
New Challenges

Pirates got a bad wrap for being… well, pirates, but at the end of the day, they weren't really any better or worse than the average scum of the galaxy. They fought and fucked and lived like any other man. The problem was, they were freer. They were less inhibited. They weren't willing to bow down to Lords of the Quadrants who controlled the galaxy, or the other nobles that served under said Lords.

At least, that was what they all told themselves. And to be fair, once upon a time it had even been true. The original Pirate Lords had all been individuals who refused to bow down to the natural order of things. The galaxy was a big place after all, and while it was quite a bit fuller now, there'd been a time when there was no way for the reigning government to possibly control everyone and everything that was happening everywhere all the time.

Instead, the first pirates had been able to slip in and out of civilized space, making their mark on the public psyche and developing a reputation. A reputation that the nobles of said civilized space didn't like one bit. This led to quite a few wars, of course. The ancient Lords of the Quadrant spent quite a lot of their money on fleets designed to hunt down these ancient Pirate Lords in order to wipe them out and put them in their place. The trash, of course, where they presumably belonged.

However, because the galaxy was such a big place, there was no way to deal with all the pirates that were constantly cropping up. Civilized space could be protected, but given the way the frontier was always expanding, there would always be nice, juicy targets for the pirates to prey upon. Their role was that of the predator and the scavenger combined, while the Lords of the Quadrants were constantly forced onto the defensive, the massive fleets they were funneling money into not quite accomplishing the goals they set out to accomplish.

Oh sure, here and there a self-proclaimed Pirate Lord would be hunted down and made an example of. Pirate Ships had to adapt, to be sure, or else they were likely to end up destroyed by the massive fleets that the Lords were fielding. But at the end of the day, this had the opposite effect that those ancient Lords intended. Far from squashing piracy in its entirety, all they inevitably managed to do was make it leaner, meaner, and smarter.

In the end, the Lords of the Quadrants from that far flung time period could be said to have helped their pirate counterparts in a way. Mostly, by culling the chaff and removing the weak and the sickly from the herd. Pirate infighting could produce just as many casualties as the greatest Noble Fleet, but when you've got an enemy to unite against… well, the idiots among the Pirate Lords ended up dead for not putting their hats in the ring. Those that were left after all was said and done could be said to be the cream of the crop.

While the Nobles of the Galaxy operated on an inheritance system based around blood, Pirate Lords were much more cut-throat… and in a way, much fairer. One might call what the pirates had a meritocracy, albeit one steeped in treachery and betrayal more often than not, allowing for weak and sniveling weasels to end up at the helm just as much as the strong and the cunning.

So long as you were willing to do what had to be done, you could ostensibly make it to the top. Of course, staying there afterwards was the real challenge, seeing most of those so-called weasels removed from their positions the moment their new subordinates realized just how weak they were. Meritocracy at it's finest, to be sure.

Eventually, the constant wars between the Lords of the Quadrants and the best of the best Pirate Lords began to put a dent in the nobility of the galaxy's pocketbooks. And that simply couldn't be allowed. With great reluctance and a no doubt nauseating session in their stomachs, the galaxy's nobility banded together… and ultimately came to the unfortunate conclusion that they had no choice but to work WITH the more intelligent Pirate Lords.

And so, a somewhat secret pact was made between the Man and the Rebel. Those who kept to the status quo, having universally failed to remove the threat to it presented by piracy, instead worked to bring the Pirate Lords of old into the fold, creating a galaxy in which a Lord of the Quadrant and a Pirate Lord operating within that very same quadrant could be on a first name basis, could have communications, could even call upon one another to handle issues that the other could not.

All of this was to say… the pirates of this age could not actually say they were truly as free as their ancestors of old. They were more beholden then ever to those who held their invisible leashes. Every pirate crew had its Captain, after all. Every Captain answered to a Pirate Lord in some part of the galaxy, or they didn't last very long. All in all, while the hierarchy was a lot looser and far more prone to shake ups then the galactic nobility, it was still there.

But of course, the group of pirates that boarded Seven and Elise's vessel had no concept of any of that. To this rough and rugged group of men, they weren't just doing their jobs, they were expressing their freedom and independence in the most poignant and meaningful way they could. Of course, they were under orders from their Captain, but that was fine. They would all get a share of the loot, when all was said and done. And if they didn't, well, their Captain just might be dealing with a mutiny in short order.

Regardless, the pirate boarding party makes their way onto the small escape vessel. The ship can barely be called that, being more of a shuttle then anything else. Rooms? It has none. Supplies? Minimal and only the most critical to say the least. As the pirates crowd into the cramped vessel, glaring around with frowns on their faces, one of them pipes up.

"… Where the fuck is whoever was flying this damn thing?"

"Pah! What I wanna know is why we went for it in the first place? When you're a motherfucking shark, you don't go for the damn minnow! This ship was never going to have enough creds in it to even pay for the price of attacking it, let alone make sure we all got a decent cut!"

