
Phagocytic evolution

In the end times, when people complain about not being awakened. Ethan has created a devouring power for himself. It was at that moment that every Power became an option on Ethan's shopping list. Zombies, vicious dogs, powerful beasts of different dimensions. Weird towns, broken towns, mysterious worlds of different latitudes. In the footsteps of legend, starting with Death Town.

Wen_Liu_0168 · Horror
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60 Chs

Countdown to death

The soldiers hurried into their vehicles, and no one wanted to stay in the grim, dead town for a second.

"It's gone." 'said Kate suddenly.


"It dragged the body away." Kate said with certainty.

"Well, that's all right. Let's go back to base. The situation in this town is so strange, the new evolved zombies are out of our expectation, and trying to figure this out is not something we can do as a team." Wilson's decision came as a relief to the soldiers.

In the silence, the three military vehicles immediately pulled out and returned the way they had come.

The car drove through half of the abandoned town, and the co-pilot John finally got tired of it and said, "Shit, shit."

'Shut up! Kate interrupted John suddenly.

'Why? John's temper was really on fire, and his reaction was there for all the soldiers to see, and it was meant to humiliate Ethan, but it turned out to be self-humiliating, and to make matters worse, he had Ethan put a gun to his head, which would have been disastrous if Ethan hadn't controlled it.

Such a scene makes John angry, the identity of the powers let him bully in the base, usually dare to work against him is a few powers in the group, and now even an ordinary soldier can let him face no light, John when suffered such humiliation?

John was about to say anything when Kate exclaimed, "Here they come! They're coming!"

'What? John's eyes widened, momentarily letting go of his anger, and he could hear the gravity of the situation in Kate's slightly rattled voice.

"Kate?" Wilson began with a serious expression.

"Many, mutt! 16, 7 heads, and... And evolved zombies! At least two! They're outflanking us!" Kate exclaimed.

"Can't you fucking hear the footsteps of evolutionary zombies?" Are you fucking kidding me?" 'roared John angrily.' Besides, are you crazy? They're different species! They don't hunt together, they don't even live in harmony!"

"They're running at full speed, they're... Oh, my God." Kate did not pay any attention to John, and as soon as she had finished speaking, the rest of the military vehicles reported over the communications device:

"Captain, we've got a sighting. It's a xenogenic dog!"

"Captain... They're going too fast!"

Wilson shouted orders, "Crank up your power and get out of town!"

As he spoke, Wilson half emerged from the vehicle and clenched the heavy machine gun in both hands.

"Kate, tell me where they are!" Wilson's voice came from above the car.

"They... They're in..." The usually calm Kate completely panicked, and the unbelievable truth came out of her mouth, "They... Everywhere."

"Mother! Fuck! You useless bitch." John clenched his fists, and it was impossible to overestimate how people would react in the moments leading up to death.

"The road on the left, the road on the left, quick, down the edge of town, down the jungle road." "Shrieked Kate." There isn't one!"

The only ordinary soldier on board was pale, his hands shaking as he grasped the steering wheel, and the vehicle sped off to the left.

Behind, are two flying military vehicles, a Jedi survival picture is slowly unfolding.

In such a flustered situation, Kate listened correctly and gave absolutely correct information, but after all, it was the first time they faced evolutionary zombies. Unlike other evolved creatures, evolved zombies are intelligent...

Three military vehicles gallop along the road on the edge of town, while in the forest on the right, three evolutionary zombies with silver skin lie quietly on the ground, quietly waiting for prey to enter the net.


The leading military vehicle had just sped past, and at the moment the second military vehicle passed a medium-sized tree, several silver lightning flashes flashed behind the trees in the forest on the road.



In an instant, the communicator came over the soldiers Shouting: "Fuck!"

"Fuck, what is this! ?"

"Oh, Jesus, come on... Merciful Lord..."

John's head on the cold sweat, sitting in the co-driver, he looked through the rearview mirror, saw the third military vehicle on the right rear wheel, actually lying on an evolutionary zombie!

Scarlet eyes, silver skin, with orange-yellow blood running through it.

"Jie... Jie..." Evolution zombies roared loudly, with long fingernails such as claws like the palm of the hard grasp to the right rear wheel, open a bloody mouth bite to the body.


Another silver lightning across, fast but heavy body hard hit the right side of the vehicle, lying on the outside of the driver's seat door, sharp claw section even caught the driver's seat soldiers! Soldiers scrambled to fight back, completely lost control of the vehicle, and crashed into the left mountain forest.

"Why the fuck did the base send us open-top military vehicles?"


The shouts of the soldiers, the sound of gunfire, a few seconds later, a howling pack of inhuman dogs...

"Ouch! Oh, my God! Ouch! My God!" Sitting in the middle of the military vehicle Lippi mouth carefully read, he thought he would die, but he definitely did not think it would be this way to die. Being eaten by a bunch of disgusting monsters?

Lippi helplessly looked at the rear of the military vehicles were dissimilar dogs annihilation, comrades miserable screams make people creepy.

"Hey! Hey! Look at me!" Ethan grabbed Lippi's head with both hands, forced his head to move over, and looked directly at Lippi, "Hey! Wake up!"

"Ok, OK, I don't want to die, I can't..."

"Lippi!" Ethan shook Lippi's head and said, "We can get out, we will get out, the only thing you can do now is stay calm!"

"Stay calm, eat shit, how can I stay calm, whoo-hoo!"

"With me, at least before you get chewed up by the monster, I will help you solve the problem of taking your life, but a bullet." Ethan slammed Lippi's head into the back seat of a military vehicle, "I promise, my bullets are faster than their fangs and claws."

"Chug." Lippi swallowed and nodded foolishly.

This is a very special way of comforting...

In the first military vehicle ahead, John was still in shock when he heard Kate muttering behind him:

"Yes, that's it, right..."

"What? Speak up, Kate, speak up!" John is scared now and can't take any more blows. He just hoped that the four soldiers in the third military vehicle would let the monsters eat for a while, so that the monsters would stop chasing them, so that at least the lowly soldiers would have some value.

"Go, follow this road to get out, here is the breakthrough..." Kate closed her eyes tightly and her voice became more determined.

"Well, I'd better be." John let out a hateful curse.

Wilson was still half outside the car, his gun hitting strange creatures that were trying to escape through the forest.

The soldier driving ahead was more convinced, his foot on the gas, and his mind was undistracted.

A short hundred meters were fleeting, and when the vehicle reached the corner of the road after ten seconds, the soldier in the driver's seat suddenly braked.

The road curve is different from the city curve, the road curve has a longer arc, rarely a 90 degree vertical Angle, so, as the vehicle slowly turned, in the distance, the soldier saw a scene that he will never forget.

Just less than 50 meters away from the road in the forest, a cogent flower gently swaying, gorgeous bloom...

And around him are dozens of xenogenic dogs... They crouched there quietly, without a single movement, without a sound.

Until the moment the military vehicle appeared, all the "statues" came to life!