
Pharaoh's Vengeful Prisoner

"I'll always be with you, Cairo. I promise." The echo of her voice was heard. "You're leaving me, Kissa." "I'll find you and be with you." What does fate have in store for them? ------------------------ How about we go back in time for a beautiful love story? To BC? The time when there was war. The time kingdoms fought for possession of lands. The time every king wanted to be a legend. Amongst all kings, one would always be the most powerful. And he is the Pharaoh of Suma, Asim. But of course, he didn't fight his battles alone… Kissa was taken away from her village at a very tender age and despite being little, she caught the attention of the Pharaoh for a reason hidden in the dark past. Kissa was blessed with the power to see the future and the past, and Asim used her powers in becoming victorious. Caged under his domineering wings with no way to escape, she didn't lose hope till she met him, her redemption. He was an outlaw in Suma and was hired to kill the woman behind the dominance of Asim. He was a step away from victory but he was her redemption and without him redeeming her, many will fall and die, putting the future in danger. With his help, she wants to take revenge on Asim and take back what's rightfully hers. Who knows if fate won't be partial? - - Thank you for joining me on this beautiful journey Do enjoy and support my book ಥ‿ಥ Notice: Book cover doesn't belong to me. Credits to the owner

Author_Limah · Fantasy
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46 Chs


Cairo walked into Kissa's room when he was informed immediately he got to his position that Kissa sent for him. 

Cairo knocked before stepping into the room and Sabola stepped out as he got in. 

Kissa was sitting on her bed looking at the scroll in her hand. Immediately she sensed his presence, she looked up and shot him death glares.

Cairo was shocked she could even look that deadly. He was still wondering whether he did something wrong when she spoke up.

"Where were you?" Kissa asked with a raised brow as she slammed the scroll with her on her bedside stool.

"I went to the village…"

"To do what?" She asked with her arms folded across her chest.

"I went to see some friends and have some drinks." Cairo replied.

"Really?" Kissa raised her brows in suspicion before getting up and walking towards him.

The way she moved closer, he couldn't help but take a step back. Kissa stood an inch away from him before inhaling a deep breath.

"A woman. No two women." Kissa said with her eyes still closed. 

"What do you mean?" Cairo asked, confused by her actions.

"Two women touched you right?" Kissa shot her eyes open and he looked down at her. 

Instead of noticing the tone she used to say that sentence, he noticed she was a bit shorter than the last time she stood before him. 

"Two women touched you." Kissa said again and then Cairo noticed she was serious.

"And are you jealous?" Cairo asked with a raised brow. 

"Jealous?" Kissa scoffed. "Jealous. You were supposed to be on guard but you went ahead and went out wuth women?"

"You know what I see in your eyes and smell?" Cairo leaned in closer and whispered into her ear. "Jealousy. And it makes me think you're trying to hit on me, my lady."

"Ooh you've got some nerves." Kissa raised her hand to hit him but he grabbed it mid air. 

"You know your reaction is really cute." Cairo chuckled and she couldn't help but blush but she was quick to hide her face.

"Let go of me or I'll stab you." Kissa threatened. 

"With what weapon?" Cairo raised his brow and Kissa hit his hand with the bottom of the dagger she pulled out of her dress.

Cairo immediately recognized the dagger. "Where did you get that?" He asked and Kissa looked at it.

"It was bought for me." Kissa replied as she tried to place it back in her dress but Cairo took it from her. 

"Don't tell me you're the rude lady from the market the other day." Cairo pursed his lips and Kissa took back her dagger.

"Took you long enough to realize that." Kissa hissed before walking back to her bed.

"Now I see the reason why you have that trait of brattiness in you." Cairo folded his arms across his chest and Kissa tried hard not to throw her dagger at him. 

"Just shut up already. If you didn't help me the other day, I would have told Asim about you immediately I saw you at the party." Kissa looked at her nails before looking back at him.

Kissa looked at him from head to toe and although the feminine toxic perfume was still on him, he didn't act differently but she just wanted to hit him.

Before she could say another word, a splash was heard on her balcony and Layla materialized there. 

"How many ladies did you have, Cairo?" She asked as she sat down on Kissa's chair.

"Two." Cairo replied, looking straight at Kissa who glared daggers at him. "You don't know how to hide your jealousy Kissa."

"Why would I be jealous? I'm just looking for a way to report to Lapis that you went out." Kissa replied and he smirked.

"Sure. You can tell her." He flexed hsi muscles before turning to leave. "I'm on a leave tonight just don't tell Layla to come get me."

Cairo walked to the door and as he pulled it open, he turned back to her. "So you know, I didn't have any of the ladies."

Kissa rolled her eyes as he left and Sabola walked in. Layla had left the balcony before Sabola stepped in. 

"Do you need anything Lady Kissa?" Sabola asked and Kissa shook her head negatively.

"No thank you."

"Alright my lady. Good night." Sabola bowed as she pulled down the curtains and walked out.

Kissa rested her back and took a deep breath before closing her eyes to take a short nap before getting back to reading.



A woman with black hair like the woman she saw in the temple room in her vision called.

"Kissa… listen to me."

"Who are you?"

"Connect to me just like you connect to your inner self. Kissa… Kissa…"