
Persona: An Unknown's Arrival

A boy gained the chance to leave his sad, unfilling life for a being's desire to see the change in the world of persona. He has gained the power of an arcana, which also differs from the standard arcana. This arcana has never blessed those at the beginning of their journey until the end of one's adventure. The boy learns that his existing knowledge of this world slightly differs from the actual world he now lives in. Watch as he perseveres through the tough challenges he faces. All in all, will ruin still advance? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey, I'm back, and with the new persona remake I learned about, I wanted to make something with the persona series in mind. The MC will have incredible abilities that others in that franchise would dream of having; however, how will he live through the drama of his school? Jujutsu Kaisen will heavily influence his persona, and I will be tweaking with Japanese lore.

Lgknight · Video Games
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9 Chs

A complex heart

After having kanji appear on the midnight channel, it was all haruma needed to to know that kanji was put into the TV world. This definitely confused him with the idea that someone that big was thrown into a TV, but this was to be expected. The killer had not missed getting any of his targets in the TV world. Well, he doesn't know since he technically wasn't pushed into the TV by the murder, but he probably is overthinking this.

As he was thinking too much about unimportant things, his phone started to ring on the table in front of him. he proceeded to grab the phone and look at it. As he looked at the screen, he saw the caller was Yu, which he flipped open and answered the call.

"haruma did you see what was shown on the channel just now," Yu asked. Which haruma replied to him, saying yes to Yu. 

"right, well, we are meeting up tomorrow in June to discuss and venture into the TV world. Is that alright with you." yu asked.

"that's fine with me, but with his disappearance, would anyone notice it," Haruma asked Yu because currently, he would probably know more about Kanji, seeing how the group was more interested in spying on the guy.

*sigh* "Yes, his mother has already put out a missing person report, according to Yukiko." Yu explained the situation to Haruma.

'if the cat is already out of the bag, there won't be quite the emergency as mine because the police were already involved. no that doesn't mean that it isn't an emergency because a regular human was in a world where you can use supernatural powers and is actively trying to kill him. Well, I don't think we will be trying our absolute hardest to get past the floors of the dungeon and, yes, floors. I learned that one thing that was different from mine was that there were floors instead of a large single floor.' haruma thought to himself.

"so I can assume we won't be going as quickly as you guys went into mine," Haurma asked which yu agreed because Haruma's dungeon was weird because usually the person that was thrown into the dungeon would have been captured by their shadow, but he was just thrown into it; in addition his shadow let him chase after him.

" yes, if it's going to be like Yukiko's, then we won't have much luck with it. Well, I'll see you tomorrow," Yu said his goodbyes quickly, letting Haruma get off the phone and start to head upstairs to his bedroom and fall asleep on his bed.




After the interesting late-night channel scoop from Shadow Kanji, haruma had awakened from his sleep and headed to school. Everything was normal except for the teachers getting questioned by the police.

'I suppose since they didn't even think about Yukiko because of the rumors surrounding why she went missing. With Kanji, that is another story because the murderer is "kidnapping'' people, so they aren't taking any more chances.' haruma thought to himself.

The school day went normally just like usual, and haruma quickly exited his own classroom and headed for his sempai's class. As he entered, he noticed that they had already started talking in a conversation. 

 " I wonder what the midnight channel really is..." haruma heard Yukiko say to the group, and they noticed his arrival.

" at first, I thought it was one of those "paranormal things, but when I gave it a try...it was real. turns out it's actually connected to another world." Chie said, trying to explain her own thoughts about the midnight channel, which Yosuke then repelled saying.

"If there's a rumor going around, that means a bunch of people is watching it." after Yosuke said this got haruma thinking bout the complications of that statement.

' if what Yosuke says is true, then it will be more complicated in the future. Once word gets around that a weird and embarrassing version of people in the town appears on there, people, especially in this town, will flock to it like a pack of seagulls over a fish. Thank god no one really saw what I was, nor did

"How did the rumor go...? If you stare into a turned-off TV on a rainy night," Yukiko asks the group for confirmation, and Yosuke agrees with her while bringing up the idea that no one in their right mind would do something like that unless someone urged them to do it.

"This will cause huge panic if it has not been settled quickly, and personally, I do not see the cops being of any use here." haruma said, trying to get the group to see the big picture. The group agrees with this statement, especially the last, because the police have not had any lead to where nor who the murderer might be.

"If Teddi is right, the missing people themselves create the stiff we see. so it's not random. It specifically related to whoever goes missing." this makes sense because the only two dungeons the team has gone through are Yukiko's and Haruma's, which are still a part of the TV world and have not fallen apart as a place would.

*sigh*" Yukiko and haruma had a show too, but they don't even remember doing anything like that." Chie sighs, not having any leads as to who might be the killer.

"That's true. I remember nothing of the sort of my shadow doing that," Haurma said to add to the discussion Chie brought up.

"Um, this might be a little off-subject, but... the culprit is probably watching the shows that come on...right?" This made a little sense to haruma because of his experience with p5, and Akechi, the monstrous villain, was just a kid who wanted attention from Daddy, so he killed people for him.

