
Full Personal Divine Reality Developer Egg of Legendry Interconnected Player

Full Immersion Virtual Reality

Personal Multiverse

Divine Egg

Personal Reality

Developer Console

World Egg

Legendry Weapon ± Interconnected Entertainment ± Player Character


Essence of Full Immersion Virtual Reality

Once drunk the essence lets you shift from your current age to 16 years old and slows your aging to for every 10 years you age a single day.

You gain mastery of everything from basic VR goggles, to long term VR status pods, to mind and soul digitization and A.I. creation, and creation of world seeds.

You can take any piece of media and create a fully fleshed digital world out of it with NPC that can run the gamut of regular video games ones to fully independent.

· Even creating seed worlds and accelerating time inside until it evolves how you desire.

· Time inside for gamers can run fast as well.

· These NPC's can even have souls.

· Creating everything from personal worlds made to order to vast ever expanding, evolving interconnected universes.

You don't need to have server infrastructure, as you have mastered the ability to encode the information into the background of the Omniverse & Beyond allowing the games and those uploaded to survive the destruction of multiple universes.

· None beside those you decide to can alter these and they cannot be invaded or corrupted.

· Can be used across the entire universe and other dimensions without lag.

· Allows you to create digital afterlives for souls.

· These Cannot be altered against your wishes.

· Your knowledge of this technology lets you travel the Omniverse.

Perfect memory, with infinite storage, perfect indexing, protection from harmful memories and the ability to move memories into hidden storage, replacing them with a mental note that you have done so and can restore them at will.

You never tire of the joys of life and your emotions will never be dulled by the mere passage of time. Adapting to cultural change over the centuries will never be grating.


Essence of the Personal Multiverse

This void-black essence tastes like an improved imitation of every great taste you've ever loved, and grants you power over your own safe little slice of infinity...

Upon drinking this essence you are granted the power to teleport anywhere within the infinite realities that you desire, including fictional universes. Your accuracy will improve with practice and familiarity, but you are otherwise guaranteed to land in a safe place within a planetary radius of your target.

When you enter a new reality you can choose to instead a perfect duplicate of that reality, attached to your Personal Multiverse, effectively splitting off the timeline with you in it, though this ability can be suppressed if you want to travel beyond.

· You may exclude other dimension hoppers from this duplication process, either individually or via blanket bans; and certain powerful reality warpers or Multiverse travelers may have protections against this duplication.

· You can still duplicate realities attached to your personal Multiverse if you wish to maintain separate timelines.

Access to your Personal Multiverse is strictly by invitation only.

· There are robust defenses both hiding and shielding your Personal Multiverse from the outside, but penetrating these and entering into a shielded universe without permission merely spins off a duplicate universe that is then dumped outside the Personal Multiverse along with the Intruder.


Essence of the Divine Egg

By drinking this essence composed of celestial substance you're transcended into a nascent god and cocooned in a divine egg, gaining several boons:

Your entire being (mind, body, and soul) is converted into a raw and nigh unstable celestial substance equal or larger than the size of earth's core. You are now the divine/cosmic equivalent of an infant whose excess energy can spawn galactic clusters or even entire universes.

Gain a large mega world that surrounds your form that acts like an incubator for you. Its purpose is to condense and concentrate your form while keeping a majority of your power in check. The size and shape of this world is for you to decide whether that's a flat earth the size of earth's orbit or a mechanical world the size of a solar system.

Spread throughout the entirety of your mega world are several paracausal/Magi-tech facilities and technology meant to promote your growth. Each facility/technology performs one or more functions that either stabilize your esoteric energies or defend you from invaders. These facilities are nearly impossible to destroy with only esoteric powers/weapons of equal or greater strength being able to damage them.

Gain a sun that is both a source of light, heat, and energy but also a massive reality engine/anchor. Its main purpose is to provide a safe environment for you to gestate by creating reality. The reality created by the sun is anathema to all Outsiders (cosmic horrors, eldritch gods, etc.), its light kills weaker outsiders while stronger entities are made vulnerable. It creates reality by transmuting the primordial void/chaos from nonexistence into existence.

