
Perseverance- The Discovering Us Series - Book Three

Perseverance is the only way we will survive! This is book three in the Discovering Us series. Please be aware this book contains mature scenes of sexual and physical assault. And is the darkest of the three books in the series so far.

KLJenkins · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter Two

Violet's POV

I watch Tyler playing the piano as I sit in front of the fire. He's playing a song he wrote for me. The first song he's written in years apparently. The long hair on top of his head falling down in front of his eyes. He needs a hair cut but Zach's forbid it. He likes running his fingers through his hair and I have to say I agree.

"It's not perfect. But it will be" he tells me as he lifts his gaze from the piano. His hazel eyes catch mine and I can't look away.

"It's pretty perfect already" I say from the floor.

His distant grunt in my ear as he empties himself inside me for the second time brings me out of my memory. No, don't concentrate on him. Don't give him yourself. Tyler. Concentrate on Tyler.

"Fuck princess, you're so much more than I expected".

"What are you calling it?" I ask Tyler.

"I haven't a name for it yet".

"It's beautiful".

"As are you".

He flips my body over pressing my cheek into the mattress. I look out the window into the far distance disinterested. Green fills my vision, green grass, green trees, green blurring as the tears form at the freedom that I don't have.

"Maybe I'll never have enough of you" he murmurs as he shoves his cock into me again. His stamina matching that of Zach's.

Don't think about him, not now, not whilst he's inside you. I screw my eyes shut trying to ignore his thrusts but I'm failing. In and out, in, out.

Driving. Think about driving.

Car. My car. The first day they gave it to me.

"Come, we have a surprise for you" Tyler pulls me up out of the kitchen chair with a excited grin playing at his lips. I love his smile. His straight white teeth. His full bottom lip. The curve to his slimmer top lip.

"You'll love it" Callum tells me as we walk out of the apartment, I follow the two of them into the elevators and we ride down to the garage in a sexually charged silence. My gaze bouncing between the two of them. My tongue drying in my mouth as I see the top of Callum's chest peak through his unbuttoned shirt. My fingers brushing against Tyler's hand as I shift from none foot to the other.

I look up as the elevator door opens revealing Zach stood by a white mustang. I exit quickly walking towards the car he's perched on. It's sleek and white but I notice a sheen to the paintwork as I move and the light catches it.

"What's this?" I ask him. Has he decided he prefers Callum's car? He shouldn't. His is much nicer.

"A congratulations for passing your test" Zach holds out the keys to the car, my car, to me.

"This is ... insane." I say gravitating towards the car. I peer inside, it's kitted out with black and white leather seats, the dash in black trimmed with white too. It has a built in satnav and heated seats.

"This is really mine?" I ask. All three of them nod.

"Thank you, oh my god thank you".

His hand comes down with a resounding slap on my ass cheek. Once, twice, thrice.

"Concentrate princess" no, no I don't want to concentrate on you. I screw my eyes shut. Shut him out, don't let him in. He grabs at my hips pulling me back as he thrusts into me. Pain radiates in my stomach as he thrusts particularly deep.

"Fuck" I hate you. I will kill you.

He stills pulsing deep within me. I don't react. I feel nothing. My body numb. He falls to my back in a sweaty weight and we lay here. Him crushing me with his weight to the mattress as he catches his breath.

Happy place, forget him, his body, his stickiness.

It's not there. Your at home with the boys. Happy, safe, content.

Tyler, Callum, Zach. They love you.

He said he loves you.

"Clean yourself up princess. I'll be back after dinner".

I don't move when he leaves the room clicking the door shut. He doesn't lock the door though and I'm tempted to get up to check if my hearing deceived me.

I don't though.

Dirty. Wash. Scrub.

My stomach churns and nausea hits me out of nowhere. Scrambling from the bed I run to the bathroom just in time to puke into the toilet. It burns as the acid travels the length of my oesophagus. My head swims with dizziness as I retch until the heaves become dry and painful.

Dirty. Dirty. Dirty.

My skin crawls as I accept the wet stickiness between my legs. His sticky wet semen that doesn't belong. Peeling myself off the floor I turn the shower on scrapping the dress from my body on autopilot. I turn the water to boiling standing under the hot stream washing away my sins.

It pelts my skin as I scrub, scrub, scrub.

My skin's on fire but I don't care.

Scrub him from your body.

Get him off.

Do it again.

Again, it's still there.

They'll never want you again you're dirty, tainted.



I fall to the floor as the first wave of sobs crashed through my body. My chest aching as I cry into the shower. This shouldn't be happening, they safeguarded me. We had a court order for him to stay away. His trial was supposed to start in just over a month. I cry into my knees letting the water scald my already scorching skin but as the water goes cold against my skin so do I. My senses becoming numb and distant. I feel nothing but the cold wracking my body. Until it isn't there anymore. I escape far away into my head. Hearing nothing, seeing nothing, feeling nothing. I'm free. As free as I'll ever be.

This is my safe place.

I open my eyes to the ceiling above the bed and I trace the intricate design of the coving around the room.

How did I get here?.

Who put me here?.

Pushing my body up I look around the room. I rake my eyes over everything. The windows with the curtains pulled open, the door to the closet closed, the door to the bathroom half opened. The old cream dresser that used to be full of my toys that I never played with, a tv sat on top. The bedroom door shut as he had left it.

I spin my head back. Tv.

That wasn't there before. The sheets fall from my naked body when I sit up abruptly.

A television?.

How on earth did that get there?.

