
Philippines in Another World (Because Japan is too OP. Please Nerf)

This is the Philippines, the Pearl of the Orient Seas. It is a country of sunny weather and sweet smiles, where life is relatively simple (unless you are into politics) and where people are friendly and warm. However, it is not without flaws. For instance, Philippines suffer corruption in the government like other developing countries as well as decades of insurrection. The rich only gets richer and the poor gets poorer, while since time immemorial the country's denizens have this habit of hating their presidents and loving foreigners more than their own countrymen. It seems nothing has changed much since the famed EDSA Revolution of 1987. The year is 2042. Philippines has reached economic growth comparable to South Korea in 2022. Still, elite families control the government and social justice remains dismal. The younger population became increasingly materialistic while their parents are becoming more and more irresponsible. The problem has shifted from "how to decrease population" to "how to make spoiled kids' and parents' ass off to work". In terms of military power, the country has acquired considerate amount of firepower but remained one of the weakest in the ASEAN region thanks to politics. Worse, China and the USA has declared war against each other after a diplomatic blunder thanks to the incompetence of their respective new presidents. The world is doomed to a world war 3 while the Philippines was caught unprepared for war. Instead of finding solutions, politicians in the Philippines continued to blame their political enemies while the CBCP called everyone to prayer, hoping that God would make a miracle that make Philippines somewhat immune to nuclear weapons. Ironically, the prayer got answered in a way that is unimaginable....

HiyoriTokisada · War
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14 Chs

Chapter 6: A Kingdom in the Midst of Change

"Your Majesty," a knight in shining armor knelt before King Alfonso.

"Stand up, Sir Franx, and tell me of this strange tidings."

The knight stood up and began to report to his king, "Your Majesty, one of our Pegasus Knights has detected a strange, flying object that looks like a flying sword southwest of Panthera. It was about the size of a Yellow Roc but is capable of flying thrice as fast as a Pegasus. Upon further investigation by the Ivory Wings, the flying sword seems to hail from an archipelago that suddenly appeared in the middle of Leviathan Sea."

Suddenly, another knight hurried and knelt before the king as he reported an urgent news.

"Pardon my insolence, Your Majesty. I have urgent news. The Ebony Wings have detected a large ship escorted by five smaller ones fifty leagues Southwest of Panthera. They don't look like to be made of wood and have no sails."

"What!?" Legatus Franx exclaimed as King Alfonso VII remained calm and collected.

"Knights," King Alfonso VII commanded his soldiers, "rally the Ivory and Ebony Wings as well as our armada. Prepare to engage the unknown fleets if they turn out to be hostile but do not do so until they make their intention clear. Understood?"

"Yes, Your Majesty," the two knights stood firm as they beat their chests with their closed fists before leaving from the King's presence. No sooner, the King was left alone on his throne as he contemplated the situation.

"A new country has suddenly appeared before us. What does this mean? Are they a gift or a scourge from the gods?"