· As reality expands further and further, lesser suns will be created to help stabilize it. They are not as powerful as the greater sun but are still useful.

Gain the ability to create pocket dimensions that can serve any purpose you desire. Examples include but aren't limited to:

· An afterlife where the souls of your mortals upon death and is shaped to your desire.

· A realm of constant warfare where your warrior are sent in order to sharpen their skills.

Born from your essence are a legion of servitors whose purpose is to serve your will/protect. They are creatures of both chaos and order, gaining the powers of both with neither of the weaknesses. They are infallibly loyal to you on a metaphysical level, there is no means (corruption, subversion, etc.) for them to be turned against you. You may decide what their appearance will be whether that's humanoid or not.

Lastly, you are given a vast boundary that separates your reality from the primordial void/chaos. It exists as a universe size dimension of immutable reality that prevents you from being swarmed by innumerable Outsiders. It acts like a membrane that slowly permeates small amounts of the Outside to enter so the sun can transmute it. The boundary grows in tandem with reality, making sure that it always surrounds and protects you.

After a few millennia, you shall reach full maturity and become a being of pure cosmic might. Your mind, body, and soul become completely inviolate thus rendering you immune to any outside influence. The power to create, manipulate and destroy a Multiverse as easily as breathing.


Essence of Personal Reality

By drinking this sweet drink from a black bottle you gain:

An invisible field that naturally radiates from your body for about 10 meters. You are aware of everything within this field.

The field can grow with practice.

You can manipulate this field to cause any kind of phenomenon you become familiar with. Essentially creating superpowers for yourself.

By extending your field to something and concentrating on it to get the feel of how something happens you can recreate the results with your field such as gaining telekinesis from using your field to examine yourself moving stuff with your limbs.

The power of your field will grow in time but examining greater phenomena will enhance the abilities you gain such as being able to create sparks and small fireballs from examining a match to being able to create car destroying fireballs after examining an explosion.

You can use your field to examine anything from the physical, spiritual or even eldritch phenomenon.

· Due to this, you are immune to mental hazards such as cosmic/eldritch beings' true forms. 


Essence of the Developer Console

· Drinking this gives you access to the developer console of every universe you may find yourself in with a handy save and load function.


Essence of World Egg

By consuming this essence you gain the powers of a world/cosmic/universal egg however unlike the originals you may do so as many times as you like

This allows you to craft entire worlds and universes to your specifications, you may even someday grow to be able to create a Multiverse.

You may choose to create primordial beings within your worlds.

You may grant powers of a world to yourself and others though it may be a pain for the others as the your power seeks to find a world of power that fits them.

You may travel to and from your worlds as you please and send others to your worlds and take them out as you wish.

Your potential becomes greater per world you create, create a world of fire magma and ash and you will receive greater potential for powers involving such, make a world of machines, science, and logic and you'll receive potential in whatever fields the world was made for.

Said potential can be compounded by making more worlds of similar fields.

You can control the time of your worlds and set notifications for specific milestones.

If you wish you may control worlds similar to the game WorldBox.



Essence of the legendary weapon

By drinking this essence, you get access to a legendary weapon of your choice, like a sword, bow or katana.

o You can make the weapon change forms to be better suited to the task at hand.

- This weapon has been modified so that it lets you use other weapons, instead of shocking you like it normally does.

- Legendary weapons have a variety of features and it gives you access to a leveling up function like a gamer system.

v You can improve your weapon in a variety of ways, some of the widely known functions and development methods are:

- [Unlock Form] - A Legendary Weapon can absorb materials into it. If the material can be used to unlock a new form it will do so, else the item will be stored in the Item Box. The time required to unlock a new form is dependent on the grade of the material and the number of forms the weapon has already unlocked. As the Weapon gains more forms, it can unlock new forms faster.

- [Item Box] - The Legendary Weapons have a subspace to keep unused materials.

- [Dismantle] - A monster corpse absorbed into the Legendary Weapon can be broken down into its basic parts automatically.