"No doubt. He's probably sitting back and enjoying-- Wait a sec... I bet he IS enjoying it! He's probably laughing his ass off watching the "show" that comes on after he throws people into the TV!" chie exclaims after realizing what Yukiko was suggesting. Yosuke argues, saying it's more than likely the case, which, in all honesty, is not a bad theory.

' it is not a bad theory, but there is more than likely a reason why someone is doing this. Hopefully, it's not another god like in p5,' Haruma thought to himself while returning to the conversation.

"Ugh, ugh, ugh!" chie shoots in disgust.

"What, so if people saw Yukiko's show, do you think people were watching what happened to me too!?... Oh, that is IT! That killer is dead meat! I'm gonna leave footprints all over his face!" Chie says with a newfound hatred for the killer.

"Guys! First, we save Kanji! Then, we crush the killer! Finally, we crush the killer and send him to hell!! Got it!?" Chie finishes her tantrum, which everyone agrees with, but haruma points out that she shouldn't be saying stuff like that in public.

haruma, after this moment, feels something strengthen around him. he can only assume a new arcana has leveled up because of the newfound response everyone has.

"Heehee... Ch-Chie, those last two were the same thing..." Yukiko manages to say while giggling to herself.

"uh...I know..." Chie says. After she says this, the group decides to head into the TV world and talk to Teddie about Kanji's situation.




As the group of five exits, the TV and then ends up on the Stage where Teddie can be seen looking in the opposite direction. The group then moves toward the bear and asks him something.

"Hey, Teddie, someone's here, right?" Yosuke asks the bear, he then turns around with haruma, and the team can only assume to be a sad expression.

"oh... yep. I think someone's here." Teddie says

"you think...? Do you know where he is? Chie wondered why he was second-guessing himself when he could smell and know where Yukiko and Haruma were but not Kanji.

"I dunno," Teddie says as Yukiko tries to add more details about whom they are searching for. Teddie then says the exact something which starts to get the group worried. Firstly, about the condition of their little friend and the worry that they may not have someone who can navigate this world anymore.

"what's wrong? Not feeling well?" Chie asks

"Well, I sniff, and I sniff. But I still can't tell where the smell comes from." Teddie explains. The group then starts to name some reasons why Teddie cannot find Kanji; however, haruma starts to delve into deep thoughts.

'This might be more annoying than I thought, uhh.... well, there's always the possibility that it might be as complex as p5 conditions for finding the palaces. If that's the case, why the hell was his dungeon a BATHHOUSE? I don't know much about the guy, but I was expecting a derby or even a gym. Looks like we will need to find more about him to get to his dungeon.' haruma finished his trail of thought to turn back into the conversation. harmua then looks up to Teddie, turns around, and the group looks at him. 

"what if we find more about the guy? Would that help you," haruma asked, which got the attention of the group and even Teddie. After hearing this, Teddie started to think, and then a happy expression took over his face, and began to answer the previous question asked by haruma.

" ya, that might help! You should give me a clue about this kanji person! I feel like I could concentrate better on it. Do you have anything that could give me a good understanding of him?" Teddie asks what the investigation team thinks about Kanji, which no one really knows except for rumors and the conversation they had with his mom.

"I just need some sort of hint, something that tells me what he's really like," Teddie says. Yukiko then brings forth the idea to look around and ask people who know him personally?" the group agrees and heads out to look for clues.




After they got out of the TV world and headed to June's food court, the conversation where they needed to figure out who would go where.

"I'll take Kanji's home," Yu said to the group, which they agreed on. Yukiko and Chie would ask around the southern part of the shopping district while yu is taking the north since he is going to where the mother is. Yosuke decided to ask around more with the school and its clubs to see if he could get anything, but with Kanji fairly showing up to school, that probably wasn't the best choice.

haruma, on the other hand, had to get ready for the motorcycle test he had today. He quickly had an excuse that he needed to get something done, which the group accepted fairly easily, which haruma could assume, then being stressed with the kanji clue situation.

He then made it to what he can assume is the DMV for Japan and in this town. When he entered the building, he found it to be very similar to the American ones that he had been in his first life, but he quietly waited his turn to go up and find out where he needed to take his test.

 After going through all the information the DMV needed, they quickly put him in a room of 4 people, not including himself. The instructor, after a few minutes, quietly and quickly gave you the test for the license.

That was something that surprised Haruma that the requirement to ride a motorcycle was not that high in this time period. He assumed it would be high in Japan, but then again, it was not that hard to get one in America.

The questions were not that hard, especially for haruma. The only reason why his test was longer than the rest was he was going for a 400cc license instead of the usual scooter, which he could assume that was what everyone was going for.

 After a little while, he had finished his test before anyone in the room, so he handed the test in and waited for the rest to finish. While the testing continued, the instructor started to grade his paper. Something that was good for him was that the instructor had not marketed his paper.

Forty more minutes had passed, and everyone had finished the test. His paper had been graded, but he had to wait for the results. After a few more minutes, the instructor then called him and two other people to follow them. This more than likely said that the other two that stayed behind had failed their test. 

