
Persona 5 , when you break the game. it will break you..

when you got ability to summons godlike being.. its would change your mind and body... then break everything... game element .... Full Boss mode Ren... strong in real life. Hope with this story .. other author will make persona 5 fiction multiverse .. first world : persona 5

kikicrmkia · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Persona 4

>>Take your Time


20XX/04/10~6:17 AM

Sunday-Early Morning-Cloudy.

Yongen-Jaya Cafe Leblanc.


He opened his eyes, put on his exercise clothing again and started doing the same exercises he did last night, thinking about the "dream" That bizarre old man, Igor, he lied too many times for him to trust the man, the twins, however, they were so naive it was almost cute, he could trust them, after 35 minutes, again he stopped.


+5 Hp

+3 Sp



-- Hp:94

-- Sp:34


Ren: 'Ruin and rehabilitation, huh?'


Ren put on his uniform and entered the booth downstairs and kept studying until Sojiro arrived.


>>Take your Time


20XX/04/10~8:35 AM


Yongen-Jaya Cafe Leblanc.


+3 Knowledge


-- Learned -- 6/20


Sojiro arrived wearing a white two-button blazer over his normal clothing, and a fedora with a red-white-and-blue striped hat band.


Sojiro:"Yo, looks like you are up, Well then let's go introduce ourselves to the staff there, and talk about your transfer. Shujin is in the Aoyama District, It will cost you a bit to ride the train there, and the route transfers are a pain. I'll drive you there just for today. Let's go..."


>>Take your Time


20XX/04/10~9:07 AM


Aoyama District Shujin Academy.


Ren looked towards the school, it was a normal prep school, nothing different or noteworthy

Sojiro:"Please behave yourself...Don't get me wrong, I don't care about you, Just don't cause me trouble"


>>Take your Time


In the principal's office, Sojiro finished signing the papers.


Principal:"To reiterate, just so we're clear, you will be immediately expelled if you cause any trouble...Honestly, I hesitated on accepting someone like you, but there were circumstances on our side...You might have done a variety of things in hiding in your hometown, but you will behave yourself here. If you are thrown out from our school there will be no places to go. Keep that in mind."


Ren had to restrain himself from not cringing, the man was terribly obese and bald. He wears a beige suit, white undershirt, and red bow tie, his neck was larger than his face, it was a wonder that the man did not keel over and die of blood pressure or something.


Principal:"This is the teacher in charge of your class Kawakami-sensei." He pointed towards the female by his side a youthful looking woman 5'3" of height and a slender build, a modest C cup and nice hips. She has dark brown unkempt hair, dark brown eyes and had a somewhat long and sleepy face, she wore a yellow long-sleeved shirt striped with white and red horizontal lines, a blue denim skirt and white kitten heel shoes.


Kawakami-sensei:"I'm Kawakami Sadayo, Here is your student ID." she had a nice voice, but a bit sleepy.


She passed the card to Ren and he picked up, putting it in his pocket.


Kawakami-sensei:"Be sure to read the school guidelines, any violation will send you straight to the guidance office, And if by chance you cause any problems, I will not be able to cover you...This was your promise, yes, Principal?"


Principal:"Mhm, He is responsible for all his actions"


Kawakami-sensei:"But why me? There should've been better candidates."


Principal:"It was a sudden transfer, and your class was the only one that had an opening."

Sojiro:"If you are done with the explanations, mind if we get going? I got a business to get back to"


Principal:"Sakura-san, please keep a close eye on him. Don't let him cause trouble outside"


Sojiro:"Well, I'll be sure to have a serious talk about the situation he is in"


Kawakami-sensei:"*sigh* Come to the faculty office when you arrive tomorrow Amamiya-kun. I'll show you to your classroom."


Ren:"Yes, I'll do just that" He smiled at her, she had a pink hue to her face, she turned her attention the many books in the office as a distraction, her eyes seemed happier.


Ren:'I think I made her day with my smile, Hrm weird….'


>>Take your Time


Sojiro:"They are treating you as a nuisance…I guess that's what it means to have a criminal record."


Ren:"Were you surprised Sakura-san? Your past follows you wherever you go...It's up to you, to make most of your situation."


Sojiro:"...When did you become so wise… well…If you get expelled, I will not hesitate to kick you out, Understand?"




Sojiro:"*sigh* School never changes, huh…? Come on, we are going home."


>>Take your Time


Kawakami Sadayo met a teacher in the outdoors corridor he had long black unkempt hair and thick eyebrows. His jawline is broad and square. He wore a white sports T-shirt and black sports trousers with double white stripes, he was tall, 6'4" in height.


Jersey-wearing Teacher:"What a troublesome situation"


Kawakami-sensei:"They pushed a boy with a record on me, A male teacher would be better suited for this." She said with an annoyed voice, her fist was in her hips


Kawakami-sensei:'On top of it he looks like a model...why do the handsome ones have to be so crazy...Wait why am I thinking about a student's appearance'


Jersey-wearing Teacher:"Why was someone like that admitted here?" The teacher put his hands on his hips and shook his head in disappointment.


