
Phantasm of Akasha

In the beginning, there was an end of the world, caused by a woman with a golden crimson hair by her dreadful powers. She was heralded as an Adversary of All Things by some, and as a True Goddess by others. At present, a foul-mouthed, prideful, boastful, and arrogant woman with a golden crimson hair came to a world unknown to her. But she's amnesiac, therefore she forces herself to travel with the Prince and the Dwarf who found her appeared out of nowhere to these lands unknown. To what end will her journey finds?

Antipyrexia · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Puppet Head and The Party

Ishnaia sat down at the bench seat with wooden table that has a space good for four persons. beside Alister, who is facing the sleeping drunk Reonne, and beside the sleeping person is Eustadd, who didn't mind the drunk fellow. With no further introduction, Eustadd gets to the point just as before,

"So, you came back sooner?"

"…" Ishnaia just glared at him, sipping loudly the meaty hot soup Aunt Minky prepared for them.

"I knew that you will come back and pray tell you will go and search for me. Interrogate me about these good men's whereabouts."

"Then why the fuck did you sent me out for!?" Ishnaia speaks poutingly.

"Of course, to kill some pesky cat roaming around the home. You did neutralize it yourself did you not?"

"What!?" Ishnaia blurted loudly. "You're stalking me?"

"No, my lady, just an obvious deduction."

"But I still don't understand Lord Eustadd," Alister began to speak, "Why did you let Lady Ishnaia here risk her life? Had you no chivalry in you!?"

"My Prince, even ladies can become warriors. Is it not that right Minky?"

"True, chivalry's meaning is kind of sexist if you ask me." Minky replied.

"That is not what I meant," Alister rebutted, "You had endangered her life after that battle with Hrefna!"

"!" Ishnaia glances at Alister.

"That's not true, Prince, we helped her battling the usurper Hrefna. We cared for her."

"Even so, how are you so certain, Lord, that Lady Ishnaia here will prove safe in your care!?"

"I believe you had seen her how she fights, right? She is no distressed damsel Sir Prince. Stop thinking that all women are helpless lad. But I do commend your overprotectiveness towards the lady right here."

Alister becomes quiet and grabbed his bowl to drink the soup from it. As soon as he does, Ishnaia feels that it is now her turn to speak,

"So, what's your game, old man?"

"Game?" Eustadd chuckled, "No lady, there is no game. There is only discussion of you all getting out of here, to let you all go back to the kingdom."

"…What do you mean?" Alister chimes in.

"I mean what I mean. This town will soon fall, because of my stupid son kissing Hrefna's feet. I knew you had heard something about those bipedal animals telling us being the villain. That's not far from reality. Your visit here, Sir Prince, was Van and Hrefna's doing. Perhaps they had cut off all my messengers to the kingdom, or maybe they had raised these rebel scums to do this harm towards my town. Ha! My son is not that smart. But Hrefna…She's only serving me for show. I had tried explaining many times to this son of mine on how foolish he does things. Little did he know he was outright being brainwashed by that raven. Of course, I will never say that to him upright. Our family is being spied from everywhere. One word slipping from me that is against their plan and I will surely be beheaded in my sleep by someone under me. You do know that my knights were mostly composed of Hrefna's underlings."

"What the fuck you're saying old man?" Ishnaia speaks up, "Your animal friends are tearing apart everyone out there! And your chicken friends are defending out there!"

"All the reason that Hrefna's plan may not have gone as well as she plans to. After all, you, fair lady, had wounded her. None of us here could, no matter how our rank is."

"Is wounding her is that such a big deal?"

"Yes, you had given the prince here an ample time to save our kingdom."

"Wait," Alister squinted his eyebrows, "save the kingdom?"

"As you may know," Eustadd continues, "this is just the beginning. Those wild animals out there were meant to be released at the Aerill."

"To the capital!?"

"Yes, at your home."

"And you just let Hrefna had her way to create those monstrosities?"

"What can I do?" Eustadd smiles wryly, "My hands are tied! I'm just a puppet head in the past years!" he pauses, "at any rate, that raven girl is going to Aerill."

"!" both Ishnaia and Alister were alerted by his words, but Eustadd raises his hand as if to calm them down,

"However! You don't need to worry about her."

"Why?" Ishnaia asks, "What did you do?"

Eustadd smiles and then, someone came rushing by at the dining hall. All eyes who is present darted on the sudden individual who came. Then it came as a surprise for most of them. He is, after all, a dwarfish man whose facade was all too familiar for Ishnaia and all the more to Alister, because he is the guy who was with him since he is young,

"Hardy!" Alister happily cried.

"Lad!?" Hardy says in surprise,

Just like before to Ishnaia, Alister stood up again and embraced Hardy in a second. And releases him.

"I am really glad that you are all right Hardy!"

"Same here lad! My skin is tougher than you imagine!" then he glances at the only people on the table, "The lassie is here too? I was hoping you had dump her already when I was gone!"

That sentence did not escape Ishnaia's ears and bellowed, "What did you just say!?"

"Nothing lassie, makin' sure that lad here didn't touch you or anything!"

"This is quite a reunion right Lord?" Minky says to Eustadd.

"Quite indeed." Eustadd replied immediately.

