
Phantom of Dimension - The Introduction

Five clans. Guardians of the secret. An ancient secret. An odd town in the center of the Ancient Forest. Curious teenagers. The story unfolds when a pair of twins goes to their hometown to meet their grandparents with their friends in the summer vacation. The family goes out to the west of the Ancient Forest to the river fall for a picnic. The teenagers loses their way and somehow finds the Serpent Star and it leads them to the Grand Palace. Let us see what unfolds when they wake up from their slumber from the Serpent Star illusion and finds a majestic Palace in front of them as the sun sets in the horizon. Well, they definitely found it odd when the Butler of the Palace told them not to walk in the hallways facing Palace walls by their right sides. Curiosity changes the dimension. Because you see what you are not supposed to. And the more you see the more you know. Knowledge more than you can handle is injurious, no, life-threatening for your existence.

styxlegion · Fantasy
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17 Chs

There is no trouble at all, your grace

Large windows on the side of dining hall encased the beautiful view of Palash and Royal Poinciana trees blooming with orange and red flowers in the warm sunlight. There was no need for artificial lighting as the windows were large enough to let the whole room glim with light. Thanks to the diversity and nearby forest, there was a chill in the atmosphere. The sunlight coming from windows warmed that up. It was a time for brunch.

Harper looked at the food placed on the table. Warm cozy smell of freshly baked croissants was already permeated in the whole dining hall. Strong aroma of brewed coffee was coming out of the bubbling pot placed on the center of the table. Kary stretched her head to look in the other pot which was filled with steamed milk. Anna helped her serve the milk to little Joe. A large tray of baked dish was placed beside the pots. Carter opened the lid. Poached eggs and sausage baked with tomato sauce and Italian seasoning came into the view. Tangy flavor of marinara wafted out making everyone salivate. A basket filled with Some Brioche and soft biscuits was placed on the side. A plate of fluffy pancakes was sitting along with the bowls of sauces, maple syrup, butter, chocolate cream, a big bowl of ricotta cheese and plates of fruits, mainly containing strawberries, blueberries, grapes and citrus, boiled eggs and different types of cheese. The dining table was packed full with the dishes.

Harper took a large cup of coffee along with a croissant and some fruits and cheese with a baked dish. The old man and old lady made warm milk tea with steamed milk. Raph had sweet tooth, so he added some soft brioche and pancakes to his meal. Lana made a sandwich with croissant as bread and baked dish and some boiled eggs and cheese as filling. Anna loved the biscuits as she munched on them with a cup of sweetened steamed milk with chocolate cream. Carter made a fruit sandwich with brioche, ricotta cheese and berries. Roman was enjoying warm croissant and boiled eggs with baked dish as he passed the soft biscuits dipped in ricotta to little Joe.

Everyone had a filling brunch. The sun was almost above the head as they left the dining room. Roman and Joe said their goodbye to old man and old and promised the teenagers a tour to the town and parted their ways.

Butler Simon came and gave the old man a news that Mr Davis had sent a report two days ago and he had to check that by today as it was due today. The old man ran to his study while entrusting his grandchildren to his responsible butler. Old lady was reading some old book she had found while tousling her husband's book case in the old study room.

Simon led the teenagers to their respective chambers. Raphael asked Butler Simon for a tour to the Manor. Firstly the old butler took them to show the security system. He helped them enter their bio-metrics to the system so that they can enter any area of the Manor freely.

Butler Simon took them to the front yard and showed the mapping of the street where the Manor was situated in the Residential Area. Then he took them to the side where the Garden was cultivated. And explained them about the boundary from where the forest was starting. Then he let them straight into the Manor Kitchen. Chef Loris had already headed out for grocery shopping as the cooking and baking materials had been used up today because few extra heads had sprang up to make the part. The kitchen was almost like they had in the city. What were they even expecting? Wood burning stove?

The kitchen had U-shaped layout and slick white in colour. The overhead cabinets were hung on the side wall and they had gray tone. After passing through the Great Hall through the hallway the kitchen was structured. You could see half of the Kitchen once you enter the hallway. It was a kind of open kitchen as per Karen's request as she liked her home fragrant with the smell of cooking flowing through every corner. The large window on the innermost wall was open. An Electric Smooth Cooktop was installed just beside it so you could cook while looking at the beautiful scenery of the grape garden. There was a traditional gas stove in the corner as Karen could not get used to electric cooktop after using it for some time. The cooking cloth, aprons and other things were piled up on the middle counter along with cooking board and some other appliances.

Then they moved to the other side of the manor to the study room of Greg. In between Butler Simon introduced the dining area in which they had eaten the brunch, pantry, chapel and storeroom. Greg's study was in the corner and it occupied large area. Butler Simon knocked the door of the study.

"Come in." Greg's usual gruff voice called out.

Butler Simon gestured the teenagers to enter. Greg watched as Harper extended her neck into the door like an ostrich and observed the atmosphere and retreated her head back. She whispered to her companions outside, "Coast is clear. No trap ahead. Let's march in." And then opened the door wide and strutted in. Greg saw that the girl had retracted her head and then in few moments came in openly. What was going on with her?

"Hi Grandpa. What are you doing? We were having a tour to the Manor, so we thought, let's meet grandpa while on the way. Look, I got you the chocolate cookies I found in the kitchen." Harper went to the side of desk where Greg was working.

"Cookies? Where did you find it? I was looking for these for three days. Kary had hidden them when we quarreled in anger. These are my precious cookies. Ah… That's my granddaughter. How filial!" Greg took half of the cookies that Harper offered and gave the rest back thoughtfully while praising his granddaughter while smiling from ear to ear.

"Well, whose granddaughter am I?" Harper flattered back.

The crowd looked at the duo, thinking about how similar they were in nature. Sigh.

"Well, I am checking this report that Mr Davis had sent. It will take an hour or so. You can play around. I will join you after working. Simon, please get me the last month's report." He commented while noting something on his diary. As he looked up he saw that his granddaughter and that geek boy were by the books cabinet and discussing about some science book that they had managed to find in the matter of time.

Little dark eyed lady was fiddling with his white porcelain tea set placed on the glass coffee table while she and her two friends sat on the curved sofa in the corner. She lifted the delicate bowl and smelled the tea leaves as she listened to his grandson and little brunette discussing about the economic report placed on the table, and raised her eyebrows for she found the tea leaves being of quite high quality. Looked like she could not help herself as she skillfully brewed a cup of tea for herself and took a sip with her eyes closed.

Uh… Looks like I have found a master. The old man thought while noticing her actions. She was even more skillful himself, an old geezer, who was drinking tea for decades.

"How about you make a cup for us as well, young lady. If there is no trouble." The old man spoke eccentrically as he accepted the report from Butler Simon. He gestured him to sit on the chair opposite the desk.

The teenagers who were in their little world came to sense once they heard his voice. They collectively looked at the old man whose voice had suddenly changed dramatically. Butler Simon smiled silently as he thought that his master had found something interesting again.

"What trouble? There is no trouble at all, your grace. I shall brew you some right away." Anna, who was drinking her tea peacefully, was called out unexpectedly. She was surprised as she found the old man's way of talking interesting and answered while straightening on the sofa as if it was some royal chair and started another round of brewing.

Harper and Lana rolled their eyes simultaneously as they continued their discussing with the boys.

After drinking the tea the little lass had made, so skillfully and beautifully made, the old man sent them away to rest in their bedchambers while blowing rainbow farts at Anna. Butler Simon finally took them to the upper floor where the bedchambers were situated.