
Persona: Genesis of the Rogue!

Author: "This is just a Persona Fanfic that I'm writing for the sake of relieving stress and to have some fun. This is just something I'm writing just so I can satisfy my imagination regarding the Persona Series. As such characters from other Animes, Mangas, Games, Movies, TV Shows, etc... Will most likely appear here as Personas..... Oh and by the way this is an original Persona story......XD" Author: "I do not own the Persona Series or the characters from the other Animes, Mangas, Games, Movies, TV Shows, etc... That will appear in this story. I'm just a fan that couldn't suppress the urge to write a fan fiction about this that's all. Now since I'm just writing this for the sake of satisfying my imagination, you can expect updates to be slow. Also I'm pretty much sure this story's gonna be bad. Now on to the description......XD" Description: A pair of blue doors suddenly opened and there you see a mysterious old man with a long nose sitting on a chair with his eyes closed. Igor then opened his eyes and stared at you with a creepy grin saying: "Ah well if it isn't the ones who will be reading the tale of my next guest. Welcome to the Velvet Room, my name is Igor." He then pulled out a book and started flipping through its pages: "Now let's see here... Ah yes... my next guest... the Rogue. Ah if memory serves, I have never had the pleasure of having a guest like this before. Unlike our previous guests who possessed infinite possibilities, this one could be considered to possess 'Unknown Possibilities' instead." Igor's grin then grew wider as he muttered: "Oh I truly cannot wait to finally meet this next guest of ours." Philemon who was standing on a blue balcony then raised his head and stared at the stars while muttering: "He who plunges into the Abyss and liberates the Unknown then brings forth the Impossible.... Such is the fate of the Rogue."

Lord_Killen_King · Video Games
Not enough ratings
2 Chs

Starting School!

When Tyler opened his eyes he once again found himself sitting at the front row of a large auction house filled with blue velvet. In front of him the man calling himself Igor was once again sitting behind a blue table at the center of the stage. Standing beside him was the beautiful young woman with a voluptuous body known as Victoria.

Igor then said: "Welcome back to the Velvet Room my dear young Rogue. It's so nice to see you again."

Tyler: "I..."

Victoria: "You fainted due to exhaustion caused by awakening your Persona for the first time."

It was then that Tyler remembered: "Ah that's right! I was in a fight and Elaine was hurt. I..."

Igor then reassured him: "No need to worry young Rogue. You had successfully destroyed the Gigas Shadow during your battle with it."

Tyler: "Gigas Shadow.... Yeah Elaine did call it that didn't she. I remember.... my Persona cut it to pieces."

Igor: "Indeed... As such there is no need for you to worry my dear young Rogue."

Victoria: "So please just relax and enjoy the comfort of our Velvet Room our dear guest."

Igor: "By the way... I see that it was Lancelot that had been spawned from your Abyss."

Tyler then asked: "A Persona... What exactly is it?"

Victoria: "Simply put it is a power that is a manifestation of your psyche."

Tyler: "Manifestation of my psyche?"

Igor: "It may take some time to fully comprehend. Basically a Persona is a facet of your personality that surfaces as you react to external stimuli... You can think of it as a mask that protects you as you brave many hardships..."

Tyler: "I see..."

Igor: "Oh and I believe I should inform you that your Persona's power is still considered somewhat weak."

Tyler: "The power I used... is still considered weak?"

Igor: "When you use your Persona's ability you must channel your inner strength. The ability evolves as you develop you Social Links... your emotional ties with others. The stronger your Social Links the more powerful your Personas abilities become.... Please remember that."

Tyler: "I... see."

Igor: "Now then... Time marches on in your world... I believe there are still people waiting for you to awaken from your unconscious state... I shouldn't keep you here any longer... Next time we meet you will come here of your own accord..."

Victoria then began to explain: "I'm sure you've noticed that there has been a new application added to your phone with the capital letters 'VR' on it?"

Tyler: "Yeah that app I don't remember getting it."

Victoria: "In a few days you may use that app to re-enter the Velvet Room whenever you so desire Young Rogue."

Igor: "Until then... Farewell Young Rogue."


"Ugh..." When Tyler woke up he found himself lying on the bed inside his new room.

It was then that the door to his room suddenly opened and Elaine came in saying in an excited tone: "Tyler you're awake, thank goodness!"

Abe then came from behind her and said in a relieved tone: "Phew... Well looks like Elaine was right, you really did wake up after over a day's worth of rest. I honestly believed that we would have to eventually send you to the hospital though."

"Over a day? Uncle Abe how long was I unconscious?" Asked Tyler as he was now being hugged by Elaine.

Abe then replied: "You've been asleep for almost two days Ty."

Tyler: "Almost two days?!"

Abe: "Yeah thankfully the doctor said you were just severely exhausted and a bit dehydrated. Which reminds me what exactly were you doing that got you in that state in the first place?"

Elaine then sighed as she turned to her father and said: "Dad could you give me and Tyler some time to talk. There are some things that I'll need to explain to him."

Abe's expression then turned serious for a moment as he said: "Alright I won't pry but... If you guys get into serious trouble, let me know immediately got it?"

Elaine then nodded as she replied: "I know dad."

"Good then... anyway don't take too long. It's almost dinner time, and Tyler will need something to eat to replenish his energy after being unconscious for so long." Said Abe just before he exited the room.

The moment Abe left the room, Elaine couldn't help but sigh once again as she turned back towards Tyler and said: "Now... where should I start?"

Seeing Elaine's expression, Tyler simply smiled and said: "There's no need to rush Elaine. You can just explain things to me one at a time. Oh and by the way what happened to that chubby new friend of mine that was with us that night?"

Elaine: "Oh you mean David Matthews? Don't worry about him he didn't get hurt that night."

Hearing her words Tyler simply nodded and said: "I see... that's good then."

Elaine then became down as she continued her words: "Unfortunately... he might get involved with some dangerous stuff from now on."

Tyler: "Eh? What do you mean Elaine?"

It was then that Elaine's expression turned serious as she said: "Tell me Tyler what do you think of that giant monster you fought that night."

Tyler then replied: "If I remember correctly you called it a 'Gigas Shadow' right?"

Elaine: "Technically 'Gigas' is it's type. Generally they're just called 'Shadows'."

Hearing this Tyler couldn't help but be shocked: "'They're' You mean there's more of those things out there?"

Hearing Tyler's question, Elaine simply gave a slight nod as she said: "Yes... In fact there's a lot of them hiding here in Starside City."