I swing my legs out of the bed standing quickly intending to investigate. My feet move slowly over the lilac carpet until I'm stood naked in front of the sleek black screen. I can see myself.

Disgusting, vile, dirty.

I shake my head ignoring the words that I am.

It wasn't here before of that I'm sure.

So why is it here now?.

What game are you playing Henry?.

The black controller sits on the base so I gingerly pick the controller up turning it in my hand. It seems innocent enough. I hit the large oval button at the top switching the tv on. The screen flickers to life with a picture of Zach. Not a picture a video.

He's sat in a different pair of trousers this time. Lounge pants. A fresh tray of food sat in front of him. Though all the food is untouched an empty bottle of water lays beside his crossed legs. I stand stupefied watching him breathe evenly as he stares at the camera.

"I love you" I tell him as I touch the picture on the screen. I do love you and I'm sorry. I'm sorry I let him touch me, I'm sorry I let them touch you. I'm sorry.

Please forgive me Zach.

"Ah good your up. And you've found your present princess" I turn the tv off. I know he can't see through the screen but I can't have him there watching me as Henry touches me again. It would feel so weird, to private.

"You don't want to watch him?" I do, just not with you here "Fuck off" I roll my eyes at my lack of control when he smiles.

"Now now princess don't make me revoke your privilege already" he steps further towards me. So I take a step back. Privilege? How is watching Zach in that room a privilege. I can't even start to understand his fucked up mind. Carmen had said he was fucked up. I swallow the spit sitting in my mouth before I use it to spit at him. I just hope Tyler and Callum find us both before we are both fucked up beyond repair.

"Take it then" I walk over to the closet pretending that I don't feel his eyes on my naked body.

Whore, you're parading around naked.

"I want you to come to dinner princess" so I can throw some more things at your head?.

I reach for the first piece of clothing on the rail.

It's an oversized sweater dress that reaches down to my mid thigh. Everything in here is revealing, accessible. I scan everything with disinterest. Dresses more dresses, skirts and T-shirt's nothing to cover me up down ...there. No underwear. No trousers or shorts.

Easy access, for him most likely.

"I didn't think bras and shorts would be enough to keep you warm here".

"What do you care?" I bite.

"I care a lot for you princess you know that deep down".

"Right because raping someone is caring".

"You had the choice".

"And I chose no. I said no, yet you took me anyway".

"Your choice wasn't if I had you. It was if I had you willingly or forcefully. Rape or consensual".

"That's not a fucking choice" I scream at him and I'm glutton for punishment because I scream every word that follows knowing what's coming. Knowing I will provoke him "I am not yours Henry. I never have been and I sure as hell will never be in the future. The worse thing you ever did was send me away to them. They taught me real love and loyalty. They showed me kindness and touched me softly. They taught me I have a fucking choice. And I do. This" I move my hand between the two of us to show what I'm talking about "What you did earlier today that was rape and it's illegal".

"You are mine. You have been since you were ten. And I waited. I let you grow up before I had you. I showed you the type of world I brought you into. I showed you mercy so when I finally had you, you would know what was expected of you, what I liked and disliked. I taught you before I touched you. Don't test my patience princess because I am holding onto my anger by a thin thread. I want to tan your backside, I want to whip your skin until it bleeds. I want to fuck that pert little asshole whilst you scream. But I'm trying to show you more mercy because I love you. So don't stand there shouting at me, don't pretend you didn't know what you are to me, what I expected of you. You are mine love, and I will never let you go" I know and I never thought you would let me go. Until I met them I never wanted to go.

"I am not yours" I stamp my foot as I scream at him. He walks into the closet at my shouted words pulling my head back by a fistful of hair. Pain slices through my scalp as he whispers in my ear.

"Did your lunch time fuck not show you who you belong too, do I need to fuck you in front of him to teach you that you are mine to do with as I please? You were never his, never theirs. You only went there to earn your keep" I stare at him astounded. How dare he threaten such a thing. If he did, if he fucked me in front of Zach I'd lose him for good. He would never look at me the same way again.

He already won't, why would he want you? You are damaged, disgusting, dirty, you're a whore. Henry's whore.

"Don't you dare" I whisper, my words coming without conviction.

"Carry on with this bullshit and I'll fuck you in front of him every time I please" I stare up at the man in front of me. Please god don't let me anger him enough for him fuck me in front of Zach.

Zach's POV

I watch the tv screen Henry so kindly 'gifted' me days ago. He's left her alone for a week, seven days. Granting Callum and my dad time that I begged for, that I bartered a quarter of a million for.

'They have one week, if they haven't found us by then I'll have my girl and you will watch'.

'She is not yours'.

'You are sorely mistaken son'.

'If you touch her and come back here to me. I will kill you'.

'You won't, not if you want her alive'.

But they haven't found us. They should have found us. They should have been able to track me. Not her of course because she's damn fucking stubborn but me. That's why I haven't tried to get out. Where I am, she is. I won't leave her behind. So why haven't they? I said one week and he gave me that. I've counted the days with his less than capable visitors, by the twenty one meals that they've graced me with that I refused to eat.

She hasn't eaten. He's kept her drugged for half the week laying in her bed unaware of what's happening around her. But now, now I have to watch him rape her. A deals a deal. He thinks it will break us but I won't let it. Three times he takes her. I watch her body fall lifeless under him after she tries to fight him off, her eyes zoned out as he takes her roughly.

I'm hoping, I'm praying he doesn't fucking break her before I get the chance to kill him for her.