
Phantom King [PT.1]

DoofusWhite · Sci-fi
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11 Chs

Chapter 7

The morning approaches and the sun shines bright in the sky. West wakes up from the tearful pillow he has been crying in. He rubs his eyes while looking at the ceiling, looking like he just got out of prison. He turns beside him to see an empty bed, reminding him of what happened last night. As he looks at the lonely bed, he can read that clock and can hear the alarm going off ( It's Around ( 6:00AM ) . This makes him jump straight out of bed and get ready for the first day of training. While he gets ready, he receives a knock on his door. He opens the door and sees Isaac.

"Good morning West." Isaac asks in a thrilling tone.

West doesn't smile nor frowns, he just stands there in silence for a good 3 seconds and says,

"Sorry.. I just- d-didn't get that much sleep last night."

"Oh I see, you spent some quality time with your 'girlfriend'."

"Sure.. h-hold on, can I tell you something when we have some free time?"

"U-uh sure I guess."

"Alright, I'll talk to you later."

West closes the door without giving any time for Isaac to respond back. At this point, Isaac knew something was up. Once West finishes getting ready he steps out of his room, closes the door behind him and lines up at the front of the door. West could see many of the other training soldiers doing the same including Isaac and Kent. West and a few others have a few minutes to spare before starting their training. As West looked around he couldn't really recognize anyone, except for one person. He looked closer, and he knew for sure that he saw Xavier ( one of the people that mugged him yesterday ) and wanted to go confront him about it. So without breaking a sweat, West rushes towards him and hooks him right in the face.

"Eat this motherfucker!" West yells.

Xavier from the massive impact of the punch falls straight to the floor. Other soldiers watch in confusion and shock. This causes a argument and fight to start

Xavier looks up at West with a frowning face and tries to punch him in the stomach, but misses due to West grabbing his hand. West then proceeds to twist his arm. West successfully twists his arm completely and makes him lay on the ground, screaming in pain. While Xavier looks like he already had enough, West grabs him by his coat and carries him.

"Listen here bitch! If you ever try to mess with me again, I will snap your head off like a fucking twig!"

"Alright I understand, just please stop!" Xavier says this while crying.

West then kicks him and he launches him straight at the wall, causing him to be frightened of West from now on.

West then returns to his door in preparation for the general to arrive.

Around 5 minutes have passed since the fight against West and Xavier occurred. It is around 6:30 am and the sergeant comes walking in. The other soldiers, including West and Xavier, line up at the doors. As the sergeant does roll call, he looks at Xavier demented to know what happened.

"What the hell happened to you, Private Williams?!"

"W-Well S-Sir Wes…"

As Xavier is about to tell Sergeant Miller what happened, West gives him a death stare. Meaning if he tells him, that means a fist through his stomach.

"Well I just sort-of… you know tripped and fell on my face."

The Sergeant looks at him with an unpleasant face.

"Uh huh… very well then! Clean yourself up fast because the training today is going to be a lot of hard work!" The sergeant yells while looking at Xavier.

Many of the other training soldiers gulp at this. They weren't expecting the training to be hard on the first day. Once the sergeant is done taking roll call, he then stands up on a stool and gets prepared to give his speech.

"Alright ladies, hope you're ready for today's training because this is gonna be the most easy day in this facility! So let's get started with the daily routines. Firstly you guys will wake up everyday at 6:00 and must be ready at 6:30. Make sure during this time you'll have everything for the day because you guys won't be coming back here for the rest of the day. Anyways as I take roll call you guys stand quietly in front of your doors until I call your name. When I call your name, make sure to say 'Here' So I can make sure you are ready. I didn't do that today because I know you guys are not capable of that yet, fucking chimps. After roll call, I will escort you all out of the Fort and bring you guys straight into the M.A also known as the Medical auditorium at around 7:00 am. You guys unfortunately do not get breakfast but, suck it up and get over it. This is where you will be taking your main classes on how to become a successful medic while in battle. You all will learn necessary requirements to become a skilled medic. The seating arrangements will be determined on who you share your dorm with. And due to food shortages for us, we are unable to provide you guys with lunch. So after around 4 hours in the M.A, you guys will be escorted out and will be sent directly out of the base to get some lunch at around 11:00 am. You guys do get paid while in the training stage of your military career, so use your money carefully. Anyways during this lunch, you can hang out with friends or loved ones in other divisions of the base while getting a bite to eat. This part of the day will last for around 3 hours and everyone must return by then or else there will be consequences. But anyways, you guys come back to the base at around 2:00 pm. This is when serious training will begin. For 5 hours, you all will be doing physical exercise, medical drills, etc. This will lead all of you to 7:00 pm. 7:00 pm is when you guys will be able to have dinner and/or be with friends or loved ones. Basically lunch, but at a different time. Dinner will last until 9:00pm and yes same rules apply with dinner, if you're here late there will be consequences. 9:00 pm is when you all get ready to hit the hay and prepare for the next day. And at 9:30 pm all lights are out and shut off until 6 in the morning. So if you were listening to me and understood the schedule and ground rules, then you are all set. Today will be a little bit more light since it's the first day. But starting tomorrow, I am going to have to trust everyone here to be able to schedule properly. You all will be doing this daily for around 10 months! Am I clear with everyone?!"

Everyone nods their heads and yells,


The Sergeant smiles and welcomes them by saying,

"Great, then welcome to Hell ladies!"

The Drill Sergeant starts to lead everyone out of the living quarters and into the M.A. West sighs and follows the group, but then gets stopped by the sergeant.

"Private Smith, can I ask you a quick favor?"

West looks at Sergeant Miller and quickly says

"Yes sir?"

"Can you do me a favor by once your roommate gets back from the hospital, tell her the schedule and everything I went over with you guys?"

"Yes sir I will!"

"Glad to hear." He pats West's shoulder and walks away.

West sighs heavily, still wishing Alice was with him on the first day.