By this point Tyler couldn't help but ask: "Th-Then why doesn't anybody do something about those monsters? The government? The police?... Hell the military?"

Elaine shook her head and replied: "They can't."

Tyler: "Why not?"

Elaine: "Because normal humans can't do anything against the Shadows. For example on that evening that you fought the Gigas Shadow, didn't you find it weird that we were the only people on the street at that time?"

Tyler then thought: "Now that she mentions it... it really was like that wasn't it? I was too engrossed talking with David that I didn't even realize."

Elaine: "One of the methods Shadows use against humans is their 'Lullaby Domain' which puts every human around them within a large radius to sleep. In truth Shadows have other methods to make humans unaware of their actions, however this is the most common."

Tyler: "Wait if that was the case then why weren't we put to sleep?"

Elaine: "Do you remember the thing that you summoned that night. The thing you used to kill the Gigas Shadow?"

Tyler: "You mean.... Persona?"

Hearing his words Elaine was somewhat surprised as she asked: "How did you know what it was called?"

Tyler: "I don't know... I just kinda did... I think?"

Elaine: "Well... Regardless of how you knew what it was called, the fact is the reason you were not affected by the Gigas Shadow's Lullaby Domain is because you possess that power... The power to summon a Persona."

Tyler: "I see... Wait Elaine doesn't that mean that you also...."

Elaine gave a slight nod and said: "Yes... Like you I also posses the power to summon a Persona."

Tyler: "I see... Then that means David..."

Elaine: "Yeah because he managed to stay awake while inside the Shadow's Lullaby Domain, he most likely also possesses the potential to summon a Persona."

Tyler: "..."

Tyler: "I'm guessing that you're going to tell me next that only those who can summon Personas have a chance against the Shadows right?"

Elaine then gave a slight smile and said: "As expected you've always been quite quick to catch on."

Tyler: "How do you.... know all this Elaine?"

Elaine then returned to her serious expression and said: "Actually.... I'm part of a special group of Persona Users that battle the Shadows here in Starside City. I'm... not really suppose to tell you more than that."

Tyler: "Alright.... So how do I join?"

Elaine: "Eh? W-What?!"

Tyler: "Now that I know that you're out there fighting those kinds of monsters, how could I possibly just sit here and do nothing Elaine."

Hearing Tyler's words, Elaine couldn't help but feel touched: "So you wish to join for my sake?"

Tyler: "Well yeah I mean someone's gotta look out for you right? After all knowing you, you're probably always doing reckless things while fighting those monsters you call Shadows am I right?"

Elaine: "B-But... Don't you realize that by agreeing to join, you'll end getting involved in a lot of dangerous fights. I-I mean there might even be a chance that you could end up being severely hurt. I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if that were to..."

But before Elaine could finish her words, Tyler quickly cut her off by waving his hand and saying: "Elaine... Remember we're family. Similar to you I also wouldn't be able to forgive myself if I just did nothing now knowing that a member of my family was out there risking her life fighting monsters."

"Tyler.... thank you." Muttered Elaine as a small tear ran down the side of her cheek.

It was at that moment that Tyler suddenly heard a voice sound in his mind.

I am thou... Thou art I...

Thou hast formed a new bond...

It allows thee to enter deeper into the Abyss of thy Soul...

Thou shalt be blessed with the power of the Priestess Arcana...

"Ugh!" Sounded Tyler as he held his forehead.

Seeing this Elaine immediately became worried: "Tyler what's wrong?"

Tyler: "Nothing.... I'm probably just hungry that's all."

Hearing his words Elaine sighed in relief then said: "Well if that's the case then we'd better go join dad and get you some dinner asap."

"Right, let's go." Said Tyler as he nodded.

As Tyler got up from his bed, he thought: "Why am I hearing voices in my head again?"


After Dinner....

"Are you absolutely sure you're okay now Ty?" Asked Abe with a tone of worry.

Tyler reassured him: "Yeah I'm fine now Uncle Abe."

Abe then asked: "Alright then are you ever gonna tell me what happened to you that evening?"

Tyler: "Well the doctor said I was exhausted and dehydrated right? Well after you left that day I cleaned the entire house. After which I went out for a walk, met a new friend and spent some time at the park. So I probably just stayed out too long under the sun Uncle Abe."

Abe: "Hmm.... Well if it's really like that then make sure not to push yourself too hard from now on... Also are you sure you can start going to school tomorrow? Maybe you'll get dehydrated again and..."

But before he could finish his words, Tyler cut him off by saying: "Don't worry Uncle Abe, I'm definitely fine now. I can assure you that there's no problem with me starting school tomorrow."

Abe: "....Well if you say so. But if you start feeling unwell while in school, call me immediately understand? If that happens I'll come pick you up as soon as I can."

Tyler: "Got it."


As Tyler was walking back to his room, Elaine suddenly approached him and said: "Thanks for not telling dad about.... you know.... what happened that night."

Tyler sighed and said: "Yeah I had a feeling you didn't want him knowing about us being attacked by a large black monster with muscles that night.... Not that he would believe me even if I told him anyway."

Elaine: "That's true.... Well anyway.... tomorrow after class ends come meet me outside the school gate. I'll introduce you to the other Persona Users of the group I've joined. We'll ask them if you can join us or not."

Tyler: "Okay got it. Oh by the way I remember your leg and my shoulder got grazed by bullets that night. When I woke up I noticed that both my shoulder and your leg didn't seem to be wounded at all anymore. Why is that?"

Hearing Tyler's question Elaine simply smiled and said: "Oh well that's because of my Persona's ability. It has the ability to heal wounds like that."

Hearing her words Tyler couldn't help but be impressed as he muttered: "The power to heal?.... That kinda makes me a bit jealous."


When Tyler returned to his room, a little white bunny with black spots suddenly jumped into his arms.

Staring at the adorable little bunny in his arms, Tyler smiled and said: "Hey Dotty were you worried about me?"

The bunny simply tilted it's head to Tyler's words.

Tyler then placed the bunny back onto the table by the side of his bed and said with a sigh: "You know Dotty, the last few days have definitely been the weirdest time of my life.... And from the looks of it things are just gonna get even weirder."

Tyler then sighed once again as he muttered: "Personas, Shadows..... and that weird place called the Velvet Room. I honestly have no clue what life has in store for me next."

He then turned to Dotty and saw that the little Bunny was already sound asleep.

