
Chapter - 23

Alex's POV

Snacks were done and everyone began to work to find Kyle and Gage.

" Okay so it's obvious that to reach gramps we need to reach Gage first."

Says Andrew being proud of his suggestion.

"Gramps?" I said out in confusion.

"He calls Kyle Gramps, because of some reasons" Ethan explains and now I was curious about the reasons, might ask Regan later.

"So any clues on Gage?" I said looking around the room, but none answered so I guess nobody knows," atleast the last time you guys saw him?"

Everyone looks at me and starts to laugh and giggle, that made me frown and ask "what? What's so funny?"

"Well you are way too determined to help Regan out of the mess, I like that" says Troy not forgetting to add his flirty comment at the end, but that reminded me where was Regan.

"Hey guys, what did I miss?" Speak of the devil and he's here.

"Nothing just how desperate Alex-" I covered Andrew's mouth to stop him from speaking further.