- [Recipe Synthesis] - A Legendary Weapon can unlock recipes for cooking, potion making, smithing, etc, through mastery of certain weapon forms. The quality of the output is always Normal, regardless of the quality of the inputted materials. (Unless the Hero has an ability that says otherwise. For example, when the Cook Job reachs level 10, the job allows higher qualities of food to be made from recipes, depending on the Hero's cooking stat.)

- [Weapon Copy] - Weapons that possess the identity of the weapon can be copied into the Legendary Weapon without consuming the original copy. For example, the Legendary Sword can copy any weapon, so long as the WORLD considers it a 'sword'. Weapon forms gained in such a manner have level requirements for use. Just like with [Unlock Form] the time required to copy a weapon is relative to the power of the weapon and will decrease as the number of forms the Hero has increases.

- [Weapon Mastery] - Weapons can be Mastered through use, repeatedly absorbing more copies of the unlock material, or by simply having the weapon equipped long enough outside of battle. Once the Weapon is Mastered, the Hero gains the weapons Equipment Bonuses, even with the form is not equipped.

- [Equipment Bonuses] - Equipment Bonuses are bonuses that come from individual weapon forms and can be mastered to make permanent. It should be noted that some Equipment Bonuses are unique, such as +10% Damage-to-Hybrids or Poison Resistance(small). Only the first weapon with this bonus mastered will count. After the bonus is mastered, the bonus will disappear from all other weapons that would give it. However, it can be added to with higher versions of the same Equipment Bonus. (+10% Damage-to-Hybrids and +15% Damage-to-Hybrids)

- [Awaken Weapon] - Once a Weapon Form is Mastered, it can be Awakened by consuming Energy gained from [Weapon Proficiency] in order to provide even greater Equipment Bonuses. Numerical bonuses will be increased by 50% rounding down (+15% Damage-to-Hybrids becomes +22% Damage-to-Hybrids). Nonnumeric bonuses increase by one grade (poison resistance(small) becomes poison resistance(medium))

- [Upgrade] - A weapon that has been Awakened can be Upgraded by consuming more Energy gained from [Weapon Proficiency].Each form can only have up to 5 upgrades. Each upgrade increases the stats of the Base stats of the weapon by +20% (additive stacking). (This will be shown as an up in the Weapon's Quality)

- [Weapon Enhancement] - Weapons can be enhanced by using [Soul Fragments] gathered from enemies absorbed into Legendary Weapon. An enhanced weapon gains damage /damage-reduction against the enemy type the weapon is specialized for. These bonuses will be different depending on the level of specialization of the weapon. As the Level of the enhancement gets higher, it becomes more and more expensive.

- [Reinforce Weapon] - Weapon Forms can be reinforced to a certain level (it's the (0/10) thing you keep seeing) by infusing the weapon with money, minerals or gems. The more powerful the weapon, the more value needs to be infused before it will be reinforced. Reinforcement has a 100% chance of success, and each level will give +1 to the Base Attack of the weapon (multiplied by Upgrade's bonuses, up to +2).

- [Weapon Tempering] - Nearly identical to [Reinforce Weapon] save for that the required material is specialized for each Weapon Form and there is no limit to the number of times it can be done.

- [Status Enchantment] - Individual Weapon forms can be enchanted by infusing them with certain materials in order to add special properties, depending on the material used. Rare and more magically potent materials may give higher bonuses. If you use a new Enchantment, it will overwrite the old one.

- [Job Assignment] - A Hero can equip themselves and their party members with 'Jobs' that offer special bonuses. These Jobs can be upgraded, up to once a day each, and grant more stats as they level, with extra perks gained every 10 levels. Jobs are unlocked and upgraded by consuming monster body parts.

- [Title/Fame] - As a Hero's deeds become more well known, the Hero will gain statistical bonuses in relation to those deeds. The more famous the deed, the more power it will grant the Hero.

- [Weapon Merger] - Two 'Awakened' weapon forms can be merged together in order to produce a new form. The Merged Weapon Forms possess no equipment bonuses, but inherent the Unique Abilities, Enhancement Bonuses, Status Enchantment Bonuses, and a mixture of the Base Stats of the parent weapons. Merged Weapons can themselves be merged.