Seeing this Tyler simply smiled and said: "Goodnight Dotty."


The Next Morning.....

Tyler walked towards his window, opened it then stared at the morning sky while muttering: "Well.... today I start my first day at school here in Starside City."

Tyler then quickly took a hot shower to prepare for his first day of school.

Tyler was unaware that the moment he finished showering, a new notification had appeared on the new app on his phone.

Ding! Ding!

♪♪♪ Charm Up!

The moment Tyler got out of the shower he immediately tried on Starside Academy's black uniform to see how he looked wearing it.

"Huh?.... Is it just me or did my skin suddenly get whiter or something?" Said Tyler as he stared at his reflection in the mirror.

"Maybe it's because of the uniform?" Thought Tyler.


As Tyler opened the front door and walked out the house, he suddenly saw Abe standing outside, seemingly waiting for him.

Seeing this Tyler couldn't help but ask: "Uncle Abe... You're still here?"

Abe then said with a smile: "Well yeah... I'll be driving you for your first day in a new school after all."

Tyler: "Eh?... Well you know I can just walk there Uncle Abe. I mean it's only about a fifteen minute walk after all."

"No way Ty. I'm not taking any chances of you getting dehydrated and passing out again." Said Abe as he opened the door of his car's front passenger seat.

From Abe's tone, Tyler knew he had no choice but accept his Uncle's insistence to drive him to school.


After being dropped off by Abe, Tyler stood outside the entrance of Starside Academy with a face full of shock as he muttered: "This.... This school is huge."

Starside Academy had about a dozen large buildings, while as the size of it's campus was already somewhat akin to that of a village.

At this moment Tyler thought: "Elaine told me that Starside Academy had two buildings for elementary students, two buildings for high school students and two buildings for college students. I honestly thought those six buildings made up the whole school.... Who could've known that that was only half."

It was at that moment that a guard wearing the school's emblem on his uniform suddenly approached him and said with a smile: "Hello there, I haven't seen you here before. Are you a new student?"

"Ah yes. I'm a transfer student. I'll be starting here today." Said Tyler as he showed the guard his new ID.

"I see... Well you can go in now if you want. Class should be starting in about fifteen minutes." Said the guard as he opened the school gate for Tyler.

Tyler: "Oh um... thank you."

As Tyler walked passed him, the guard thought: "Another handsome boy huh.... It seems some of those little ladies will be having catfights again soon."

The moment Tyler entered Starside Academy's campus he immediately made his way towards the building his classroom was located in.


Exiting the elevator upon arriving at the second floor of the building Tyler muttered: "Now then... The faculty office should be here at the same floor as my classroom."

It was at this moment that somebody suddenly called out to him.

???: "Hey Tyler!"

When Tyler turned around to see who it was, he gave a slight smile: "Hey David."

David then quickly approached Tyler and said: "Man you really scared me when you suddenly dropped to the ground that night."

Tyler: "Yeah thankfully the doctor said it was only exhaustion and dehydration."

David: "Really? That's good then.... Um.... Tyler regarding what happened that night... was that all.... you know.... real?"

Hearing David's question Tyler couldn't help but sigh as he replied: "That.... seems to be the case."

David then asked: "S-So what are you? Some kind of superhero that fights monsters?"

Hearing his words Tyler gave a forced smile as he replied: "Dude.... To be honest with you, I have absolutely no clue. I have no idea why I suddenly possess this power or how I got it in the first place."

David then said: "Oh yeah that reminds me. Elaine Dreyans told me she was your cousin and that if I wanted answers on what went on that night, I should meet her outside the school gate after class. Do you have any clue on what she wants to tell me?"

Hearing his words Tyler frowned then said: "I think it's best that you hear it directly from her. She knows way more about it than I do after all."

His expression then turned serious as he continued his words: "However..... know that if you do go, there's a chance that you might get involved with some really dangerous stuff."

David then felt cold sweat run down his back as he asked with a bit of fear in his tone: "W-What sort of dangerous stuff?"

Tyler: "The kind that's similar to that monster we encountered that night."

David then 'gulped' as he tried to say: "I..."

Tyler then cut him off: "Anyway let's not talk about this for now. Oh and um can you tell me where the faculty office is?"

"Eh?... Oh yeah you're a transfer student!" Said David.

He then pointed towards a certain direction and said: "The faculty office should be the fourth door to the left in that direction."

Tyler: "Thanks... I'll see you later David. Hopefully I get assigned to the same class as you."

David smiled: "Yeah I hope so too."


Staring at the door that's labeled 'Faculty Office' Tyler muttered: "This should be it."

He then knocked on the door.

Knock!.. Knock!

"Come in" Replied a female voice from inside the faculty office.

Upon opening the faculty office's door, Tyler immediately spotted a beautiful bespectacled young woman with a mature body and lavender colored hair tied in a bun sitting behind a desk.

Tyler: "Uh I'm..."

"Mr. Tyler Enlux I presume?" Said the beautiful woman as she smiled at Tyler.

The beautiful woman: "Your Uncle has already informed me of as to why you weren't able to make it to class in the last two days. Come on in."

"Yes." Said Tyler as he entered the faculty office.

The beautiful woman then said: "Anyway welcome to our school. I'm Ms. Dylans the Homeroom Teacher of class 1-D. Which also happens to be the class you've been assigned to. It's nice to finally meet you."

"Uh yes you too Mam." Replied Tyler.

Ms. Dylans then smiled and said: "Now then... How about we get to class so I can introduce you to your new classmates."


The moment they entered the classroom, Ms. Dylans immediately said to the class: "Settle down now everyone and get to your seats. I have an announcement to make."

When the students in the classroom returned to their seats and quieted down, Ms. Dylans then gestured her hand towards Tyler and said: "Everyone I'd like to introduce you to your new classmate Tyler Enlux. Please give him a warm welcome."

The moment she finished her words murmurs and whispers began to sound among the students in the classroom.

Ms. Dylans then took a look around the classroom as she muttered: "Now then... which seat should I place you in...."

It was at this moment that David suddenly raised his hand from the back of the classroom and said: "Ms. Dylans you can place him in the seat beside mine, we're acquainted."

Ms. Dylans: "Oh I see."

She then turned to Tyler with a smile and said: "Please take the seat beside Mr. Matthews. Though he can be a bit loud, I can assure you that he can be quite a helpful classmate to have."

