
Phantom in My Hero Academia

A boy wakes up as person in a dangerous world. How will he live up to his quirky life?

Ashtin_Pratt · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

It all starts here

"Danny wake up its time to goooo" my sister Danielle screams at the top of her voice. Oh my god she's annoying. Thats right Danny here, ghost boy as my friends in school used to call me. I walk down stairs to see my friends Sam,Tucker and Valerie downstairs waiting on me.

Sam shadow jumps into my arms burying her face in my chest. "Promise me you'll call. AND dont forget what we talked about Fenton. If you break your promise..."

"Relax Sam" i break her out of her stupor with a quick kiss and shes satisfied. I grin looking over Tucker and Valerie "Promise me youll keep her out of trouble."

"Don't worry man you know i got your back. Ill keep the squad safe while youre flying off to U.A." I look at my best friend, Tucker Foley the technopath, this guy was the only one who stood by me when my quirk awoke in elementary school. Everyone else called me creepy and goo face, its partially the reason im Okay with starting over in Japan. Im gonna miss him but ill be back when i graduate from one of the worlds Top 5 hero schools.

"He was talking to me you dipstick." Valerie chuckled as she leaned in for a hug. Our relationship was always complicated and toxic but ever since she settled with Tuck everything has been good between us.

"C'mon Danny youre gonna make us late." My little sister Dani was hyperenergetic as usual. Cant blame her, ever since our parents died in their fight against the villain Plasmius we've only been living here out of necessity. Now that U.A. hooked me up with a place we're gone.

I turn around and hug my friends one last time. "Promise me you'll all apply to U.A. next year so we can enjoy our second years." They all nod and Sam and Val even cry a little as Dani and I jump in the cab to the airport.

Phew that was emotional. Let me start over. My name is Danny Fenton. 15 years old about to start at U.A. High School in Japan. My parents were scientists studying the ghost zone. Thats a phantom dimension humanity discovered almost 2 centuries ago. The unleash of the ghost zone started the first wave.

Children born with Unique abilities called quirks due to the unnatural energy seeping from the ghost zones. Thats when Vlad Plasmius genius inventor created a way to close the portals. But that didnt stop him from using its energy to prolong his lifespan.

Over time quirks users became more common than the quirkless. Nowadays in society if you don't have a quirk then youre considered useless. But i have one so im not too worried about it.

My quirk is called Ectoplasm Physique. With just a thought i can turn my entire body to that similar of a ghosts. My black hair turns white, blue eyes turn green, oh and i can fly, shoot lasers and ice sometimes not too good at that yet. I can also power my vocal chords using it to perform either a power sound wave or mild hypnotism.

My dad had my power set and my mom was Japanese from the Himura family. Hence the ice powers and U.A. I apparently have a cousin going to be in my class.

My sister Dani is 7 and shes shown most of my pwer set except for the ice abilities yet. So here we are. The Fentons on a plane to meet up with our U.A. sponsor. Only 16 hours.

18 hours later

The fucking flight was delayed twice? Bullshit. Ugh well at least we finally landed in Japan. Dani is still asleep and im carrying her to meet our sponsor.

Going through baggage was simple enough especially since Dani woke up half way through and decided to walk. Im still carrying other rrrrrrrbags tho. Thats when a flash of purple hair comes and grabs my sister and starts squeezing her in a pair of giant titties.

My eyes start glowing when i noticed flashing. Taking a glance around i noticed a bunch of cameras taking pictures.

"Isnt that Pro Hero Midnight?"

"Is that her child?"

"No way Midnight has a child?"

"What about the other one then? No way how old is she?"

At this point Midnight had slapped the dude and was walking back over to us. I hid Dani behind me as Midnight walked closer to us.

"Fentons right? I was friends with your mom back when we went to U.A. Im sorry to hear that she passed away. My name is Nemuri and im going to be your Japanese Sponsor for your stay."

"Hello Nemuri, as you may know im Danny and this is Danielle, please take care of us."

Nemuri offers to carry Dani while i carried the bags back to her car. After a while she gets back to an condominium complex and led us to a door saying our stuff is already inside and she lives right across the hall if we need anything.

Bidding Nemuri a good night, I tuck in Dani before crashing. I get a good 8 hours of sleep and then spend the next week touring the area with Nemuri. Shes a bit perverted but shes definitely a good person.

Its Sunday afternoon and we walk past a beach with a green haired guy going for a run. He waves hello before continuing past me. Japanese people are so friendly. Nemuri takes us out Ramen as our last stop.

"Are you ready for U.A. tomorrow? The draft this year is no slouch."

"Yea its fine, as long as i get my license the rest will naturally fall into place. Cant disappoint you after all Nemu."

We continue chatting for a bit before heading back to the apartment. 8 more hours and im up. Nemuri is already taking Dani to school. Everything starts here. U.A. my new life. Mom, Dad, i promise to make you proud.