
Phantom of Hatred

Lucius Cain had already been abandoned from birth and abandoned to his fate. He was raised by the people of the street, who constantly changed and changed. Every day he grew up, and every day he saw only pain and suffering. But his unknown power grew with him. At the age of 12, he killed for the first time. Why? Because it seemed like the right thing to do. The thing everyone else was doing. The thing that seemed right to him. At 16, he was drafted into the army. No family. No strings attached. No problems. That's when he sensed his potential for killing. Killing without a shred of restraint and without a shred of compassion. His geniosity and power took him to the King himself in just a year. To the High Society, he hated so much. Offered the position of Chief Captain of the 12 Knights. Which he refused, thus ruining his career in the army. But Cain had a different goal. He didn't want to lead armies. He didn't want to take care of armies. He just wanted to kill. He joined the Underworld, where he quickly became the number one of the Underworld Twelve. Driven by a hatred of the world that he vented through death. Known for slaughtering the Estagardian Royal Family and, with them, an army of a thousand men. Later, Cain became the most powerful in the entire Kingdom of Sedruan. It took until he was 26 years old to recognize... Love. He left his post, let go of his hatred, and let the waves of love guide him. After two years of a beautiful, peaceful life with the love of his life, Sophia Caddel, he was robbed of his love at the age of 28. And with her death comes revenge. And with revenge against the world, he returns again... As the Phantom of Hatred.

AllFatherOmnis · Fantasy
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60 Chs

Info (Last and true promise) - 24/03/24

Greetings avid readers

Yes. Long time. A long time since my "active career"

Active is a strong word, but we understand each other. Unfortunately, a person with a job and virtually zero time to spare doesn't have the opportunity to write and post like when I started.

I'm terribly sorry about that myself. Through writing, I've been able to get thoughts, ideas and goals out of my already cluttered head.

I loved writing, I valued writing. 

Through writing, I was able to develop something in myself that I hadn't felt in a long time. 

And that was joy.

In my original statements, I promised many times that the activity of publishing would pick up, or at least be more frequent than it was originally.

But I always broke those promises, and I felt bad. 

I consider a novel like Phantom of Hatred to be a gem in my opinion. It may not be the best written, there may be mistakes, some chapters may have been written in haste to get rid of, and delay, the obligation to continue, but I wholeheartedly consider this novel a success so far in the matter of my enjoyment.

And what next?

I want to write, I want to write very much. 

I want to finish the story of one of the five puzzles.

I want to finish all five stories, actually.

And I really don't want to make promises again that I probably won't keep.

But this time I've decided to start writing again. I want to finish at least something in my life. I've never finished anything, and for myself, that's totally unacceptable.

There's another chapter coming out in another month. Once it comes out, I promise, and I do promise, that chapters will come out regularly.

Thank you.