David(cold sweat): "Mam.... did you really have to tell him that I'm loud?"

Chuckles and laughter could be heard among the students in the classroom.

The moment Tyler sat down at the seat beside David, the latter said: "Looks like you really did get assigned to the same class as me."

Tyler then smiled and replied: "Yeah, this way I can at least ask you if there's some things in class that I don't know about."


After Class....

"I should go meet up with Elaine outside the school gate." Thought Tyler as he was placing his things back into his bag.

"Tyler..." Said David as he approached Tyler

Tyler: "Something wrong David?"

"Uh... do you think I should go? You know... to meet up with your cousin outside the school?" Nervously asked David.

Hearing his question Tyler replied: "Err... I'm sure you remember what I said this morning right? That if you go meet with my cousin after school, then chances are you'll get involved with some really dangerous stuff."

"I-I remember...." Said David while looking down.

The chubby boy's expression then turned into a serious one as he continued: "But!.... If there are monsters like the one we saw that night in this city then.... I wanna know about them! I wanna know why there are such dangerous monsters like that in this city! And.... if possible I wanna know if there's a way to get rid of them!.... You know... just like what you did that night."

Seeing David's determined face, Tyler couldn't help but ask: "....Why?"

David then sighed and said: "Well you see.... I was born in this city. Least to say I consider it my home. My mom she.... usually goes out at night to hang out with her friends. And my dad... he usually comes home late from work. If by some chance they encounter a monster like the one we saw then...."

By this point David couldn't help but stop as he clenched his fists.

But before he could continue his words, Tyler suddenly said: "I understand..."

"Eh?" Sounded David as he looked up at Tyler.

Tyler then smiled and said: "Now that you're aware that there are such things in this city, you just wanna know how you can protect your family from such monsters right?"

Hearing Tyler's words, David couldn't help but nod and say: "Yeah!"

Tyler then sighed and said: "Actually I... pretty much feel the same as you do."


As Tyler and David came out of the school gate, Elaine immediately approached them and said in a surprised tone: "David came too?"

David: "Yeah... I came."

Elaine then said: "I'm sure that Tyler has mentioned to you that things could get quite dangerous."

David: "Y-Yeah but.... I have my reasons as to why I want to know more."

Elaine: "....."

Elaine: "Alright then.... I'll tell you the same things I told Tyler last night as we walk."

Tyler then asked: "Where are we going?"

Elaine: "A building near the school."


By the time the group of three were several steps away from a large platinum colored building, David couldn't help but exclaim: "Wait! So you're saying I can also summon something similar to what Tyler did?"

Elaine: "Yes. Since you were able to stay awake inside the Shadow's Lullaby Domain, you most likely possess a Persona as well."

David: "T-That's crazy!"

It was at this moment that Elaine suddenly realized.

"Oh we're here!" Said Elaine as she stared at the large platinum colored building in front of them.

"Elaine what is this place?" Asked Tyler as he also stared at the large platinum building.

Elaine thought for a moment then replied: "Well you can consider it as the headquarters of the local Persona Users."

David stared at the building in awe as he muttered: "This place looks as if someone important lives here."

Elaine then approached the entrance of the building then took out a card and swiped it by the side of the door.

It was at that moment that a mechanical female voice suddenly sounded as the entrance to the building immediately opened.

Access Granted!... Welcome back Lime...

"W-What was that?" Asked David.

Elaine then explained: "Nothing really. Just the female A.I. installed in this building."

Tyler then asked: "Lime?"

Elaine then became embarrassed as she explained: "Well.... it's basically the codename I use when I go out to hunt Shadows. All the Persona Users here have one."

Tyler nodded while as David said: "Cool!"

As the group of three entered the building, Elaine turned towards the direction of the elevator and said: "Come on let's get in the elevator."


When the group of three got out of the elevator, Elaine immediately said: "Come on it's the large door on the right."

As the three were walking David couldn't help but mutter: "Man this building looks high tech... Wonder who owns it?"

As for Tyler he was thinking: "Judging from the grandness of this building it's pretty obvious that this group that Elaine joined is most likely being supported by someone pretty powerful."

"Here we are." Said Elaine as she pushed open the large platinum door.

Seeing what was behind the platinum doors David couldn't help but exclaim: "W-Woah!"

As for Tyler he couldn't help but mutter: "Wow..."

Inside was an extremely large room that looked almost like a mini military command center.

There was an extremely large round table at the center of the room with about a dozen laptops on it. At the far end of the room was a large screen attached to a wall, looking quite similar to a movie screen one would normally find in a movie theater. On the screen were over a dozen images of what looked like specific locations within Starside City. By the side of the room one would be able to see several large couches along with a huge flat screen TV.

David: "Holy cow! This place is really...."

He then turned to Elaine and nervously asked: "Are you sure it's alright for us to be here?"

Elaine then smiled and reassured him: "Yeah don't worry it's fine."

It was at this moment that Tyler suddenly heard footsteps coming towards them and said: "Somebody's coming.... and they seem to be in a hurry."

It was at this moment that an adorable bespectacled teenage girl with long brown hair came into the room and said with a voice full of panic: "Elaine you're here! You need to hurry and help the others! There are Shadows, a lot of them! They've scattered to several locations in the city! The others have their hands full, you need to go help them!"

Seeing the girl panicking, Elaine immediately approached her, placed her hands on the girl's shoulders and said: "Calm down Pacifica! Relax and explain things to me slowly."

"Right... right." Said the girl named Pacifica as she took a deep breath and tried to calm herself down.

The girl named Pacifica then began to explain: "About half an hour ago our computers picked up a Penumbra Rift appearing near the opera house. By the time Josephine and the others got there it was already too late! Dozens of shadows had already come out and scattered throughout the nearby streets. The team then had to split up in order to eliminate the scattered shadows. However since there was only four of them, they couldn't cover all of the locations where the Shadows had scattered to."

The girl named Pacifica then took out a tablet and stared at it while saying: "Oh! It seems all of the Shadows had gathered at five specific locations now. A member of the team seems to be present at four of the five locations."

Hearing this Elaine nodded and asked: "Alright where is the fifth location that a member of the team couldn't respond to?"

Pacifica then stared at the tablet for a moment then replied: "It seems to be.... an area near Dexter Street."

"WHAT?!" Shouted David

Due to the chubby boy's shout, Pacifica finally realized that she and Elaine weren't the only ones in the command room.

"Eh?... Who are these two boys?" Asked Pacifica.

