
episode 2 part 1

It was a Sunday  Morning, and I was sitting in Sunday school, when Mariah showed.

"Kanisha, you won't believe this, there's a character on 'Phineas and Ferb", said Mariah, then I stopped her before she finished her before she finished her sentence and closed the door.

"What was that about?" asked Mariah.

"That new character I am her, I got teleported into the TV, with this".  I said, Pointing to her necklace.

"I.. I.. I don't know what to say", said Mariah, with a shocked look on her face.

"Please say you believe me", I said.

"Well, you are not lying, since you never do that, and it's not a joke, otherwise you would have laughed", said Mariah."And you look serious, then I believe you".

"So, please can you keep this a secret", I asked Mariah.

"No problem", said Mariah. "if you let me give you some tips on your next TV adventure", said Mariah, hold a piece of paper.

"Thanks", I said.

In the afternoon, I was putting down my McDonalds, and sat down on her bed, when she saw a lawn gnome beach party of terror on her computer.

"Well, I guess I should explain myself more", I said, looking at the necklace.

Once the show starts the necklace starts glowing again, which teleports into the show with the theme song and I sees that my character is it.

"Well, better check off me being in the theme song off the bucket list", I said.

"Times to have fun", I said, as the theme song is. "Remember to explain my character more and have fun".

Scene opens up showing a bird flying, then burns.

"This is Stanky Dog coming to you in the hottest of the summer. Unless you live at the beach, I say take it easy and do nothing' today. Yup, just find yourself a shady tree, and maybe an aquatic mammal of some sort, and blow the whole day off", Said Stinky Dog.

"Come on, Ferb. If we let a little heat stop us from having the best day ever, then the morning DJ's win", Said Phineas.

I entered the backyard.

"And we can't let that happen, hi", I said, wearing an orange dress, swimsuit and wearing black stripes.

"Ooh, boy, it's hot today! So what are you up to?" Said Linda.

"We're making our own beach, right in the backyard",  said Phineas.

"Oh, how cute. I'm off to my spa day. You kids behave yourselves and don't bother your father. He's finally cleaning out the basement", said Linda, then leaves.

"Bye, Mom! Yes you heard her. We can't bug dad which makes me in charge… By default", Said Candace, then pauses 

"We're gonna need more sand. Hey, where's perry", said Phineas.

"Good morning Agent P. Lawn gnomes across the Tri-State Area are disappearing, leaving thousands of gardens unprotected from evils of black magic. We suspect Doofenshmirtz. Get right on it", said Major Monogram.

"Aren't you a little young to be a landscape contractor?" said the Contractor.

"Yes, yes I am". said Phineas.

Offscreen Isabella has a dreamy look and voice.


"Hi, phineas", said Isabella. 

Isabella walk up to Phineas.

"Oh, hey Isabella", said Phineas.

"Hi, kanisha", said Isabella.

"Hey, isabella", I said.

"Whatcha doin?" said Isabella to Phineas.

"Building a beach. Check it out", Said Phineas

Ferb is shown posing on a giant sprinkler.

"Can me and the fireside girls be lifeguards. We need to earn our Aquatic-Safety badges", said Isabella.

"Sure", Phineas said.

"I mean, I've been a friend of Suzy's longer than Katie, so I should've been invited to that party first. I don't care if they're lab partners! We're locker neighbors. And locker neighbors trumps lab partners any day", said Candace on the phone, while sitting on the couch.

Candace gasped.

 "Sorry Stacy, gotta go", said Candace, still on the phone.

"Welcome to our beach". said Phineas.

"Hah! You call that beach? This is way below your usual standard. This isn't even worth a call to mom. You know, if you guys ever want to be popular, you're gonna have to stop playing in sandboxes", said Candace. Candace gets hit by a beach ball. 

"Hey!" said Candace.

"Candace, what do you think?" said Phineas.

"That's it! I'm calling Mom", said Candace, dialing the phone.

"Hey, Candace". said Stacy.

"Jenny? Stacy?" said Candace.

"You never told us you have a beach in your backyard", said Jenny.

"You're going to be the most popular girl in the neighborhood", said Stacy.

"I will?" Asked Candace.

"I saw Jeremy and his buddies with their surfboards". said Stacy.

"Jeremy's here?" said Candace, panting, and dropping her phone.

"Gotta go", said Candace, then zips off.

"Yes, yes! Just look at the bounty of gnome riches! Oh, this is a strange one. Wait, who are you? ... A platypus? ... PERRY THE PLATYPUS?! You are mine now!" said Doofenshmirtz, and pressed a button, the garage door opens. 

"Oh no, wait, wait, wait. That was the garage door opener. You are mine now!". said Doofenshmirtz, and pressed the button, a large monitor activates. "And that was the TV remote. I've got to start labeling these things. Aha! YOU are mine NOW!" 

Doofenshmirtz laughs maniacally.

"Finally, I will rid myself of you!" said Doofenshmirtz, and brought out another control. "But first, turn your attention to the giant screen and...". said Doofenshmirtz, then the garage door closes. Dl

The scene cuts to the beach.

"Let's get this beach party started!" said Phineas.

"Alright", I said, grabbing a beach chair, umbrella, and relaxing in the shade.

(Song: "If Summer Only Lasted One Day")

While, the people are having fun and  doing beach things.

Then, the scene goes to Candace holding two coconut drinks with straws in it, then a coconut drops on Candace's head, which knows her down, and the crab carries.

At the limbo contest.

"How low can you go? How low can you go?" Said the crowd.

"Look! So that's how you can go. We've been asking that question for generations". Said the dancer, surprised.

"What? What's everybody looking at?" Said Candace, confused.

"For winning the limbo contest, you are now officially crowned Queen wahini of the beach! All hail Queen wahini" said the dancer.

"I can't believe it", said Candace, overjoyed.

(Song "backyard beach")

"I've never been happier in my entire life", Said Candace, with a big smile.

The scene cuts to Linda at the spa, she takes cucumbers slices off her eyes.

"Something is very wrong. Not a single call from Candace", said Linda and Checks her phone. "Not even a text message. Olga, hose me down. I'm going home". 

Cut to Doofenshmirtz 

"Okay, I think I finally got the right one. Now, perry the Platypus", said Doofenshmirtz, with a flashlight shining on him. "you will finally understand...my Pain!" 

Then, Doofenshmirtz presses the remote.

In the flashback, it's greyish/black scenery with people.

"Back in Gimmelshtump in the days of my youth, the Doofenshmirtz's were a proud family. But those were lean times for my father and our beloved lawn gnome was repossessed. Who would protect our zatzenfruit garden from those witches, spells and wood trolls? From a tender age, my father decided that it would be me", narrated Doofenshmirtz, while in the flashback these things are happening.

"Bewege dich nicht!" said Doofenshmirtz imitating his father, also the word means don't move.

"While the other children played Kick the-Stumpel and ate Doodleberries; I would stand for hours", Doofenshmirtz narrated.

"Bewege dich nicht!" said Doofenshmirtz, imitating his father.

"All through the cold night as the Spitzen Hounds howled, my only companion was the moon. And my neighbor Kenny", said Doofenshmirtz.

"Bewege dich nicht!" narrated Doofenshmirtz.

"And since my lawn gnome was taken away from me, I will destroy every lawn gnome in the entire Tri-State Area! Behold, the Destruct-inator! And now, Perry the platypus, to activate my creation!" said Doofenshmirtz, showing his inator, then pushes a button and opens Perry's trap. "NOOOO!"

Next chapter