It was no secret Sammy Hanesworth had hated him from the first moment he'd set foot in the Phantoms conference room six months ago. No. Scratch that. Hate seemed too meager a word. She loathed him with the fire of a thousand suns. Yes, that was it.
To Cain McClutchen, the real secret was why, but he wasn't so sure he'd ever get close enough to find out. It would require three-million SPF sunscreen.
They'd just ended another case two days ago and were sitting in said conference room awaiting orders for their next site. Except Cain and Sammy were the only ones in the room. Their producer, Elise, had wanted them alone first before the rest of the team joined them for a briefing.
He swiped a hand down his face and tried not to notice Sammy, which was damn near impossible. Short black hair, navy blue eyes, and a heart-shaped face that reminded him of a pixie. A badass pixie. She knew how to level a guy.