Kawakami-sensei:"Who knows? It was the Principal's decision. I was told it was for the school's reputation."


Jersey-wearing Teacher:"I would've thought my volleyball team has contributed more than enough to cover that"


Kawakami-sensei:"Well, that's true."


Jersey-wearing Teacher:"Be careful okay?" The man stretched his arm.


Jersey-wearing Teacher:"Then again, if anything were to happen I'd throw a student like that right away."


Kawakami-sensei:"He is not a bad kid…" she mumbled, remembering that smile.


Jersey-wearing Teacher:"Hmm? Did you say something...Well, I should be returning to practice."


Kawakami-sensei:"The tournament, it's drawing closer huh?"


Jersey-wearing Teacher:"Hehe, having such high expectation placed on you by others is a problem in itself. We'll have to work extra hard to make up for the track team too." He faked a smile.


Kawakami-sensei:"Well, that's true." Then the teacher left her, heading for the court.


Kawakami-sensei:"Why did it have to be my class," she said in a pouty tone


>>Take your Time


Ren was in Sojiro's yellow car, stuck in traffic.


Sojiro:"Traffic's not moving at all...You are going by train, starting tomorrow...So how was it? The school, think you can manage?"


Ren:"Curricular stuff, as well as academic work, will not be a problem, however, the Social aspect will be fun." Ren smirked as he said.


Sojiro:"Humm, well it seems like you'll be in for a rough time, just don't do anything stupid, okay?... If those attitudes were like that at a school, people might say stuff about me too in the future… What a troublesome kid I've taken in..."


Ren:"Why take me in then?"


Sojiro:"It was a request that I just happened to agree to it, I've been paid in full as well"


Newscaster:"Again, a Subway has derailed at Shibuya Station, greatly affecting the timetable all across the--"


Sojiro:"Another accident? So that's why it's so crowded, there are a lot of accidents suddenly."


Ren:"This is…"


Newscaster:"17 Confirmed dead-- another 16 in critical condition--- reports say that over 129 people were involved"


Ren & Sojiro:"...!!"


>> Take your Time


Female announcer:"The train is arriving, please don't stand in the yellow lines, the doors will open to the left"


The sounds of the train arriving got louder and louder, until the wind blew in the people's face, knocking them off balance, the train continued accelerating, it headed towards another station, the people inside who were standing all fell down because of the acceleration, hitting the floor, hurting themselves, the children started to cry, the man driving was bleeding from the mouth as his hands were accelerating the train, his eyes were bulging out of their sockets and they were pure white...The conductor died a few moments later, the speed derailed the cart, it knocked people out as the train crashed and ran over the people waiting for it at the next station, by some miracle the carts didn't run over the pillars supporting the station, else the accident would be even more lethal.


A man woke up, inside the ruined train, his arm still held onto his daughter, he pushed her arm and it flopped over, it was an amputated arm leaking the crimson liquid all over him, he looked over to her, and she was dead, her head smashed to the ground as a tear leaked out from one of her good eyes, while the other was squished in her sockets, the man wailed in grief, he looked wildly around the first cart, and all were dead, dying by blunt force or being squelched into a pulp, the windows were bloody as the lights flickered on and off, he felt a burning sensation in his stomach, he looked down and there was a metal bar impaling his gut, his blood spilled out as he gasped in pain, the adrenaline finally leaving his body, he saw a part of his intestines spilling out, he screamed, a sound so inhuman it shouldn't have come from his mouth, he tried to raise his body and move, but his body fell down from the wound, he struggled until he passed away from his injuries.


>>Take your Time


20XX/04/10~14:07 PM

Sunday-After Class-Cloudy.

Yongen-Jaya Cafe Leblanc.


Ren arrived at the Cafe at 11:00 am and started studying since then, he was served Curry for lunch, and only stopped studying now, both him and Sojiro settled in a pleasant silence, both still distrusting each other, one had a record and the other was a shitty adult, that's what passed their minds.


+3 Knowledge


-- Learned -- 8/20


Sojiro turned on the Tv and it was full of news about the accident.


TV newscaster: "And now we welcome a witness to the accident, welcome Tanaka Saji-san--"


Sojiro:"Talk about a gruesome accident 34 deaths now confirmed, more than 100 people were involved"


Ren:"Its first on trending on international news, good grief"


Sojiro:"Well, we better be more careful from now on…"


After all said and done, Ren enjoyed a cup of coffee, he brought his normal clothes and entered the Bathhouse in front of the Cafe, he took a bath as he didn't take one for the last few days, he soaked in the hot bath and after half an hour he shifted to his off day clothes, and took his sweaty uniform and washed it in the public washing machines.


+1 Charm


Rank up -- Rank 4 --Stunning 1/25


Ren is extremely impressive or attractive, able to stun a normal person with just his looks, he can charm most women to his will or men who bat for the other team;

Able to talk a man off a ledge;

-160 ¥


2,347 ¥