

Returning to New Vandenberg by early 3023, I had some news waiting for me.

First, Smith had done a good job and the partnership of companies to start repairing the shipyard had been formed and the work on it was starting right now. Curiously, Jeremy's Consortium, the investment company of my (in this universe) late father was also in, even if for obvious reasons, I hadn't looked for them.

We also heard news of a coup in the neighbor Aurigan Coalition, and a bloody one it seemed, with House Espinosa removing House Arano from power killing in the process all the Arano bloodline The small nation was renamed the Aurigan Directorate and was going as far as making new contacts with the Concordat.

Nobody understood why I wasn't happy with that.

The decision to repair the Leviathan was taken after analysis of the cost and capability of producing the necessary parts. The JumpShip was going to be shared by VMI, V4RU and the Revenants with VMI taking precedent unless the Revenants had a Concordat approved mission. Custom production of the necessary parts started at once with the leader of the project being our resident genius, Dr. Murad.

Because buying from the Fed Rats was deeply frowned upon, I used the Revenants funds to buy a gyro for the captured Rifleman in Galatea, the Principal Mercenary Star. For that, I had to use the services of the Concordat representative in that system. The estimated time to receive said Gyro was more than five months, but I was in no hurry, and in the end the Revenants received a new heavy, dedicated anti-air 'Mech. And for the first time, they paid the repairs from their own funds.

During a working dinner with Dr. Farah Murad I asked her about her estimation of the time needed for the Leviathan to be once more operational.

'Well, you see Boss, first we need to get the necessary spare parts. Some we can produce here or at VMI, but several needs to be made by O-P Electronics and these might take time to be available. My best estimate is that we can get everything we need in about six months. Then, you have a six months trip from New Vandenberg to Badlands and back and you can add two months to do the repairs and refuel. This is obviously if everything goes without surprises.'

'So, you are saying that in the best case, we get that JumpShip ready in 12 to 14 months?' I asked the resident wizard.

'Very much that, Boss. I'm supposed to depart in about six months and return eight or ten months later.'

'If that is the time needed, so be it. I will order the DroST IIb with 6 ASF's to go with your force to provide the appropriate protection. '

The following day, I called Bertrand and Gilbert to my office.

'Gentlemen, I was thinking about the Snowden project and the status of these asteroid fields in the system. By your early report, TMM has lost the orbital infrastructure needed to build new Mining Stations and about the same time, a saboteur destroyed all the copies of the plans of the Snowden, was that correct ?'

'Yes, Boss' answered Bertrand. ' That was basically the reason that TMM stopped making new ones; that and a lack of funds to restart the project.'

'If I'm right, our system asteroid belts are almost untapped and even if we put twenty Snowden there, in a hundred years, they will only have done a small dent in the resources present, is that correct ?'

'Well, yes, but in all the Concordat there are only 18 of them and they can't build more.' Said Gilbert, looking attentively at me.

'The Snowden is a station that is too complex for what I want. I want you and your teams to design a much simpler version of it. For starters, it won't need a K-Boom, as it will only be used locally. Next, this system is well patrolled and the last raid was hundreds of years ago. So, I think we won't need armor nor weapons, as there is several ASF patrols in the system. On top of that, if the stations are only to be used locally, they won't need comprehensive repair facilities and I think that the smallest Grav Deck will be enough. We can rotate the personnel faster after all. I believe that with these specifications, you can design a much cheaper and simpler station that could be more easily produced and deployed locally. What are your thoughts on this idea?'

They stayed silent for a while and after looking to each other, Gilbert broke the silence 'Well… yes that is going to be a much cheaper and simpler design. But even so, we don't have the resources nor the money to produce these.'

'Design then and present me a plan to use some of these with estimated costs and benefits. As far as I am concerned, obtaining the money and resources for the project is my job.'

At the end of the reunion, Maud Gerard, my personal secretary entered my office.

'Mr. Bassot, you wanted me to remember you that tonight you have a ball in the capital. Mr Beaudoin's daughter is going to be presented officially to the society and it has been confirmed that Edward Calderon is going to be present. Mr Beaudouin is one of your strongest allies in VMI and it is one of the first time that Edward represents his father, so don't be late.'

'Thanks Maud, I promise to be a good boy.' I said with a smile.

She retired after presenting me with a look of light disapproval. At 56 years and a widow, she was the best secretary I could dream of.