted her head at him. Still not quite meeting his eyes. He suddenly needed that more then he needed air.

He mind linked Theo to come get Lorenzo and Celeste and take them to his office. And the wolves guarding her window and door to transfer there.

"Celeste, Theo's going to meet you on the stairs. Take Lorenzo, please, we'll meet you there."

Celeste gathered the baby with a happy skip and closed the door behind her firmly.

He walked closer to Phoenix. "Look at me." She froze. "Please?" he breathed.

Slowly her eyes lifted to meet his. He lost his breath at their beauty. A rich chocolate color circled by an even darker brown on the outer edges. He felt a deep calmness settle over him. He had found her. After all this time of hopelessness, she had waltzed into his life with his son in her arms. And she loved Lorenzo. He had seen that in every interaction they had.

Her gaze searched his. He smiled and held out his hand. Her eyes dropped to it, then shot back to his, widening. She paled and gave an almost imperceptible shake of her head. He felt his smile lose some of his joy. And she saw that. Her beautiful eyes edged with tears. Then a smile lit up her face and, taking a deep breath, she placed her hand in his. He looked at it for a moment, so tiny, so fragile. His hand completely engulfed hers. He pulled her into his arms. Lifting her off the floor, he placed his nose in the hollow of her throat and breathed her in.

"Mine!" he growled. He began to laugh and spun her around and around, causing her to laugh with him. "Mine!" he shouted to the heavens.


Phoenix closed her eyes and leaned her cheek against his chest. She had never felt as safe as she did right now. Nothing could hurt her. No one was chasing her. Everything was perfect. There was no darkness; only joy. It was the most amazing feeling. Addicting.

She opened her eyes when her feet touched the floor, afraid he was going to let her go. But she should have known better. André had waited to find her past what most considered sane. Had stood strong against vocal opposition and worst. He was never going to let her go. She waited for the fear that had grabbed her when she saw him offer her his hand take ahold of her again. But there wasn't any. It had fled with his touch.

A rogue no more, she thought with a crocked smile, looking up into his amazing blue eyes. They started light and darkened to almost purple. Just like Lorenzo's. But his held adult worries and pain, as well as joy.

"You don't even know my name." Her words came out breathless.

"You could tell me." He picked her up and, carrying her to a chair, sat so she was draped across his lap and looking at him.

"What if you don't like what you hear? Your brother didn't."

"You're my mate."

"That's not really..." She closed her eyes, taking strength from his touch. Was it really just a minute ago that she had never felt it? "My name is Phoenix." She opened her eyes after the silence became unbearable.

There was such compassion in those beautiful blue eyes. "The things you had to do to survive." He pulled her close and breathed her in again. "I'm sorry I didn't find you sooner."

She began to giggle.

He was shaking, thinking of all the rumors of "The Phoenix" he had heard over the years. He breathed in her scent to calm his wolf. He had failed to keep her safe. She was here, no alive, because of her own strength. His son was here because of her strength. Her giggles slowly pulled him out of his thoughts. He looked down at her sparkling eyes.

"How's your situational awareness coming along?"

His eyes widened and he began to laugh. "I could have had you then," he groaned.

She shook her head, "You got me when you were supposed to. The Moon Goddess couldn't have had them drop Lorenzo any closer to me. And now here I am. A mate and mother all at once. If you're mine, then so is he," she growled.

He placed his forehead against hers. The overwhelming feeling of happiness lessening to joy. They stayed that way, calming down for a few minutes.

He surged to his feet and with long strides, crossed out of the room and started down the stairs.

"What are you doing? Put me down."

"No. My pack had had a bad week. They need some cheering up. And what could be better then you?"

She laughed and stopped protesting.

He made a detour to his office. Theo and Celeste looked up from playing with Lorenzo to stare in wide-eyed shock.

"Theo, she canceled the spell she was under. And guess what?" André laughed.

Theo's eyes widened further. "No."

She smiled back at him. "Yep."

"You're our..."


Celeste gave a squeal and began to jump up and down. Lorenzo giggling at her.

André laughed in joy.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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