
Pharaoh's Vengeful Prisoner

"I'll always be with you, Cairo. I promise." The echo of her voice was heard. "You're leaving me, Kissa." "I'll find you and be with you." What does fate have in store for them? ------------------------ How about we go back in time for a beautiful love story? To BC? The time when there was war. The time kingdoms fought for possession of lands. The time every king wanted to be a legend. Amongst all kings, one would always be the most powerful. And he is the Pharaoh of Suma, Asim. But of course, he didn't fight his battles alone… Kissa was taken away from her village at a very tender age and despite being little, she caught the attention of the Pharaoh for a reason hidden in the dark past. Kissa was blessed with the power to see the future and the past, and Asim used her powers in becoming victorious. Caged under his domineering wings with no way to escape, she didn't lose hope till she met him, her redemption. He was an outlaw in Suma and was hired to kill the woman behind the dominance of Asim. He was a step away from victory but he was her redemption and without him redeeming her, many will fall and die, putting the future in danger. With his help, she wants to take revenge on Asim and take back what's rightfully hers. Who knows if fate won't be partial? - - Thank you for joining me on this beautiful journey Do enjoy and support my book ಥ‿ಥ Notice: Book cover doesn't belong to me. Credits to the owner

Author_Limah · Fantasy
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46 Chs

True love

"Lady Kissa." Lapis said after a long pause. "Sabola told me you're busy working on controlling your powers but seems you're less busy to come over to visit me."

"Enough with your nonsense Lapis…"

"Watch your tone young lady. I am old enough to be your mother." Lapis frowned.

"Only if you carried yoru slut self out at the age of sixteen." Kissa shot back. 

Lapis looked at her and they both glared daggers at each other. 

"I can't believe you'll stoop so low and do this Lapis…"

"And why do you care? You're bonded to Asim and you're cursed to stay by his side for the rest of your life. I don't see why you'll care about this good for nothing guard." Lapis pointed out.

"And how is that your business Lapis. There are thousands of guard and men in this kingdom and you decided to take my guard of them all? And you think you aren't up to something? Oh cut it out Lapis."

"Pharaoh mustn't hear about this Kissa. If he does, yorj so called guard would rot in the dungeon for the rest of his life." Lapis sneered. 

"He doesn't deserve someone like you, he deserves better and not someone who would be the end of him."

"You and your mother are always taking the attention of the men I want. The world doesn't revolve around you Kissa. You're just a prisoner in your own land."

Kissa didn't reply to her again. She simply turned her back and signaled to Cairo to leave with her. 

They bother left the place with Ramla and Sabola behind them. 

"Get me my bath and prepare my transportation to the village." Lapis said to Nanu who just nodded and left to carry out the orders she was given. 

The walk back to Kissa's quarters was quiet as the three people walked behind Kissa who was still fuming.

"I want to speak with Cairo in my chambers. Alone." Kissa said as they stepped into her atrium.

Sabola and Ramla bowed as Kissa walked in with Cairo behind her. 

"Was that jealousy I smelt in the air?" Cairo asked as he rubbed his chin and he could see Kissa was trying hard to keep her hands to herself.

"It's not what you think Kissa. I didn't know when it happened and I strangely couldn't free myself from whatever was compelling me to stand still. Believe me."  Cairo explained but Kissa didn't say a word. 

"Cairo, do you like me?" Kissa asked after a long pause. 

"Why did you ask?" He questioned with a raised brow. 

"Just answer my question and don't question me again." Kissa rolled her eyes and Cairo looked at her for a while before replying.

"I don't know Kissa. I've never liked someone the way you're talking about. No one so I don't know if I actually do or not." Cairo replied and Kissa stood up before walking to the balcony.

"You don't know uhn? Well Cairo, I am someone who says how I feel if it's the first time I'm feeling it. Why did I do what I did?" Kissa asked him as she turned back to look at him.

"I'm actually shocked I did that. Like, why did I do that?" Kissa asked him again and he looked at her with a sly smirk.

"Someone is jealous another woman is touching me." Cairo flexed his muscles in his clothes. "It can't be a coincidence right? This is the second time you're acting like a jealous wife."

Kissa rolled her eyes before taking a deep breath and looking outside her room.

"You know Cairo, I'm starting to think that you are the one." Kissa asked and Cairo looked at her with a confused look on. 

"I am what?" Cairo asked but Kissa didn't say a word. 

Kissa closed her eyes and clapped her hands together in a praying way. 

Her hair started glowing gently. "I want to confirm my suspicions Cairo. I don't know why I am acting like this. It's so strange."

Kissa took a deep breath and a few scenes played in her head. 

A red string appeared on Kissa's right pinky finger and the same appeared on Cairo's right pinky finger also.

"I didn't tell you to make him fall in love with you for saying sake. I said it for a reason." Layla's voice said in her head as she returned to her normal self. 

Cairo noticed the red string for oa second and Kissa's gaze. 

"It truly is you." A smile spread across her face and she hasn't felt this happy in weeks. 

"What do you mean Kissa?" Cairo asked again, totally lost in this situation.

"I saw lots of obstacles Cairo. Ups and downs Cairo." Kissa took another deep breath as she walked towards him. "Lapis is right Cairo, you deserve someone better than I am."

It started getting clearer and clearer to Cairo but he wanted her to say it by herself, with her own mouth.

Kissa stepped in front of him and took a deep breath before grabbing him and lowering him for a quick peck on the lips which snet sparks flying between both of them.

"Cairo, you're my true love. You're my freedom but I really wish it is you and at the same time wish it isn't you because you deserve so much more than me Cairo. You deserve so much better."




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