"We'll talk about that later. There are more important things to deal with right now." Said Elaine as she rushed towards a nearby table and quickly opened one of it's drawers.

"N-No... My home... My family." Muttered David as his face was filled with dread.

Seeing this Pacifica couldn't help but ask: "What's wrong with him?"

Tyler: "His house is located at Dexter Street. He's worried about his family."

Pacifica: "Eh? Wait so you two know about the Shadows?"

But before Tyler could reply, Elaine immediately approached them and said: "We can talk about things later, right now we need to go before the Shadows attack any people near Dexter Street."

Elaine then offered a knife handle to Tyler and said: "This is an Invokey, do you still remember how you used mine previously?"

Tyler then took the Invokey and said: "Yeah I remember."

Seeing this Pacifica couldn't help but ask: "W-Wait why are you giving him that? Don't tell me he's also..."

Elaine: "Yeah he also has a Persona."

She then turned back to Tyler and said: "Are you ready? We'll need to go as soon as possible!"

Tyler nodded and said: "Right, let's go!"

It was at this moment that David suddenly approached them and said: "W-Wait I also wanna go!"

Elaine: "It'll be dangerous."

"I don't care! I have to go and make sure my family's safe!" Said David with a determined expression. It was at that moment that the chubby boy's eyes suddenly flashed with red light for a split second.

This naturally did not go unnoticed by the other three in the room.

Pacifica: "N-No way, so even he has one?"

Elaine then took out another Invokey along with a ring with a white stone on it, then handed these items to David and said: "Take these, you might need them."

"R-Right!" Replied David as he nodded.

Elaine then said: "Alright let's go!"


When the group of three finally arrived at the location near Dexter Street, they were immediately shocked by what they saw.

Dozens of black monsters grouped together like a herd. The monsters had large human like torsos, pitch black skins, boar heads and finally wheels for legs. On their foreheads were symbols akin to the roman numeral 'VII'. These Shadows with boar like heads held pitchforks in their hands.

"Ugh... I think I'm gonna be sick. These things look disgusting." Said David as he had his hand on his mouth.

Elaine's expression turned serious as she muttered: "Jabali Shadows."

It was at this moment that the dozens of Shadows with boar heads noticed Tyler's group of three.




The moment when the Jabali Shadows turned their attention towards the three teens, they immediately threw their pitchforks at them.

"Oh crap!" Shouted David as he hurriedly tried to avoid the rain of pitchforks.

As for Tyler, he simply kept calm as he held the Invokey in his hand even tighter.

As Elaine stared at the rain of pitchforks, the Invokey in her hand suddenly glowed with lime colored light as it immediately transformed into a lime colored key.

She then quickly inserted the lime colored key into the left side of her chest while turning it and shouting: "Protect us.... Idun!"


A lime colored pillar of light suddenly appeared behind Elaine as her entire body was immediately enveloped by lime colored light.

As the rain of pitchforks got close, a lime colored energy barrier suddenly appeared protecting Tyler and his group of three.


The rain of pitchforks could not penetrate through the lime colored barrier.

"W-Woah!" Said David in awe.

Tyler smiled and muttered: "Great!... So this is the power of Elaine's Persona..."

When the lime colored pillar finally vanished, the appearance of Elaine's Persona could finally be seen. It was a tall beautiful woman with clear white skin and beautiful blonde hair. It was wearing a beautiful white dress and something white that was seemingly covering it's eyes. In the woman's hands was what looked like a golden apple flashing with golden light.

By this point the lime colored light enveloping Elaine had completely vanished. And just like Tyler before, her appearance and outfit had completely changed. Her hair was now tied in a ponytail while as her pupils were now lime colored. She was wearing a white shirt, a lime colored long coat, lime colored pants, lime colored shoes, lime colored gloves and finally a lime colored mask that covered her nose down to her chin.

Seeing Elaine's new appearance David couldn't help but say: "So cool!"

Elaine then took out a ping pong ball sized ball of white glass from her pocket and immediately smashed it to the ground.


It was at that moment that the entire area was suddenly covered in blinding white light.

When Tyler and David opened their eyes, they quickly realized that they were inside some sort of dome of white light.

Elaine then began to explain: "The gadget I used just now is called an 'Artificial Battlefield Sphere' or A.B.S. for short. It allows us to fight the Shadows without ordinary people seeing. Basically only those who can summon Personas or those with the potential to summon Personas can see this white dome we're currently in right now. Another handy feature it has is that it is quite difficult for ordinary Shadows to break out of this white dome."

David then asked: "That transformation you did just now.... It's somewhat similar to the one that Tyler did that night."

Elaine: "We call it the 'Persona Awakened State' only in this form can we summon our Personas."

Tyler then asked: "So this white dome of light.... I'm guessing it has some sort of time limit?"

Elaine: "That's right it can only last for a maximum of sixty minutes."

"One hour...." Muttered Tyler as he turned to the dozens of Jabali Shadows.

"So basically we need to destroy all of these Shadows within only one hour." Said Tyler in a serious tone. At this moment Tyler's Invokey had already turned into a purple key.

"Yes..." Said Elaine as her expression also turned serious.

"Then we better get to work... Persona!" Said Tyler as he inserted his Invokey into the left side of his chest.


With a flash of purple light Tyler's hair, eyes and outfit had once again turned purple.

"Let's go Lancelot!" Said Tyler as he took a stance with his purple katana sword.

Lancelot then appeared behind him and said: "As you command oh Rogue!"

It was at this moment that a lime colored ring shined from Elaine's ring finger as a lime colored bow suddenly appeared in her hands.

She then turned to Tyler and said: "I'll watch your back!... You know, just like when we were kids."

Tyler simply smiled at her words. He then charged towards the group of shadows shouting: "Sukukaja!"

It was at that moment that both Tyler and Lancelot turned into purple blurs as they continued charging towards the large group of Shadow.


When Tyler and his Persona reappeared three Jabali Shadows could be seen to have been cut in half from their waists. Their corpses then vanished a moment after their deaths.

It was at that moment that a Jabali Shadow suddenly snuck up behind Tyler and was about to attack.

But before it could do so....


A lime colored arrow suddenly came out of nowhere and pierced it's head.

Seeing what had just happened Tyler couldn't help but take a quick glance at Elaine who was standing behind him. And there he saw Elaine in a stance that pretty much told him that she had just fired an arrow from her lime colored bow.

