
Phagocytic evolution

In the end times, when people complain about not being awakened. Ethan has created a devouring power for himself. It was at that moment that every Power became an option on Ethan's shopping list. Zombies, vicious dogs, powerful beasts of different dimensions. Weird towns, broken towns, mysterious worlds of different latitudes. In the footsteps of legend, starting with Death Town.

Wen_Liu_0168 · Horror
Not enough ratings
60 Chs

I headed north


"The ninth sword, everyone is hovering on the line of life and death every day, humility, it is always good."

Ethan yanked out the black half-foot blade, grabbed John's head by the neck and pulled it out of the soft ground, showing it down again.

"The tenth knife, give me a crystal core, and we will wipe the SLATE clean." Ethan quickly searched for the nucleus in John's skull, but the result was disappointing to Ethan.

This power has never eaten a single crystal core? He wasn't strong enough to evolve a crystal nucleus in his head?

What a waste of a power for you, not to use it, not even to kill a demon dog, only perineals?

Think about it, John's powers were not as good as they should have been during the Great escape, and those evolved zombies were too powerful to stop and it's understandable, but the xenogenic dogs couldn't stop them?

Every time John throws it away, the fae dogs chase it down. And now, the death of John the Power is even more depressing, and the sudden surprise attack coupled with Ethan's determined heart, so that he has no room for reaction.

Of course, even other powers, in a situation like this, would have fallen prey to Ethan.

It is because there is no powerful super ability, so Ethan has worked harder to exercise his body, skills, grasp of the battle situation, timing, and judgment of terrain factors.

It is also because there is no power, not the favored son of God, so Ethan is more careful, more humble and cautious, the heart is also more ruthless, colder, more determined.

It's not a nice world, and everyone has to give something to survive.

Ethan's bruises all over his body are proof of that.

"Hiss... GRRR GRRR!"

In the distance came the great roar of the silvery predator, drawn by the smell of blood? They don't have noses? Of course, they don't have eyes, so how do they perceive the world?

Ethan could not care less, stopped meaningless speculation, in any case, he should not stay here much longer, Ethan quickly put away the dagger, mouth said the tenth knife, but from John's dead body, such wounds are far more than ten.

Ethan crawled forward on his knees, hands on the soil, and dived in, Shouting, "Don't shoot, don't shoot."

Outside the entrance to the other dimensions, a group of soldiers nervously watched as a pair of human hands emerged from the earth. Then there appeared a man with a face tinged with blood and a dusty face.

Aha? Did you change?

A blond white guy goes in, and a brunette yellow guy comes out?

"Special Operations Reserve, Private 8, Ethan." Ethan shouted, climbing quickly off the ground. "Come on, let's go."

"Are you Ethan? Is it the soldier who rushed to the flower alone for the team?" One of the soldiers of the special operations team looked amazed and asked, "You're not dead?"

"Yes, it's me, go, go, the predators are coming!" Ethan even rolled and climbed out of the soil, quickly stood up, facing a circle of dark holes in the muzzle, Ethan said anxiously, "we have no time, once those xenics climb out, we all die!"

All the special Forces soldiers looked at their leader.

Ethan followed his eyes and said, "I saw John the Power being pulled in by the predators, and while they were eating John, I snuck out. I was powerless to save him! I'll explain on the way. Come on."

The leader of the seven groups nodded, the identity should be correct, in fact, after Ethan's single assessment, it entered the line of sight of all the special team leaders, his excellent single assessment results are impossible to ignore.

Among them, Miranda, the leader of three groups, is extremely tough to announce the ownership of Ethan, although now Ethan is dusty and tatty, but the leader of seven groups can still recognize this young man.

Just when the leader of the seven groups tried to ask again, a big silver hand broke through the ground.

Ethan leapt aside, and the next moment, crackle, crackle...

The huge palms were obviously not human palms, so the soldiers' action of firing was very decisive.

"There's not just one way out, we can't stop it, we have to run as fast as we can, and believe me, they're more powerful than any xenon we know of so far." Ethan yelled. There was no way. The bullets were so loud that Ethan had to scream.

"Let's go! Explain everything to me on the way!" The leader of the seven groups made a quick decision, his eyes were bare, leaving a few soldiers to slow the predator's climb out of the land, and he ran quickly to the military vehicle with Ethan.

Luling base seems to pay special attention to this mission, seven groups came to about 20 soldiers, at least six military vehicles, the position is enough, of course, even if reduced a few vehicles, the position is also enough, because...


"What the hell is this? ?" The three soldiers left behind fought while retreating, but the huge palm that would just be beaten back by bullets seemed to be a little impatient, although it was out of a blood hole, but it seemed to feel no pain, the palm of the ground, hard to climb out of the hail of bullets.

For a moment, everyone saw exactly what kind of creature Ethan was talking about as a "predator."

Two meters tall, huge, slender limbs, although it is a human appearance, but such a body shape is somewhat deformed, and that a silver skin in the sun shining bright color, and even some dazzling.

The predator's face is so smooth, it is hard to look at a face without features, etc...

"Neighing! The painful silver predator roared angrily, the face suddenly opened up, like four petals of flowers, but the flowers went to two extremes, the flowers are very beautiful, its blooming cheeks are so ugly, the inner circle, rows of fine teeth may make the patient numb.

"Aaaah! Go to hell!" The soldier's blood also came up, desperate to shoot at the open bloody mouth, in the line of sight, the bloody mouth is getting bigger and closer.

In one instant, a giant silver predator had tackled a soldier to the ground, its blossoming head wrapped around the soldier's head, swinging wildly back and forth.

The soldiers who were not dead were in severe pain, frantically tapping the trigger, and all of a sudden, a hail of bullets.

"Get in, get in!" The leader of the seven groups finally realized the seriousness of the problem, shouted quickly, and trotted onto the military vehicle with a bent waist.

Ethan dodging bullets, beside the sound of bullets flying over, is really frightening, Ethan quickly lie on the ground, climbing forward, finally came to the nearest military vehicle, Ethan clenched his teeth, quickly up the driver's seat, start the vehicle, and in front, 4 cars have been pulled out, Ethan was the last one! ?

"Well, I'm used to the setup." Ethan was the last to flee in his car, which means he was probably the first target of any predator that came after him.

Ethan took a sudden turn, and instead of following the road, he turned directly into the wasteland.

If the world is really like this, then having all the predators after you is also a good choice, at least to give seven groups more time to escape.

After all, Team Seven is down because of Ethan, and if Ethan had just crawled out, maybe he wouldn't have attracted predators. But given the right conditions, Ethan went after John anyway.

Ethan does not regret his decision, John is a power, is a treasure of the base, his status is not Ethan like ordinary soldiers can match. Even if Ethan tells the base what happened, what happened, what happened, what's waiting for John is probably just a mild punishment or a lesson.

John has hated Ethan to such a degree, he can Yin Ethan the first time, there will be a second time, in the days to come, Ethan himself, and even Ethan's family, I am afraid will be implicated, Ethan will never allow such a thing to happen again, so Ethan seized this opportunity, did not choose to swallow.

Great revenge, but also involved seven groups of soldiers, Ethan heaved a sigh, in that case, draw all the predators to their own.

This time, the predator won't let go of himself, and he should. Ethan's made up his mind.

From the air, it looks like the final scene of a movie ending.

A person, a military vehicle, slowly out of the team of large troops, gradually off the smooth road, flying alone in this yellow wilderness, behind, is quickly followed by five huge predators...