"Ugh, who the fuck let him watch Shark Week again?"

"Now see here-!"


In the midst of the conversation, one of the pirates who hasn't spoken up yet grows frustrated enough with the situation to fire off his laser rifle. The beam of overheated plasma hits a wall and causes sparks to fly, leaving behind a blackened spot but not much else. While a couple of the pirates jump a little and open their mouths in preparation to harangue the trigger-happy idiot, a situation that might very well have started a brawl, before any of them can say anything, a distinctly feminine squeal rings out through the small cabin.


Located suspiciously close to the blackened scorch mark on the wall, every eye in the shuttle craft turns in the direction of that squeal, and a certain… hunger appears on their faces as the boarding party all moves forward a step as one. Of course, it's a tight space, so in the end one of them beats the others over to the wall and after a moment, pries back a panel to reveal a hidden storage compartment. Not quite hidden, in truth, but more something that you wouldn't necessarily recognize was there unless you had more advanced knowledge of the shuttlecraft.

Inside of the storage compartment, huddled as far back as she can against the wall… is Elise in her torn maid uniform, eyes sparkling with unshed tears, lip wobbling as she realizes she's been found out.


As the pirates uncover where Elise was hiding, Seven palms one of his laser-daggers from where he'd been nestled up into the ceiling, letting out a silent breath as he prepares to drop down from above onto their heads. This disorganized, underequipped rabble would fall to his blade before they could touch even a single hair on Elise's head.

Admittedly, the plan of 'hide and wait for them to go away' was a stupid one in hindsight, the sort of plan that Elise had quickly come up with while he was still coming to terms with his new… mission statement, so to speak. Now that he was thinking a bit more clearly, and now that he'd had time to adjust his thinking to Elise's suggestion, Seven realized that they weren't going anywhere if they managed to trick the pirates into thinking this was an empty ghost ship.

Rather, their only chance of getting out of this mess now was probably commandeering the pirate's vessel, especially with the engines of his Mistre- of the escape shuttle blown out. So yes, it looked like he would be defending Elise with his life sooner, rather than later. Especially given the way that the pirate in the lead was smiling as he reaches for the whimpering red head.

However, before Seven can drop down and begin stabbing, one of the other pirates calls out.

"Oi, Captain gets first rights to all new girls, remember. Better not see you messing with her too badly."

Whoever this pirate is, he clearly has some sort of confidence to him, possibly just arrogance, possibility a position of authority. His words nevertheless have the effect of souring the look on the first pirate's face, even as he yanks Elise out of her hiding hole, lifting her up with a growl.

"Look around you, Kenig. This fucking boat ain't worth the missiles we used to take out its engines. If this bitch is all we're going to find here, then don't we all deserve a piece of the pie? She's practically all the loot we're going to get!"

Some of the boarding party nods at that, some look uncertain, and others look downright stone-faced, as if they know what a fool the one pirate is being. Meanwhile, the now-named Kenig is just as stone-faced as he shakes his head, dropping one hand to the laser pistol at his waist.

"She goes to Captain first, Oryn. Once a decision has been made, then we'll see if she becomes ship property."

That certainly didn't sound desirable. Still, Seven holds himself back for now. If they started fighting over Elise, it would be easier for him to kill them all in the ensuing fray. And so long as no one was forcing themselves upon the red head, he didn't want to give himself away and risk blowing the element of surprise. Better to wait and see.

Finally, 'Oryn' snarls and pushes Elise forward, right into Kenig's arms. The latter doesn't so much as look down at the cute maid, his eyes remaining on Oryn as if he's half-expecting the other pirate to try and draw on him anyways. But instead, Oryn just sneers and falls in line, and with that, the rest of the boarding party does the same.

Kenig is no gentler with Elise then Oryn was, as he drags her out of the shuttle by her hair. Seven bristles at hearing the red head's plaintive cry, but stays in the shadows for the time being, remaining silent and unseen as he sneaks across onto the pirate ship right behind the unsuspecting and unaware boarding party.

Most of the pirates, once they're back aboard their vessel, break off and go their separate ways. Kenig and two others who flank him on either side begin moving with purpose down one corridor however, and so Seven follows along after them, slinking through the shadows with purpose, knowing that no amount of cutesy boyishness would help him if he was caught here. After all, this was a pirate ship, not a city. He wasn't supposed to be here, no doubts about that.

Eventually, Kenig, Elise, and his goons all reach an ornate-looking door. Pressing a button beside it, Kenig speaks clearly and concisely.

"Oi, Captain. We searched the shuttle like you wanted, full boarding party and everything. Found a girl."

Seven doesn't wait to hear the reply. He's already slipping into a small maintenance shaft with ease, moving his way through the ship's innards to quickly try and locate the captain's quarters. Ventilation is the same everywhere, it would seem, even on spaceships, because he quickly finds himself peering through a grate into what must be the captain's quarters. Though, he's taken somewhat off guard by what he sees within.