Seeing Tyler turn to her, Elaine simply gave a quick nod as she once again prepared to fire another lime colored arrow towards another Jabali Shadow.

Tyler then turned back towards the group of enemies in front of him and thought: "Yup.. Just like when we were kids."

As the two Persona Users continued their assault on the large group of Shadows, David couldn't help but clench the Invokey in his hand.

"I also wish to fight... To fight just like them... To fight so I can protect my home from these monsters!" Thought David as he watched Tyler and Elaine fight the large group of Jabali Shadows.

Tyler shouted: "Lancelot... Eiha Cleave!"

Elaine shouted: "Idun... Kouha!"

David then began to mutter as he clenched the Invokey in his hand even tighter: "If only... If only I could also summon a Persona... then... then I can also fight!"


"Ugh!" David then suddenly felt his head throb in pain.

It was at this moment that his pupils started to shine with dark red light as a voice began to sound within his mind.

"Heh... It's about time..."

"Ugh!" David held his head with his hands as the throbbing became more and more painful.

"Have you finally decided to man up and fight back?"

"Ahhhh!" David screamed in pain as the voice in his head became louder and louder.

"Are you ready to conquer your regrets and step on them like a true king should?"

"Ahhhh!" David continued to scream as the voice in his mind continued to speak.

"You wish for the strength to fight right? Simple then.... all you have to do.... is unleash me!"

By this point both Tyler and Elaine couldn't but notice David who was screaming in pain.

Tyler: "What's happening to him?"

Elaine: "His power.... it's awakening!"

"AHHHH!" David continued his screams as his eyes glowed brighter and brighter with dark red light. The voice then continued...

"Come on.... call me forth.... say my name.... unleash the king of conquerors hidden deep within you.... me and my steed are eager to step on the corpses of your foes.... I am thou.... Thou art I...."

By this point David had stopped screaming. He then raised the Invokey in his hand and with a flash of red light the Invokey in his hand instantly turned into a dark red key.

After a moment David immediately inserted the dark red invokey into the left side of his chest.


The sound of shattered glass was heard.

"Ride to victory.... Iskandar!" Shouted David as he turned the Invokey in his chest.


A dark red pillar then appeared behind David as his body was enveloped by dark red light.

When the dark red pillar vanished, a large man riding a large black horse appeared in it's place. The man had fiery red hair along with a beard of the same color. The man had tanned skin with large muscles on both his arms and legs. The man wore bronze armor, with cuffs and greaves with white-furred fringes, that leaves his arms and thighs unprotected. He wears a thick red mantle with a fluffy white fur collar. It is luxuriously decorated, and looks like a curtain wrapping the stage of a theater. On his head was a crown that is seemingly attached to a mask covering only the outer parts of the man's eyes. In the man's hands was a long glaive that seemed to be quite eager to cut apart the man's foes.

When the dark red light enveloping David vanished, his appearance and outfit had naturally changed like the others. David's eyes were now dark red. As for his outfit, he was now wearing a white shirt, a long dark red coat, dark red pants, dark red shoes, dark red gloves, a dark red mask that covers his nose down to his chin and finally a small red crown on top of his head.

David then took a deep breath as he could now feel the power that he had just awakened.

Staring at the large Persona riding a black horse, Elaine couldn't help but say: "Impressive."

As for Tyler he just simply smiled at seeing his new friend awaken his Persona.

Turning to his back and seeing his Persona, David couldn't help but say: "I-I did it! I managed to summon my own Persona!"

Elaine then said: "Put on the ring I gave you."

"O-Oh right!" Said David as he placed the ring on his left ring finger.


With a flash of red light, the ring on David's left ring finger immediately turned dark red as a long dark red glaive suddenly appeared in his hands.

David: "W-Woah!"

"That ring is called a Nova Ring. It can bestow weapons to Persona Users. We'll talk about that later, for now we need your help." Said Elaine as she fired a lime colored arrow towards a Jabali Shadow.

By this point Tyler could be seen trying his best to fend off a large group of Jabali Shadows surrounding him.

Tyler: "Lancelot... Maeiha Gale Slash!"


Tyler's attack managed to kill about ten Jabali Shadows. However that was clearly not enough, there were still dozens of Jabali Shadows left heading straight for him and constantly surrounding him. By this point Tyler couldn't help but wipe the sweat by the side of his face. He was clearly starting to get exhausted.

Elaine: "Oh no Tyler's surrounded!"

David then raised his head and stared at the large amount of Shadows surrounding Tyler. He then showed a confident smile as he held the dark red glaive in his hands tighter and said: "Alright it's time for me to show my stuff!"

His Persona then shouted: "Ride with me to conquest my Other Self!"

"LETS DO THIS ISKANDAR!" Shouted David as he and his Persona took stances with their glaives.

"Hold on Tyler, I'm coming!.... Conqueror's Charge!" Shouted David as he and his Persona turned into a large dark red beam that charged straight towards the large group of Jabali Shadows.

Whoosh!.... BANG!....

David and his Persona were able to kill over a dozen Jabali Shadows.

Seeing what had just happened, Elaine muttered: "His Persona is definitely the type that overwhelms it's enemies with it's offensive power."

Seeing that he was no longer surrounded, Tyler immediately took the opportunity to attack the large group of enemies by using a new move.

As his and Lancelot's swords became more and more covered in darkness, Tyler shouted: "Lancelot..... Mamudo Vajra Blast!"


An extremely large crescent shaped dark energy blast was unleashed from Lancelot and Tyler's swords which instantly decimated over two dozen Jabali Shadow.

Seeing what had just happened, David who was cutting boar heads left and right with his glaive and Persona couldn't help but exclaim: "Holy cow! That was freaking awesome!"

Even his Persona muttered: "As expected of the Strongest Knight under the King of Knights..."

"Hah...hah...hah... Damn there's still so many of them." Said Tyler as he was now kneeling and panting while staring at the large group of remaining Shadows. He was clearly exhausted from using his new skill.

As for Elaine, she was also quite shocked by the fact that Tyler was already capable of using such a powerful skill. However after a moment she immediately realized that Tyler must've exhausted himself using that new skill.

Seeing Tyler now kneeling on the ground, Elaine immediately raised her hand towards Tyler and shouted: "Idun.... Re Patra!"

Elaine's Persona then raised the golden apple in her hands. The apple then started to shine with golden light as Tyler was suddenly showered by white light for a few seconds.