- [Weapon Evolution] - As a member of the Party, the Legendary Weapons can gain experience in battle, gaining Evolution Ranks and Evolution Points. Evolution Points can be spent to unlock new skills/abilities which the Legendary Weapon can use. More skills/abilities become available as the Weapon's Evolution Rank increases. Evolution Points gained at each rank is equal to the new rank times 5.

- [Over Customize] - A Hero can improve the other methods of empowering the Legendary Weapon by spending Money in order to improve them. For example: Improving the [Weapon Tempering] feature could make the feature cost less materials, or have a greater chance of success. Improving the [Status Enchantment] feature could result in more power granted for the resources put into it. Money can also be spent to buy Hidden Abilities for individual weapon forms.

- [Access Permission] - You can give your party members [Access Permission] in order to allow them to access any of the items you have in your [Item Box], letting them grab potions whenever they need them. It also lets them use the [Recipe] system if they need to.

- [Ability Transfer] - You can transfer [Equipment Bonuses] to your party members. So if you have a skill that is redundant, like if you have the [Poison Resistance(small)] and [Poison Resistance(medium)] skills, you can transfer one of them.

- [Skill Points] - Every 5 levels, the Hero gains a Skill Point which can be used to purchase new skills, or upgrade already known skills or magic.

- [Skill Enhancement] - A Hero can use Skill Points to empower their skills

- [Magic Enhancement] - A Hero can use Skill Points to empower their magic spells.

- [Item Encyclopedia] - This is an achievements list based around gathering monster drops. Basically, by keeping a bunch of monster drops in your Item Box, you can gain small passive bonuses. Most of them aren't very useful, things like +2% damage against a very specific subspecies of monster, but some of it can be useful.

Apart from these functions, you can try finding new methods of leveling up yourself and your weapon, one of the heroes found a skill tree system with thousands of skills that gives you percentage bonuses in a wide variety of skills, based on his experience with path of exile, which is a make believe game (or a role playing game) from what the hero explained to us.

And before I forget, you are supposed to be a hero destined to save the World and therefore it's assumed that you are proficient with the weapon of your choice, so don't worry if you are complete novice, because the legendary weapon itself will provide you knowledge on how to use your weapon of choice, but you need to put in some effort if you want to become a master (Don't worry, as a hero your rate of improvement in using a weapon is at least 20 times more quicker than a normal person).


The Essence of Interconnected Entertainment.

A taste of mainly paper but with tinges of many flavors never tasted before.

This essence has only one ability, you have a connection with everything related to entertainment, whether it be Visual Novels, Manga's, Comics, Video Game, Series or Movies or anything that is considered entertainment by the user.

· This connection allows you to obtain qualities or objects of any kind in relation to what you are seeing, hearing or reading, this encompasses knowledge or experiences, this also includes objects or technologies, being able to take any object and bring it to your hands.

o Be careful of your environment, bringing something like the death star or an imperial destroyer from star wars, or a nuclear reactor pertaining to Fallout can damage your environment or those around you, you are protected to anything but the environment and people are not.

o It is exempt from any possible damage, corruption or any possible negative effects from anything you bring.

o Any person, entity or being you bring will have an undeniable or immutable loyalty to you, this will not affect their personality but your place in their mind is the highest even to anyone in their home world, you will always come first, beware, loyalty, obedience and undeniable faith can mean many things to many people.

o Watching series such as "Kenichi: The Mightiest Disciple" unlocks training, stances and skills in martial arts, whether talent, weapons or experience, "Dragon Ball Z" the Ki, techniques or different transformations.

o This also applies to video games, gaining qualities such as charisma, strength or skills as you level up, advance, obtain items and defeat bosses.

o The skills you get come with the experiences of their respective handling, if you get Fate's Cu skills you will have the experiences according to their spear handling.

o Different series and characters give different styles, it is not the same to get skills from Ranma than from Kenichi, although both are martial artists, both handle a different style and techniques as well as both had a different training.

The skills you get are interrelated as you have advanced in the plot you are reading, reading five chapters of a series or comic will only grant you the respective things that have been shown in those five chapters, regardless of who has shown them, if you focus on a character you will develop their respective skills and will continue to develop the same character in their respective series.

