
Pharaoh's Vengeful Prisoner

"I'll always be with you, Cairo. I promise." The echo of her voice was heard. "You're leaving me, Kissa." "I'll find you and be with you." What does fate have in store for them? ------------------------ How about we go back in time for a beautiful love story? To BC? The time when there was war. The time kingdoms fought for possession of lands. The time every king wanted to be a legend. Amongst all kings, one would always be the most powerful. And he is the Pharaoh of Suma, Asim. But of course, he didn't fight his battles alone… Kissa was taken away from her village at a very tender age and despite being little, she caught the attention of the Pharaoh for a reason hidden in the dark past. Kissa was blessed with the power to see the future and the past, and Asim used her powers in becoming victorious. Caged under his domineering wings with no way to escape, she didn't lose hope till she met him, her redemption. He was an outlaw in Suma and was hired to kill the woman behind the dominance of Asim. He was a step away from victory but he was her redemption and without him redeeming her, many will fall and die, putting the future in danger. With his help, she wants to take revenge on Asim and take back what's rightfully hers. Who knows if fate won't be partial? - - Thank you for joining me on this beautiful journey Do enjoy and support my book ಥ‿ಥ Notice: Book cover doesn't belong to me. Credits to the owner

Author_Limah · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Other side of the quarters

Kissa sat alone, lost in thought when Layla arrived through the balcony with her usual means of transportation.

"Are you ready to go already? I just dealt with Lapis right now, I can't deal with her again if she needs you." Layla sat on Kissa's chair before letting out a sigh.

"I could sit here forever."

"Cairo didn't react the way I expected him to react when I told him." Kissa sighed as she looked at her palms.

"He just left, like that." 

"Trust me Kissa, he'll eventually come around. He's just shocked, that's all." Layla assured her. 

"I've known him for years now and I know how he reacts to things so this is totally normal so no need to stress it." 

"Just focus on the task you have before you now."

Kissa sighed before she nodded, then Sabola walked in with a tray of snacks for Kissa. 

Layla was quick to sense her so she hurriedly left the place.

"Are you ready now my lady?" Sabola asked and Kissa nodded her head as she started eating.

"I'll have to warn you, my lady. That place hasn't been used in years, there are things that might hurt someone there.

"I say we'll be fine and there's no need for you to worry Sabola."  Kissa smiled and Sabola nodded before she stood up.

The whole quarters was silent as Kissa sent Ramla away for the day and ordered the other guard to stay outside her quarters, telling anyone who wants to see her that she was in the middle of her training session.

Although she had told Layla to change her form into Kissa's, just to be on a safer side.

Sabola led Kissa to the other end of the atrium which looked like a plain wall, till Sabola pushed a part of the wall.

The wall started opening gently and Kissa was shocked that despite all the hours she spent in the atrium, she never thought something would be behind the walls. 

Like, no one could even notice there was a passage there. 

They both stepped through the door and they arrived in another atrium where the pool had dried up already.

Kissa remembered this was the place she saw Dina in her vision. Then she started to wonder if she was passing a message across by being there. 

Every vision with an obvious location, has a reason behind it even though she didn't understand it quite yet.

"This was her favourite place to stay. This pool used to be filled with flowers like yours too Lady Kissa." Sabola said as they walked down the atrium.

Sabola led her through a particular door and the whole lamps on the walls lit up.

They soon got to a door that stood out and had carvings on it despite being made of gold.

Kissa examined the carvings on the door carefully. She saw a woman with shackles around her hands and a man who she was connected to.

Then the woman had another stung connected to another man.

Soon the chain started to break and despite feeling free all, she was suffering from it.

Sabola pushed the doors open and they arrived in a large room. 

The room still looked intact, only that it was covered in dust and cobwebs. 

"They don't clean this place at all. It looks like a room in an abandoned house." Kissa couches as Sabola removed the cobwebs and some dust.

Kissa started walking around the room. Unlike her own room,the room was bigger and had large wjbdiws fir cross ventilation because of the type of power Dina possessed.

Kissa walked to the bed and asked Sabola to wipe the large painting that was in the walls above the bed and Sabola did.

They were both confused as they saw a painting of tall buildings with lights. Some were made of glass and all.

At a corner of the painting, there was an inscription, "Civilization is coming."

"So this is what everything they are fighting for will turn into?" Kissa asked as she shook her head in pity.

Kissa pulled open the dude drawer of the bed and brought out a bunch of papers which had drawings and sketchings on them.

The ones that caught her attention were the brown book and a beautiful waterfall that was on the papers. 

"I've seen the book somewhere before." Kissa rubbed her chin, but she couldn't remember where she once saw it.

"I've seen the book a couple of times with her but it never leaves her room but after she heard Lapis talking about it, I didn't see it with her again." Sabola said.

"And beware, her snake might still be here." Sabola looked around.

"A snake?" Kissa asked.

"Lady Dina used to have a snake. Although they didn't get along really well but it was gifted to her by one of the enemies but she took it and removed the venom." Sabola explained and Kissa's lips formed into an 'o' before she heard silent hissing.

"Speak of the devil." Sabola gulped as the golden snake crawled towards them in a dangerous way.

Kissa couldn't help but take a step back but as the snake moved closer with insane speed, Kissa lifted her hands and it stopped.

"What just happened?" Kissa asked and Sabola looked as shocked as she was.

Kissa gestured her hands in a circular motion and the snake did the same.

"You have a kind of magic that controls snakes?" Sabola asked rather than said.