When the white light shower stopped, Tyler immediately felt that he had recovered a bit of his energy and stamina.

"So Elaine's Persona could even do this huh." Thought Tyler.

As Tyler was about to turn to Elaine and thank her, he suddenly heard David scream.

"Ahh!" One of the Jabali Shadows had dealt a bloody cut to the chubby boy's shoulder.

Tyler: "David!"

As for Elaine she quickly raised her hand towards David and shouted: "Idun... Dia!"

Idun once again raised her golden apple as it shined with golden light.


With a flash of lime colored light, the bloody cut on David's shoulder had immediately healed.

He then turned to Elaine and said: "Thanks."

However Elaine immediately shouted: "BEHIND YOU!"

"Eh?" When David turned around he suddenly saw a large Jabali Shadow about to thrust it's pitchfork towards him.

But before it could do so....


A purple katana blade suddenly pierced through the large Jabali Shadow's chest from behind it.

"Mudo Zan-ei!" Shouted Tyler as his Persona quickly divided the large Jabali Shadow in two.

Tyler then said to David: "David we need to focus, there's still so many of them."

"R-Right.... Iskandar!" Said David as his Persona once again cut off the heads of several Jabali Shadows.

Wiping the sweat by the side of her face, Elaine muttered: "This isn't good... we'll probably run out of energy and stamina before we can finish them all off... Hopefully the others can get here before that happens.... Huh?"

It was at this moment that the three Persona Users suddenly noticed something bizarre.

David: "Eh?"

Tyler: "Huh?"

Elaine: "They've.... stopped attacking?"

It was at this moment that Tyler suddenly felt a sense of foreboding.

Tyler: "Something's not right."

David: "Did they just... give up?"

Suddenly all of the remaining Jabali Shadows started to turn into large black blobs one by one.

Seeing this David couldn't help but say: "What the hell?"

Elaine: "I've... I've never seen them do this before."

As Tyler's sense of foreboding became stronger and stronger, he immediately turned towards the other two Persona Users and said: "Elaine, David we need to get back NOW!"

It was at this moment that the dozens of black blobs started to gather together and fuse.

As Tyler and David retreated back to Elaine's side, they immediately noticed the black blobs fusing together.

David: "W-What the heck are these monsters planning?"

Tyler: "Whatever it is, it can't be good."

Elaine then took out a small circular device from her pocket and spoke on it: "Pacifica are the others done with their fights yet? We might need some help here soon!"

After a few moments, Pacifica's voice sounded from the circular device saying: "They're almost done, just hold out for a few more minutes!"

"ROOOOOOOAR!!!" A terrifyingly loud roar was suddenly heard from the massive black blob.

"W-What was that?!" Asked Pacifica who heard the roar from the other end of the circular device.

"Just... tell the others we need help as soon as possible!" Said Elaine to Pacifica before she placed the circular device back into her pocket.

The black blob then grew larger and larger until finally it grew to the size of a three story house.

It was then that the giant black blob began to shapeshift into it's true form.

"W-What the hell?!" Said David.

"We need to find a way to take down this large monster quick, otherwise we might not be able to live through this night!" Thought Tyler.

"Could this be.... a Shadow Leader?" Muttered Elaine.

When the Shadow finished transforming, it took the form of a large Jabali Shadow with several differences. First of all it's entire body was now completely covered in yellow armor, while as it's legs were no longer just ordinary wheels, instead they now took the form of tank wheels. Finally in it's hands was no longer a pitchfork, but instead a sharp looking black halberd.

Sensing the power of the Yellow Armored Jabali Shadow, David 'gulped' as he asked: "C-Can we really take this thing down?"

"I-I don't know..." Said Elaine in an uncertain tone.

It was at this moment that Tyler shouted: "Get yourselves together!"

Gaining the attention of the two Persona Users, Tyler continued his words: "We can't beat this thing if we keep being confused or unfocused!"

He then turned his head back towards the Yellow Armored Jabali Shadow and said with a serious expression: "No matter how big it is, it has to have a weakness right? All we have to do find it!"

"R-Right! Let's find it's weakness and kill this giant Shadow!" Said David.

As for Elaine she simply smiled and thought: "Tyler... he really hasn't changed... he still has that aura that makes you want to believe in his words."

Elaine then said to Tyler: "I'll follow your lead, what do you want me to do?"

Hearing Elaine's words, Tyler thought for a moment then said: "Elaine try focusing your arrows on it's eyes. Even if it wasn't it's weakness, we might still have a chance of blinding it."

He then turned to David and said: "When it tries to guard against Elaine's arrows try to knock it off balance with your charge attack."

Hearing Tyler's words, David simply nodded and said: "Alright!"

Elaine then asked: "What are you gonna do Tyler?"

Tyler: "I'm gonna make it focus on me, so that you guys would have time to do what you have to do."

Elaine/David: "WHAT?!"

Tyler: "I'm the fastest one among the three of us, so I'm the best choice."

David: "B-But..."

Elaine: "Tyler you can't..."

"It's okay! I'll be fine... believe me." Said Tyler to the two with a voice full of confidence.

Seeing Tyler's expression, both Elaine and David couldn't help but simply nod and say: "Alright."

David: "Make sure to come back alive."

Elaine: "I won't forgive you if you don't come back in one piece got it."

"Got it!" Replied Tyler as he smiled and nodded towards the two Persona Users.

The moment Tyler turned his attention back towards the Yellow Armored Jabali Shadow, he once again heard a voice sound within his mind...

I am thou... Thou art I...

Thou hast formed a new bond...

It allows thee to enter deeper into the Abyss of thy Soul...

Thou shalt be blessed with the power of the Fool Arcana...

After hearing the voice, Tyler shook his head and thought: "Whatever this voice in my head is, this isn't the time to mind it. I need to focus!"

After taking a deep breath, Tyler called out his Persona once again and shouted: "Let's go Lancelot!.... Sukukaja!"


Both Tyler and Lancelot then turned into purple blurs as they charged towards the Yellow Armored Jabali Shadow.

Seeing this David's grip on his glaive became tighter as Elaine muttered: "Please... be careful."



The Yellow Armored Jabali Shadow roared as it slammed it's giant halberd towards the white dome surrounding it. It was clearly trying to break out.

However at this moment....


A large cut suddenly appeared on the Yellow Armored Jabali Shadow's hand.

"ROOOAR!" The large Jabali Shadow roared in rage at seeing the cut on its hand.

