
Chapter 19

Ava decided to display the portraits in the great entry hall on the second floor. She hadn't known what to do with that room before their adventure in the attic, but ideas began flowing for a sitting room. Maybe she could find a way to get the hutch down from the attic and showcase the china set she and Jackson had found.

She wondered what he would think of the idea, then brought herself up short. Jackson was leaving. Soon. He was just a visitor passing through. He had no vested interest in what became of the place when he left. It shouldn't matter what he thought of her ideas and plans. Yet, she'd grown accustomed to throwing concepts and theories at him. Enjoyed his enthusiasm and suggestions.

Wow. She needed to backpedal before her heart got crushed.

Jackson came into the kitchen where she'd been wiping down the portraits.

He pocketed his cell. "Sammy's catching a flight back tonight."
