
Perseverance- The Discovering Us Series - Book Three

Perseverance is the only way we will survive! This is book three in the Discovering Us series. Please be aware this book contains mature scenes of sexual and physical assault. And is the darkest of the three books in the series so far.

KLJenkins · Fantasy
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35 Chs


Violet's POV

"Where is he?" My voice comes out barely a whisper. I've been here for three days. The sun rising and setting as I sit in this room alone, no contact with anyone, in my old bedroom in England. The room I was so excited to finally have at the age of ten. The grand high ceilings, the pretty coving. The plush lilac carpet that I begged for. The floor to ceiling sliding doors that open onto a small balcony that overlooks the impressive twelve acres behind the house, that have been locked. The small single bed that I once thought was the best thing anyone had ever given me and it's lush melting mattress that is covered in the richest of gold cotton bedding with embroidered gold horses that I treasured.

This being the house where I lived with my mother and Henry before she died.

"He's around. Close even".

"I want to see him" is he okay, is he hurt? What is he doing with him, why didn't he just take me?.

"You can, when you earn your privileges" earn fucking privileges? What the fuck is he on?.

"Fuck you" he crosses the room and stands at the foot of the bed that smile on his face. The one he usually uses in his playroom.

"Don't snub me until you know your situation princess" I look up then, looking into the eyes that haunt my sleep. Mother fucking cunt. I hate him, fucking hate his guts. If it weren't for the fact I didn't know where or how Zach is I would stab him with the butter knife that's on the tray of food I've refused to eat. I don't trust they haven't put something in it. Lillie's voice telling me to never eat or drink something my assailants give me.

"Now I think it's time you were brought up to speed on why you're here. Are you ready to listen?" I laugh at him before I realise the question wasn't a rhetorical one.

"As I'll ever be" I snarl at him.

"Good. Well I won't dance around the truth princess. I took you because I want you and I'll have you don't think that I won't" he paces in front of me hands behind his back, my tummy somersaults at his words."But I'm willing to come to a compromise today" he tells me "Only today" he reiterates. I snarl at him. We're never going to come to a compromise "If you wish to, you can decide to give yourself to me if not I will take you everyday for the rest of your stay here against your will." he stops pacing waiting for me to rebuke him and I do of course. I spit at his face not bothering to give him any words.

"I'd be very careful princess. I have something of yours, something that you hold dear to that lovely little heart of yours and I'm not afraid to hurt him to prove a point. I will rape you then make you watch my men beat him. Shit I may even make him watch whilst I rape you" I swallow the word rape. My heart skipping a few beats. Don't think, don't remember.

"Fuck you" he ignores my jibe walking closer.

"You will let me fuck you whenever, wherever and however I please. You can fight me if you like, you know I like a rough fuck, I like the thought of raping you. In fact it will please me if you fight me every time I touch you" I turn away from him, hiding the fear that must be evident on my face. That's why he took me. He wants more, he wants to rape me like he did all those girls over and over and over again until I'm nothing but a damaged person living inside the shell of my body.

"I want to fuck you now" I snap my gaze to his baring my teeth before I speak.

"If you even lay one finger on me I'll break your hand for you" he sits in front of me on the bed, his hand squeezing one of my breasts. I slap his face then push him back from me in his moment of shock.

"You've become a feisty little one since you've been away princess. Shall I show you what will happen when you refuse?" I snort, do I have a choice? He smiles to himself as he brings his phone out of his pocket. A video feed of a dark room is playing on the screen. I snatch the phone from his hand as I recognise the person in the video. Zach's in the room leaning against one wall with his back straight, his legs bent up in front of him. He's in nothing but a pair of joggers. His fists clenched as he stares into space, yet it feels like he's staring right at the camera. Staring right at me. Does he know it's there? My guts tells me he is staring at me, that he knows I'm going to be watching but surely not? He looks relatively unharmed so I let out the breath I was holding turning back my attention to Henry.

"Is this live?".


"Have you hurt him?".

"Only in America".

"I'll fucking kill you if you hurt a hair on his head" he smirks as if I've confirmed his dreams or some crap.

"Then princess I guess you'll have to let me fuck you".

"No chance" he snatches the phone out of my hands placing it on the bedside table leaning into me. His cologne swamps me as my mind wants to wander back to that day in the playroom at home. The day he forced himself upon me for the first time. Shut it down, don't think about it. I grit my teeth. Do not let him win.

"I want you princess".

"I said no chance" he leans down so our lips are mere millimetres apart. I can almost taste the stale whisky on his breath. He moistens his lips with his tongue as I do the same. It's the same smell.

"Are you sure princess?" His left eyebrow raises.

"I'm fucking sure, you'll never touch me again".

"Okay, as you wish princess. First things first" he picks the phone up whilst staying as close to me as humanly possible. He dials a number smirking to himself.

"She's refused" is all he says. Pulling back he tosses the phone back on the bed. In my haste I drop it a few times before I manage to pick it up and I watch in horror as three men. Those same three men as before? enter the room Zach is sitting in. He doesn't move, doesn't even flinch. The only response he gives them is movement in his eyes. He watches them.

"What are they doing?".

"Watch princess, let this be your first lesson" my eyes flick back down to the phone as they all surround Zach. He looks up smirking at the three men.

"Again?" He says "you don't really wanna play these games do you boys? How's Frank? His ribs healed yet" I look up to Henry then back down. Mother fucker lied. He fucking lied.

"You lied" I mutter. He has hurt him.