"…huh, whazzat noise? what was happening?" Reonne finally woke up from the slumber and saw Alister and Hardy happily talk to each other, then she noticed Ishnaia from the other side of the table. Then he finally stood up straight in embarrassment and clears his throat and smiles,

"O-oh um, hello there Lady Ishnaia!"

"Yo," Ishnaia says in nonchalant way and pointed at Eustadd, "Grandpa is here, mind your manners."

"ah… oh." And Reonne sits up straight as soon he turned his head and saw the grandpa.

"…I'll tell ya all 'bout it later," said Hardy to Alister, "But first, What're you all up to? It's as if there some kind of meeting going down on here."

"Prince," Said Eustadd, "Why don't you let Sir Bogazi sit here with us?"

"Yes, why don't we Hardy? Aunt Minky did some really delicious meal."

Hardy was quite taken aback by how close the two became. Nevertheless, he is as of yet uncertain as of the goal of this Eustadd Erons was. He knew Ishnaia, who was also present in this situation, will not abide such ridiculous meeting. But having her to Eustadd's thumb, means there must be big going on.

So, Hardy did as he was offered and all of them are finally present in this one table. He sat besides Alister and the discussion continued,

"Hardy," Eustadd speaks, "Let me cut it straight for you, You four need to get out of here. Minky here insists that she stand with me till the end."

"Of course, My Lord," says Minky, "After all, I'm still bound by a blood pact by your family! I don't want to take any chances of breaking that."

"That's Somiya's doing right?"

Minky hesitated before answering, "…yes, my lord. It may be that's she's still alive somewhere."

Eustadd smiled, "Thank you." Then glanced at Hardy, "Oh where are my manners, Minky, serve Hardy some soup will you?"

"Aye!" Minky turns around to fetch another bowl for Hardy.

"Did I hear right?" Hardy speaks, "What are you plotting?"

"To stand my ground." Eustadd answered with a wry smile, then turn his expression on a serious tone, "Is the Lady telling the truth? that Hrefna's forces are helping to defend this town?"

"True enough," Hardy nodded, "I saw 'em with my own eyes."

Ishnaia squinted, slightly offended, but didn't comment any further.

"Then," Eustadd continued, "There must be an unknown party

"Rebels?" Hardy replied.

"No," Eustadd shakes his head, "the prison was built with the technology of the Demon Lord Vladimir. It was created to nullify magick at the place. My son's favorite person, Pinta, was an exception, as she was attuned with the Demon Lord's magick. Thus, only such similar instrument which came from the Demon Lord, or non-magick can harm it."

"Then, who?" Alister asks.

"I do not know. All I can say is to be careful all of you. Hrefna Is not the only enemy."

"Here you go!" Minky suddenly place a bowl of soup beneath Hardy. He thanks Minky and Eustadd went on while Hardy feeds himself,

"Granpa," Reonne starts to speak, "…Did Bear knew all this?"

"What do you mean?"

"This! All the shit being put unto him! To us! I admit Bear is quite an hardass about anything but, does he know how fuck up is he dealing with!?"

"I'm not all-knowing child," Eustadd answered blatantly, "and I don't really care about this Bear person you are talking about. Why don't you perhaps calm yourself? I will not entertain you when you are spewing nonsensical questions."

Reonne rises up as if ready to attack Eustadd and Minky quickly acted, grabbing him in an arm lock from behind and casted a spell,

[With the blessing from above, let thy person give a peaceful rest for a brighter life, NEMURU.]

No one saw how the magick worked, but Reonne slowly passes out at Minky's arms and made him sleep again like he is from earlier. Everyone was silently watching everything had passed, and after the drama ended, Ishnaia started to speak,

"So, is he still drunk?"

Minky smiles, "He is."

Eustadd sighs, "Now where were we."

"Alister, lad," Hardy asks, "who's the poor sod?"

"My former captor." Alister answered,

"Captor? You and lassie?"

"No, only me."


"By the way," Eustadd said, "before I continue, what would you like to do with him?" He pointed at Reonne.

"Bring him with us." Alister said in resoluteness.

Ishnaia and Hardy both glanced at him in confusion. Nevertheless, Alister continued,

"He is a friend after all."

"I see," Eustadd nodded, "Very well then. Hardy?"


"I apologize to you for the rudeness of my foolish son to you. You do not deserve to be treated that way."

Unsure what to say Hardy expresses, "…okay, I guess."

"Let me ask this," Eustadd continued without delay, "did you perhaps, met my foolish son along your way out?"

"Aye, that lad attacked me out of nowhere and I just got lucky escaping from him."

"How did you escape?"

"With the lassie named Pinta."

"Ah, I guess he will be fine then." Eustadd smiled with satisfaction. "He got this obsession with her that even I do not understand…" He paused for a few and, "Very well then." He stood up.

"Where's the last you've seen them Hardy?"

"Near the main street, there's a hole made by those who call themselves D'vor or something."

Eustadd nodded, "Then I shall leave you now."

"I'll go with ya!" Minky said.


"We will- "Alister said but,

"No," Eustadd said to Alister, "You all should go away from this town after you finish your meal. Prince, learn who the true enemy is. Save the kingdom."

Alister looks downward and stares at Eustadd's eyes in a resolutely replied, "…I will."


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