As mentioned before, you can get anything from any character, be it the protagonist, the antagonist or any character, be it secondary or tertiary etc.

They don't necessarily have to be objects or skills, they can include things like boxes to save characters from a video game or the save system itself like the campfires in Dark Souls.

Each thing will adapt and modify itself to you, taking away anything you consider negative and keeping what you prefer, adapting to whatever energy system you use or whatever you have at that precise moment.

You can modify or put together different things from different series, an example is a skill tree from any video game together with The Dresden Files own magic, what will come out at the end will encompass everything you have seen from both series, although it does not apply to the skill tree as you are pulling out the tree itself.


Essence of the player character

By drinking this essence, whenever you go to sleep, you'd be transported to a video game world of your choice, and get inserted as the player character.

- You can create an avatar for yourself in every game and by concentrating for 5 seconds, you'll be able to assume that form in real life too

- You can proceed through the game's storyline or do your own thing by going on side quests (so, what everyone basically does in Skyrim)

- The game world is a mix of computer program and real life (Technically speaking, it's a simulation of a timeline corresponding to the world on which the game is based and the people in the world react based on the simulation's interpretation of their character to account for your presence and use of out of context powers)

- At anytime in game, you can control the reactions of the NPCs to be as realistic as possible or let them carry out preprogrammed actions, so you wouldn't be bothered by them.

- You can also mark characters, so that they wouldn't be affected by the changes to the NPC reaction settings.

- You'd be ejected out of the game whenever you die or 8 hours pass outside the dream.

- When you die in game, you have an option to join back at the latest checkpoint or save file.

- You can have multiple savepoints for as many games as you want.

- You can change the flow of time in the game from normal to 1:24 ratio, with 24 hours inside the game being only one hour outside.

- Any thing you collect in game can be brought back to the real world and would work as it usually would, also game balance isn't applicable in real world, so the item works as it should in lore or based on your understanding instead of being arbitrarily nerfed.

- You also get an inventory screen to summon or store your items.

- You can bring NPCs, real world friends and other living things into and out of the game by keeping physical contact with them when coming out of the game or sleeping in the same bed or room.

- Optionally, you get party tokens that you can give to those people or creatures that enables them to move into and out of the game.

- You can select any game you want to enter at anytime, you'll re-enter the game world at the exact time you've left.

- Any power you earn in game works even in the absence of necessary meta physics. Any drawbacks you gain in game will be removed out of it, unless you don't think of them as such and want to keep them.

- Any powers that require specific body part, like wings or a special physiology work by transforming your body instantaneously for the duration of power usage and revert back to normal or stay like that based on your preference.

- So, you can be an eight foot tall angel or be an angel version of your normal self (except probably an idealized version of yourself, if you want it to be).

- You'll be able to insert yourself into games in fictional settings like yggdrasil from overlord or 'infinite dendrogram' from the novel of the same name.

- You also get a database of all videogames ever released and a detailed wiki of the story and walkthroughs.

- After a playthrough of the game you can play it again and again, all the weapons and stat improvements you've gained will be with you in the subsequent playthroughs.

- Any powers, weapons and items you've obtained in a game will be carried over to other games, so you can use the thuum you've learned in Skyrim to shout people off castles in dark souls.

- In a game with preestablished characters like street fighter, you can insert yourself into chun-li or be her student who has copied her fighting style perfectly.

- In a gacha game like FGO, you can be the player character gudako or her twin/friend/lover or even be one of the summoned heroes like astolfo (you'll have access to all his powers and noble phantasms, even appearance if you want).

- In a kingdom building/strategy game you can bring your army or buildings from the kingdom out of the game by tagging them with the metaphysical tokens you received with the essence, the tokens are self replenishing and you'll never run out of them.

- For MMOs, you can save multiple avatars with different classes and equipment and different save files, so you can have powers of all the classes at the same time.

- In visual novels and other similar text based games, you replace the main character or whoever you want to.

- You also get access to a wiki filled with different mods available for each game and a VI to suggest mods that might be useful to you, based on previous mod usage history and it also narrows down useful mods based on your criteria.