"Hm, so this is the girl, Kenig?"

"Aye, Captain."

Elise has been pushed to her knees in the middle of the ostentatious, grandiose-looking room. Kenig stands behind her, while his two goons have apparently stayed outside. The reason why that might be is readily apparent to Seven… the Pirate Captain of this vessel is apparently a woman. Sat upon an ostentatious chair that could very well double as a throne of sorts, the incredibly voluptuous, curvaceous woman doesn't seem to have much concern about modesty, nor does she have much in the form of body insecurities.

With straight black hair long enough to slope down over and cover her naked, bountiful breasts, she sits there wearing an open captain's jacket complete with golden shoulder pads and tassels. Meanwhile, her skirt is less a skirt and more a loincloth, covering up her crotch but doing nothing to hide her thicc thighs and long pale legs.

Her blue eyes are dark as they stare at Elise searchingly, her beautiful face wearing a closed off expression as she toes with the purple sash around her waist that doesn't really seem to be serving any sort of use.

As the Pirate Captain considers Elise in silence, the room's other occupant pipes up, clapping and giggling girlishly.

"Oooh, she's adorable! Are we going to have fun with her, Mistress? Please? Pleeeeeease!!!"

The room's other woman is… well, in a lot of ways, she's similar to her 'Mistress'. In a lot more ways, she's most definitely not. While both women are decidedly among the most voluptuous and curvaceous that Seven has ever seen, the Captain carries her body type with a poise and calm and confidence that can't be explained.

The other woman carries herself more like the wanton, bimbofied slut she so obviously is. Blonde hair cascading down her back, big blue eyes that, unlike her Mistress, aren't dark and intelligent so much as bright, empty, and stupid. The dopy look on her grinning face can best be described as vapid, while her lips are far fuller and poutier than the Pirate Captain's.

Clad in nothing but golden chains that hug her curves at certain pointed parts of her bimbo body, the blonde is very obviously nothing more than the Captain's pet, kept as a bed warmer for who knows how long, and likely both physically and mentally modified to appease her Mistress' wants and needs.

"Hm. I suppose she'll do."

While the blonde squeals and claps excitedly, Kenig shifts from foot to foot before clearing his throat awkwardly, drawing his Captain's attention back to him.

"Ahem. The, ah, shuttle didn't have anyone or anything else on it, Captain. The girl was the only loot we found. The men were asking where their cut for this little venture would be coming from. Just so you know."

Bristling, the Pirate Captain finally rises from her throne, and despite her state of undress, despite the open captain's jacket and her bared long legs… she really pulls it off. She reminds Seven of… of his Mistress, truth be told. In spite of them being galaxies apart in many ways… they were all too close in others.

"Is. That. So?"

That dangerous tone though, was very familiar.

"Well then, Kenig. You can tell the men that, if they feel like they can't do one little job for me between the many LARGE scores that we've secured in recent months, they're welcome to get the fuck off my ship. And I don't mean at the next port we stop by. Do I make myself clear?"

"Aye, Captain. Crystal."

Kenig hurries out of the room shortly after that, with the door sealing shut behind him with a definitive snap-hiss. Stepping forward, the Pirate Captain moves over to Elise and smiles down at her, grabbing her rather ruthlessly by the jaw and holding her in place so she can look at her from all angles.

"Hm. Richard said to expect a boy and an older woman, if anyone did manage to make it this far. But you're neither boy nor older woman, are you girl?"

Either playing the part of cowed… or successfully cowed, all things considered, Elise just shivers as she tentatively shakes her head the best she can with the Captain's grip holding her in place.

"N-No ma'am…"

"Mm, ma'am. At least you know your manners. Good girl. I am Captain Anastasia Viyero, and you are aboard my vessel. Do you understand what that means? To be taken as booty by a Pirate Captain?"

"… No, m-ma'am."

"Quite simple, really. My pet over there, Betsy, was taken as booty by me once. Now, she serves me loyally and in exchange I take care of ALL of her varied needs. Don't you want to be like Betsy, young one? Don't you want to just… stop worrying so much about everything? Why don't you tell me all about how you came to be on that shuttle we found you aboard, and I'll see what I can do about making that happen."

For the briefest of moments, Seven is conflicted. It's not her appearance, nor even the way she speaks. It's the way the Pirate Captain carries herself that has him so… torn. She reminds him of his recently lost Mistress. But it's only for a brief moment. Then, the moment passes and his eyes alight upon Elise's panicking face as the red head whimpers, clearly afraid, clearly terrified.

His grip on the dagger still in his hand tightens, and without waiting another moment, Seven pops the grate and drops down into the room from above.


If you'd like to read more of my work not seen on this website, check out Hentai-Foundry.com and QuestionableQuesting.com! I'm known as 'Cambrian' on those websites.

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