
Pestilence: Rise Of The Pure Undead

Moulded from rot and souls, Loimos is born as an undead, as a skeleton. An undead linked to the weakest category of its kind, yet, he has something no other of the dead have. He is pure. Follow the journey of Loimos as he fulfils his duty and hunts down the living with extreme prejudice and faces off with the hypocrisy of those who live in death. In a world thriving with life, magic and heroes, he stands as the solution and its end.

Ready_ · Fantasy
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382 Chs


The students were being attacked from all sides, split into random small groups, enemies pouring from every direction, puppeteers dancing around, their unison seemingly unbreakable, weaving and spinning around with bloody grace, none had died yet, but many had been injured, forced to focus on dodging the burning attacks of the defilers, who were otherwise more dangerous than getting slashed or stabbed.

Utter chaos was befalling them all, their saving graces amounted to two things, the rigorous training they had been made to follow relentlessly, and the protection of their teacher, many puppeteers and defilers seemed to spontaneously combust were they to get to close to actually harming someone severely.