"Just watch princess" I do watch, I watch them pull Zach to his feet. He doesn't make the first swing even though I will him to. Hurt them. Take them down Zach. He stands there for one hundred and seventy four seconds taking punch after punch until he loses control until he physically snaps. His eyes becoming black orbs in his angelic face. Then I watch in amazement at how easily he takes them out. He throat punches one sending him to the floor as he clutches his throat unable to breath. Then the second he punches like he does the boxing bags at home until he falls to the floor and the last. That one puts up a fight. They scrap against the wall until both of their body's fall to the floor. Zach gets five or six punches to his face before they roll over and the roles are reversed. I watch the mans clenched fist connect with different parts of Zach's face over and over again. The cry that comes out of me is as if I were the one being punched my chest aching that I am watching this unfold. I will myself to look away but I can't, I don't want to miss anything. I want to know everything Henry puts us through so when I kill him I won't feel guilty about it.

"Stop them".

"He'll beat him before I can even call them to stop" Henry spits at me. And Zach does. It's like the punches give him strength because he kicks them both up grabbing the man by his throat strangling him until his arms and legs flail as the man panics to try and get any oxygen he can. Panicking won't help you. Lillie's words echo. Though I'm glad the mans struggling, he will die quicker. But he doesn't die.

Zach let's the man fall to the floor just as his eyes roll back in his head. Then he sits back against the wall as he was when I first laid my eyes on him. His breathing unaltered. Blood runs down his face from his eyebrow, his lip split in two places. His knuckles red and swollen.

Fuck I did that, I made him do that.

"Is that all you have Henry?" He shouts as he looks at the camera again.

"Is this suppose to scare me?" I bluff. It does scare me.

"I admit, I need better men. And they are coming don't you worry princess. But see this as a taster. When you refuse me, he gets punished before you do understand?" I swallow the spit that sits in my mouth. How long can Zach with stand people coming to him to fight, is Henry feeding him? Giving him water?

He will hate you if he knows you could have stopped his suffering. You can stop his suffering.

How long will I survive with him fucking me until I go back to that place. The place where I hid in my head?.

"Let him go home".

"Oh princess I'm not stupid. He will keep you in line. He's not going anywhere".

"Are you feeding him?".

"He's refused, much as you have".

"Let him go home. I'll stay with you if you do".

"If he goes home, there will be three of them searching for you. He knows parts of the inside of this house, he knows how long you've been here. How many men I have. That it was me, I took you. He is staying here with us".

"Let me talk to him, he won't tell them anything, not if I ask him not to. They won't search for me. They won't try to find me. I'll stay with you." lies, it's all lies. I can taste the bile at the back of throat as I say the lies.  Zach probably wouldn't leave if he knew I wasn't going with him and if he did he would find me. He wouldn't leave me here.

"They've been searching for you for over a week princess. That body guard of yours already realised you were flown out of the country, much sooner than I would have liked. They'll find you soon. There's no doubt about that. But by then, I would have had my fill of you" He traces a finger down my cheek as I think over his confession. A week, over a fucking week? No how can that be? Three sunrises. I've seen three sunrises. And before that I only remember getting in the van as they held a gun to Zach's lifeless body in the parking garage. How have I missed four fucking days?

I close my eyes as a wave of nausea hits me out of nowhere. How did they find us so fast? The tracker. Zach has a tracker. Why didn't I give in and get a fucking tracker? Stupid girl, your ignorance may have cost Zach time. And If they separate us they won't be able to find me. Fuck I need to keep Zach here with me.

You have no choice, you have to give Henry what he wants. He will take it anyway.

I can't let Zach get hurt. He is the key to getting out of this mess. A horrible high pitched grunt comes from the phone and I scramble to pick it up again. What I see chills my body. The first man, the man Zach throat punched has a taser connected to Zach. Zach's writhing body jumps around on the floor as electrical current after electrical current travels through his body. Holding my breath I count the seconds until his body stops writhing about. Then my heart speeds as Zach lays there lifeless. Get up. God damn it wake up. Two minutes. Three minutes. Six minutes until Zach gasps awake to a now empty room. He lays there staring up at the ceiling. Tears fall down my cheeks as I look back up from the phone.

"Good old Diego. Never was a clean fighter, now come here princess" he grabs my wrist so I counter kick him away from me. He groans as he falls back from the bed. We look at each other as he plans his next move. As he grabs at my ankles I kick at his forearms.

"Fuck princess your making my cock hard" I shudder at his words and I'm pulled down on the mattress underneath Henry's body. His fingers pulling at the black lace knickers that I'm wearing, writhing beneath him I try to get away but they rip loudly leaving me exposed. Cool air hits between my thighs. His cold rough fingers separate my legs as he settles between them. Panic sits in my throat as reality sinks in. He's going to do it again. He's going to rape me and I barely even fought him off.

"Get off me" I whine. I wriggle beneath him assessing his hold on me.

"One call and I'll have him writhing on the floor again" I close my eyes at his confession. There's no way out of this. He's going to take you whether you let him or not. Don't let Zach get hurt for you.

"This is your second lesson. You should have given yourself to me willingly" he shoves himself into me roughly as his hands come around my throat.

"Finally" he says through gritted teeth fucking me without mercy. I roll my head to the side looking out in the gardens. Don't fight, hold your breath how Zach taught you. Go to a mellow place, a happy place.

Compartmentalise. Your not here. It's just your body he is using. Forget him.

Don't let him break you.

Just a note to my readers that this book is a dark romance and there are scenes of rape throughout the first half of the book.