
Phagocytic evolution

In the end times, when people complain about not being awakened. Ethan has created a devouring power for himself. It was at that moment that every Power became an option on Ethan's shopping list. Zombies, vicious dogs, powerful beasts of different dimensions. Weird towns, broken towns, mysterious worlds of different latitudes. In the footsteps of legend, starting with Death Town.

Wen_Liu_0168 · Horror
Not enough ratings
60 Chs

Just before parting

In a slightly dark room, the dim yellow light flickers, the humid environment fills here with a little moldy breath, a height of about 178cm, yellow skin, black hair youth looked at the steaming steak on the table, the youth walked forward two steps, the movement slowly sat on the chair, obviously, his body hurt.

The smell of meat between the nose can replace the smell of mold in the air, Ethan knows that this steak is made of what "animal", in this more than a year of training and growth career, he has witnessed several such creatures, from the first time to see the nausea, to now can not help but eat, he has obviously grown a lot.

It's not a nice world, and it doesn't take care of anyone's self-esteem.

"Come back, Ethan, eat." A slightly sad middle-aged female voice sounded, and the young man raised his head and looked at the "mother" sitting beside him.

Only to find that his "mother" is looking at himself with a worried distressed eyes, maybe it is his tattered clothes, or... It was an open secret in the family that Ethan would come back bruised after every special training session.

Although she also has black hair, she is not yellow, but a white woman, a high nose bridge and slightly sunken eyes make her face look very three-dimensional, brown eyes are very beautiful, but the rough skin and the faint wrinkles of the face give her a lot of points. Her original name was Carly Blaine, and she changed her surname when she married Ethan's father in the pre-apocalyptic civilization. So, her current name is Carly, and she is Ethan's stepmother.

In a small southern town with a population of less than 30,000, any noise will be made public, and Ethan's father held a simple and small wedding in a church, for which Ethan was often ridiculed by some mean classmates at school as a teenager.

However, the development of the story has let the school group of children who see Ethan joke disappointed, the stepmother is not malicious, not only for Ethan care, but also let the family's small industry thriving.

That's probably why Ethan's father married Carly, a woman who was plain, but kind and responsible, hardworking and down-to-earth.

"Don't make it look like separation." A middle-aged man with a small bottle the size of a palm in his hand sat down across the table with a smile.

"Wine and meat." Ethan looked at the small bottle in his father's hand and shrugged. "It does look like the Last Supper."

The father, Yi Chenggong, took a moment, put the flask on the table, forced a bitter smile, and changed the subject: "Son, speak English, I have told you many times, especially at a time like this, you have to take care of Carly's feelings."

"All right." Ethan spoke casually, switching from Chinese to English and gesturing to the small bottle on the table. "I've seen you sneak a drink a few times, and it's only one cap."

"He's just a kid." Carly said, with a slight worry in her eyes.

"He's seventeen, and I drank God knows how much when I was his age." She successfully took two small cups, unscrewed the cap of the small wine bottle, and the clear wine filled the transparent shot glass.

Hearing this, Carly glared at her success.

Ethan turned to look at Carly and thought, Aren't you a native Texan? You know, I thought you were one of those cowgirls with a revolver in your left hand and a wine bag in your right when you were 8 or 9 years old.

"Snort..." Carrie's tense face finally thawed, and she couldn't help laughing. Then she gave Ethan a white look, reached out and rubbed Ethan's head hard, and stopped talking. Apparently, she won't dwell on the issue, and she acquiesces in the father and son's drinking.

'What did you say to her? I frown successfully, mouth again can not help but whisper, "those damn flowers."

"Yeah, damn flowers." Kari pursed her lips, her smile eased and she sighed deeply.

It turns out that Kali is a power, and Kali can hear the thoughts in people's minds.

It's worth mentioning that Kari can't read people's memories, but can only hear the thoughts in each other's minds at this moment through her powers, and it is still intermittent and quasi-absent. This ability is not very advanced, but when used properly, it can be extremely important.

To get to the point, what is the "damned flower" that the couple curses and sighs about?

No one knows where the mysterious and glamorous flowers came from, but it is presumed that they were brought to Earth by creatures from other dimensions.

On an ordinary day two years ago, a lot of strange creatures suddenly appeared all over the world, they poured into the earth through strange space doors, a variety of strange species, among which the most common is a large dog-like creature, they have no hair, scarlet eyes, and bite everything in sight.

In the first two days, although the world was in a panic, but the world also tried to cope with such an emergency situation, have organized forces to eliminate these large numbers of crazy creatures into the Earth, to appease the people.

As for residents, the options are varied.

Success as an honest lawkeeper, of course, followed the government's advice, tightened the doors and Windows, and stayed at home with his family, waiting for the official rescue.

Unfortunately, they didn't wait for help, but for an even weirder world.

In the night of the next day, the unknown flowers bloom in the middle of the night, accompanied by the breeze, emitting a faint poisonous fragrance. At the time, the people of the small town of Harvey did not realize that this was a harbinger of real disaster until the docile pet slowly changed shape, became violent, and stared scarlet eyes, biting people to death.

Till the panic-stricken people became equally mad, their skin slowly turning pale, and their eyes glowed with scarlet...

This night, the town of Harvey was completely boiling, waiting for the people who were waiting for rescue at home, and finally waiting for the end.

If the influx of creatures from different dimensions brought the beginning of the end for people, then these grotesque flowers have opened a new era. With the passage of time, the world has also flooded with other-dimensional plants, and the gorgeous flowers will not only make livestock cranky, but also affect normal humans.

The mysterious flower seems to be a joke played by God on people, and it treats human beings differently.

Some people lose their minds and become walking dead, attacking their companions without warning.

Some remained as they had always been, either screaming and fleeing, or struggling to resist, waiting for help, under the attack of frantic people and livestock.

A small number of people, too, became the chosen ones, and their bodies, like those of the animals, underwent a strange transformation, apparently triggered by the scent of flowers, which gave them special abilities.

This grotesque world is indeed tragic, and even without any disguise, all the "injustice" is luoluo in front of people. When countless flowers bloom around the world, some people are devoid of consciousness and become the walking dead; Some people are still mediocre, die and flee; Someone else has been blessed with magical powers.

And Ethan is living in such a family, father and son in the same line, did not go crazy, did not become powers, but Kari has awakened special powers.

As for why mother Carly sighs and father Izong frowns... Because Ethan, as a soldier, has completed the final assessment, and in a few days, Ethan will leave for a mission, perhaps searching for supplies, catching prey, perhaps a rescue mission, perhaps investigating exotic species, these are not their control, the only thing that can be sure is that the death rate of soldiers is high.

"Oh..." Carly sighed deeply.

Ethan silently looked at Carly, he knew, Carly some remorse, she with a special ability, in the base mixed on a good position, but still can not protect the home, at least he can not control the fate of Ethan.

From the feedback given by the base alone, in terms of probability, out of 10 people, about 5 humans will become the walking dead, 4 will remain mediocre ordinary people, and 1 will become a power. Such a probability is not high, low is not low, she is how to hope that Ethan is also a power, so that the survival rate of the travel task is at least higher.