
Pharaoh's Vengeful Prisoner

"I'll always be with you, Cairo. I promise." The echo of her voice was heard. "You're leaving me, Kissa." "I'll find you and be with you." What does fate have in store for them? ------------------------ How about we go back in time for a beautiful love story? To BC? The time when there was war. The time kingdoms fought for possession of lands. The time every king wanted to be a legend. Amongst all kings, one would always be the most powerful. And he is the Pharaoh of Suma, Asim. But of course, he didn't fight his battles alone… Kissa was taken away from her village at a very tender age and despite being little, she caught the attention of the Pharaoh for a reason hidden in the dark past. Kissa was blessed with the power to see the future and the past, and Asim used her powers in becoming victorious. Caged under his domineering wings with no way to escape, she didn't lose hope till she met him, her redemption. He was an outlaw in Suma and was hired to kill the woman behind the dominance of Asim. He was a step away from victory but he was her redemption and without him redeeming her, many will fall and die, putting the future in danger. With his help, she wants to take revenge on Asim and take back what's rightfully hers. Who knows if fate won't be partial? - - Thank you for joining me on this beautiful journey Do enjoy and support my book ಥ‿ಥ Notice: Book cover doesn't belong to me. Credits to the owner

Author_Limah · Fantasy
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46 Chs



As the lady was about to turn her head, Kissa was pulled out of her vision by the slamming of her door. 


Kissa looked at Lapis who stood there with her arms folded.  "I'm sorry for barging in but you were gone and I was making sure you're  alive." Lapis replied  before bowing her head. 


'Isn't this lady a snake? This minute, she's wicked and exercising power,  next minute,  she's acting like a real servant.' 


"What is it?" Kissa asked as she turned to look at her, dropping the piece of clothing with her behind her. 


"Pharaoh  asked us to arrange something  for you so he asked me to bring you downstairs." Lapis replied  and Kissa nodded before  stepping  down her bed and when Lapis  turned, she placed the piece of clothing under her pillow 


Kissa followed Lapis out and Cairo followed behind her. Lapis led her down the passageway which was under her atrium. Kissa never knew the place was there until now. 


Lapis pushed open a door and the rays of sunlight hit them. Kissa was surprised to see the whole place was filled with water. A few steps led into the water from the entrance.  


The large water was divided into two. The inner part had lotus and other plants growing in the water while the outer part was clear. 


"This water was brought into the place from the river Nile. It is a natural  water which would help your powers grow more." Lapis explained  and Kissa took off her sandals and stepped into the water. 


For the first time ever, Kissa felt like she was free. "You, guard her and make sure she doesn't try to escape.  If she does, you're in trouble." Lapis said to Cairo who bowed before turning back to Kissa. 


"Pharaoh is having dinner with you and Lady Zahra and another guest tonight. Please don't miss it." Lapis pleaded before walking away. 


Kissa splashed in the water happily and Cairo looked at her with a slight smile he didn't even notice. 


Kissa dipped her head inside the water and came back up. Then she looked at Cairo who was busy looking at her. 


"What are you looking at?" Kissa raised her brows and Cairo shook his head before  turning  away. "When will your plan be executed, Cairo?" 


"It is not something you should know about." Cairo sighed as he sat on one of the stairs. 


Kissa walked toward him with her clothes sticking to her body. Cairo looked away and Kissa noticed why he did so she quickly took the towel on the stairs  and covered her body. 


"You know I can still tell on you if I want to." Kissa raised her brow with a smile on her face. 


"I don't know yet." Cairo sighed as he rested his back against the door. "Why exactly did they build this place for you?" Cairo asked and Kissa looked around.  


"I like nature, especially water." Kissa replied.  "It helps me connect with my powers."


"But I thought you couldn't control it." Cairo asked. 


"It comes unexpectedly so it helps control. Connecting with my powers that is." Kissa explained  and Cairo nodded. 


Night came and Kissa got ready for the dinner Lapis has told her about.  There was no maid to help her and she did everything alone. 


Kissa walked towards the main dining hall, where Zahr6was already sitting with Asim.


"You are late." Zahra clenched her fists angrily.  


"Let her be Zahra." Asim warned and Zahra rolled her eyes before settling anyway.  


Kissa sat comfortably while the maids walked in with trays of food and placed them on the table. 


"When will your guest arrive?" Zahra asked.


"Very soon." Asim hummed. 


Layla walked into the hallway dressed in a beautiful noble dress. Her gown was black with a golden belt around her waist. She was also wearing a golden usek with a golden wristband.  


Cairo looked at Layla, as she got to the door of the dining hall. She winked at him before  the other guards pulled the door open and she stepped in. 


"She is here." Asim stood up and he saw Layla step in. 


"Greetings to you Pharaoh. It is an honour to be here tonight." Layla bowed. 


Kissa looked up at Layla with a shocked expression.  'It's her.'