It then turned towards Tyler who was standing below it, then swung it's large halberd towards the boy.

"Guh!" With his and Lancelot's speed, Tyler was barely able to dodge the large Shadow's halberd.

"Tyler!" Shouted Elaine in worry.

"Damn!" David cursed for he knew that if he went to help Tyler now, he most likely will only become a burden.

By this point the Yellow Armored Jabali Shadow simply continued swinging it's halberd towards Tyler, trying it's best to hit the boy.

As for Tyler, he and Lancelot were constantly dodging the Shadow's attacks while waiting for an opportunity to create an opening for Elaine to shoot her arrow.

After dodging the large Shadow's attacks a few more times, Tyler finally noticed something. The large Jabali Shadow's swings had become slower by a bit. It was clearly starting to get tired of constantly swinging it's halberd towards Tyler.

The moment the large Shadow was about to swing it's halberd towards Tyler again, Tyler immediately made his move.

"Lancelot... Eiha Cleave!" Shouted Tyler as he and Lancelot had once again landed a large cut on the Shadow's hand.

"ROOOOAR!" The large shadow roared as it couldn't help but drop it's halberd due to the pain from it's hand.

Seeing this Tyler immediately shouted: "Elaine now!"

Hearing Tyler's voice, Elaine did not hesitate to immediately fire a lime colored arrow towards the large Shadow's right eye.

Noticing the lime colored arrow heading towards it's face, the large Shadow quickly tried to tilt it's head sideways to avoid the attack.


Though the arrow did not pierce through the Shadow's right eye, it was still able to graze it.

"ROOOOAR!" The Yellow Armored Jabali Shadow roared in pain as it held the side of it's right eye.

Seeing this Tyler shouted: "David!"

"This is our time to shine Iskandar... CONQUEROR'S CHARGE!" Shouted David as he and his Persona turned into a dark red beam that charged towards the large Shadow's tank wheels.


David and his Persona managed to land a powerful and solid blow to the large Shadow's tank wheels successfully knocking the Shadow off balance.

"ROOOOAR!" The Shadow roared as it fell to the ground.

Seeing this Tyler immediately shouted: "It's down, go for it guys!... ALL OUT ATTACK!"

"Kouga Wave!" Shouted Elaine as Idun shot a white beam of light from her golden apple towards the large Shadow.

"Great Glaive!" Shouted David as Iskandar thrusted it's glaive towards the Shadow with great force.

"Mudo Zan-ei!" Shouted Tyler as Lancelot swung it's pair of swords that were now clad with thick darkness towards the large Shadow.

Boom! Bang! Whoosh!

All three of their attacks landed on the Yellow Armored Jabali Shadow.

"Th-That should've done it right?" Said David as he was now panting with exhaustion.

"I-I hope so." Said Elaine as she was now kneeling on the ground.

After a moment, Tyler suddenly sensed something as he muttered in a tone full of dread: "Oh no!"

"ROOOAR!" When the smoke cleared, the large Shadow immediately stood up as it unleashed a roar full of rage.

"N-No way!" Muttered David.

"It can't be..." Muttered Elaine.

"Guys stay focused!" Shouted Tyler

But before they could collect themselves, the Yellow Armored Jabali Shadow suddenly picked up it's large halberd and swung it towards the group of three.


A large amount of yellow lightning was suddenly unleashed from the Shadow's halberd.




The three Persona Users shouted as they were hit by a barrage of yellow lightning bolts.

When the smoke cleared, both David and Elaine could now be seen to be lying on the ground completely unconscious.

As for Tyler, he was struggling to keep himself conscious as he was now kneeling on the ground.

"I... won't let you... hurt them... anymore!" Said Tyler as he struggled to get up while staring at the Yellow Armored Jabali Shadow. He was clearly determined to protect his two unconscious allies.

It was at this moment that Tyler suddenly heard Igor's voice sound within his mind.

Igor: "Ah... well looks like it is time for you to awaken the true nature of your power Young Rogue."

He then heard Victoria's voice: "Originally this power was meant to signify infinite possibilities.... In your case though it signifies 'Unknown Possibilities' instead."

Igor: "You should be able to sense it by now right?... That there is more than just Lancelot within you."

Victoria: "Indeed... this is the power born from the bond you share with your cousin. The power to summon Personas of the Priestess Arcana."

Igor: "Now then Young Rogue.... don't be shy... unleash this new power you have gained from your bond!"

By this point Tyler stared at the Yellow Armored Jabali Shadow that was slowly approaching him with glowing purple eyes.

As the Shadow raised it's halberd to once again unleash a barrage of yellow lightning bolts towards Tyler's group of three, Tyler suddenly took out his purple Invokey and immediately inserted it into the left side of his chest once again.

"ROOOAR!" The Shadow roared as it once again shot a barrage of yellow lightning bolts towards Tyler and his unconscious friends.

"I call upon you.... Mystical Elf!" Shouted Tyler as he turned the purple key in his chest.

It was at that moment that a tall beautiful woman with ocean blue colored skin, blonde hair and wearing a long green dress suddenly appeared behind Tyler.

As the yellow lightning bolts got close, the Mystical Elf quickly raised it's arms forward as Tyler shouted: "Mystical Elf.... Mirror Force!"

It was then that a large circular barrier akin to a mirror suddenly appeared in front of Tyler and the Mystical Elf.

The moment the yellow lightning bolts made contact with the barrier...


The mirror like barrier shattered as the barrage of lightning bolts got reflected back towards the Yellow Armored Jabali Shadow.


"ROAR!" The Shadow roared as it was hit by it's own barrage of yellow lightning bolts.

"Ugh!" By this point Tyler could no longer continue. The Mystical Elf behind him vanished as he was once again kneeling on the ground.

"Roar!" When the smoke cleared, Tyler was able to immediately see the current condition of the Yellow Armored Jabali Shadow.

Most of it's body was now destroyed as it was trying it's best to crawl towards Tyler and his two unconscious allies.

"You're kidding me, it's still not dead?" Said Tyler as he clenched his hands in frustration.

It was at this moment that Tyler suddenly heard a female voice sound from behind him.

???: "Bufula!"


A large icicle then descended down from above and pierced through the Shadow's skull completely killing it.

When Tyler turned to see who it was, he immediately saw four silhouettes with large Personas behind them quickly approaching his position.

"Those must be Elaine's allies.... I can finally.... Rest." Thought Tyler as he finally lost consciousness.