Haruma was then brought into a room where he needed to get his picture taken, and he did not smile. He learned a long time ago that a camera hated him, and he could never get a decent picture.

He then got his license from the worker, walked out, and made a beeline for his house so he could ride his bike. Something he did brag about before running up was that there was a gasoline container so he could fill up some of the tank of his bike.




After getting home, he received a call from Yu stating that he found out that the person who might know something about Kanji would show up tomorrow. They decided to end the search for today.

haruma agreed and told yu that he would have his schedule cleared up for the search and potentially going into the dungeon.

Once he got home, he filled up his motorcycle tank with the container he had and then went to put on his new jacket and helmet for a test run since he really didn't have anything else to do.

He immediately headed down to the shopping district to fill up his tank completely. While there, he thought about the possibility of riding this thing to school, but it would only cause problems for him with the authorities and the students, so he put that idea on the back burner.

Now, Haruma decided only to take the bike around the town since he knew she would be doing things tomorrow, so he didn't want to get into an accident before the big day.

He only rode around for two hours, but he could say he was hooked. The drive to go faster than you should, the wind pressing against your helmet, and many more things lead to the confirmation that haruma has fallen in love with mortorcycles.




The day after that, haruma went to school only for the day to seamlessly pass on. he really didn't even notice it was time to leave school, but he remembered the instructions to look for some clues. haruma knows that Yu is heading over to Junes to talk to that blue hair boy and ask about Kanji, so he figures he might as well tag along.

After meeting up with Yu, they made it to the local Junes and walked through the door, and to their left, the slender young man with blue hair was there. 

They both then approached the boy, and the boy then turned to them and asked if there was anything they needed from him.

"Many people from the town come and meet here. It's a very convenient location, isn't it?" he said, which got haruma thinking about how open their meet-up place was and how someone could overhear them. While thinking about that, Yu started to ask about Kanji since the boy was seen talking to him.

" You're asking if anything seemed strange when I spoke to Kanji-kun, yes...? Hmm. Very well. It seems to be an urgent matter, so I'll simply tell you." the boy said 

"If you're asking about recent events, then yes, there was something out of the ordinary. It was something I felt when I was with him... So I told him outright that he seemed to be an odd person." he continued and then closed his eyes while talking even more about kanji with a small smile on his face.

"after I said that, his expression changed all of a sudden... I was quite surprised. On that basis, I believe his actions were somewhat forced and unnatural throughout the time I was with him. he may have some sort of complex... though I have no proof of this." the boy then finished off his statement. However, he then noticed who was accompanying Yu, who turned out to be the second, fourth figure on the midnight channel who, for some reason, did not end up kidnapped.

'Sharma Amamiya, a first-year transfer student at Yasoinaba High School. He is an outstanding genius that his former high school gave away to this town in the middle of nowhere for some outlandish reason. He is the biggest reason why I cannot get a decent connection with all the victims in this case. Well... he could just be an outlier.' the young boy thinks while noticing both Yu and Haruma head off to the food court, both on their phones calling people.




After getting everyone to the food court, they then discussed their finding with the group, and for some reason, there is now a fox joining the group. The fox in question will help the team regain spirit points, which haruma has difficulty understanding.

However, they head into the TV world to talk to Teddie about the clue.




As everyone enters the TV world, they see Teddie staring off into another direction. Yu and haruma head off to talk with him while everyone else just stands around, waiting for Teddie to explain where Kanji is.

Now that Haruma can have a better look around, he can certainly see the door to the velvet room, and it appears that no one else but him and Yu could perceive.

'is it something to do with our arcana, or is it just the world trying to make us forget what we see? kinda like the counterforce in Fate. If that even is a decent analogy because of how complex that series is.' haruma thought to himself while stepping next to Yu, who was in front of Teddie. They then gave him their clues for what they knew about kanji.

"Oh, you found out more about kanji... Hmmhmm, a complex..." Teddie starts to hum to himself, trying for what haruma can assume to be his thinking procedure to find the scent of kanji.

"Th-That's it!? That's all I have to go on? You're working me to the stuffing. OH well... then I'll open my nose up real wide and sniff real hard!" Teddie complains to the group, but then, for some reason, they gain a scent that seems like the target we are looking for. The bear then starts to talk about something else, but they yell for us to follow him.

He takes us to what haruma and the group can only assume to be the locker room of a men's bathhouse.


Hey guys, sorry about the late upload, but college burnt me out, and how they are doing exams is killing me.

On to some more interesting things: we are finally onto the new dungeon. As a surprise, the boy in blue has done his research. If you haven't played the game, I won't spoil anything, but Haurma's existence is really toughing a wrench in his deduction abilities to figure out a connection to the killed and kidnapped victims.

Also, Haruma has finally ridden his motorcycle. Sorry if that part was a bit short, but I really wanted to move on and get to the good part

did anyone see the new leaks for JJK 243? Yuta, lets FUCKING GOOOO. No more fraud status!!!!!

Anyway, thanks for reading, and have a great day.