
Pestilence: Rise Of The Pure Undead

Moulded from rot and souls, Loimos is born as an undead, as a skeleton. An undead linked to the weakest category of its kind, yet, he has something no other of the dead have. He is pure. Follow the journey of Loimos as he fulfils his duty and hunts down the living with extreme prejudice and faces off with the hypocrisy of those who live in death. In a world thriving with life, magic and heroes, he stands as the solution and its end.

Ready_ · Fantasy
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382 Chs

Thirst For Conflict

Things did, in fact, not go smoothly.

Lately, it seemed like everytime Loimos attempted something, someone would come along with a metal bar and hit him in the knees, he was well aware that it was naught but coincidences, but one could have readily assumed that Lady Luck was looking down on them, puking her last meal to demonstrate the esteem in which they were held by her.

Because, as it turns out, there is more than one dragon inhabiting this place, it made sense after all, somewhat, Dracula had a strong affinity with the lizardous characters, amongst the vampire lord, only he held the ability to reliably turn one of such beasts into vampire by sharing his blood with them.

Although not the strongest of the gravelords, the manpower and forces he could bring to the table made him an invaluable asset anyone would like to have by their side, a great commander, earning him the special spot of second in command when it came to the armies of the undead king.