
Chapter 71

Cain clenched his fists while Sammy poured a wide ring of salt onto the floor around them just inside the doorway of the church. So far, they were still breathing. The evil inside hadn't figured out they were here yet, which was what Sammy had been banking on.

His gut hurt. From Sammy's plan or her suddenly putting distance in their relationship, he didn't know. Twenty years since his family had been violently taken from him, and he finally had a mild sense of belonging again. He just knew she was going to end it. Instinct, his savior. She hadn't said so yet, but it was coming. Hell, she couldn't even look him in the eye.

He couldn't stop watching her, though. His badass little pixie, all broken and scarred. She could stand up to ghosts and battle demons, but she ran from anything resembling love. From what he offered. At some point, he had to let her. If they had any hope of survival, she had to let go. Trust him, and more over, trust herself.