
Chapter 12

He hadn’t taken more than a few steps away from the phone when it rang. The sharp tone made him jump. What if it was Gabe? Probably Jason wanting to say something more—maybe Gabe had just arrived at the café.

He threw himself on the phone, almost tripping as he grabbed the receiver. “Yes?” He cleared his throat. “Nortown’s Corner Shop, this is Chris. How may I help you?” He glanced down at the number on the screen—not Jen’s.

“Chris, this is Officer Ward. I can’t get a hold of Gabriel, and Hart told me you might know where he is.”

Cold spread in Chris’s gut. Heshouldn’t have left him. What if Gabe’s ex had found him? “I haven’t seen him since this morning.”

“Okay, thank you for the help.”

“Wait! What will happen now?” What if Gabe had left? What if he was lost somewhere?

“I’m on my way. I’m still some distance away, but I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

“I’m going up there.” Chris’s heart was banging in his chest. He had to make sure Gabe was all right.