
Perhaps Plan C?

Book One of the Runaway Royals Series What happens when Plan B doesn't work? Should you skip to Plan C instead? 19 year old Theia Lexington had always wanted someone who saw her for who she was. Not for her name or what they could obtain through her. She had never met anyone who did so besides him. After a whirlwind romance of two weeks where only the both of them existed, he left, promising to come back. Only, what would he come back to? Author's Note This book, alongside The Immortal Fate Series, are the first books I've ever written. I've always read a lot before, and I happened to notice the last writing prompt, # 239, and decided to just give it a shot. I'd like to say I'm telling a story, but it feels like the story is telling me to be honest. ^_^   I hope you guys enjoy it. It starts off a bit slower on the romance side, instead telling Theia's story on the way to meeting the ML alongside the other characters who will be important to the series.

Missa_Collingwood · Urban
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What a Pig Team Mate!

She picked at her food while answering the questions asked about school. It was the usual. He would ask questions like a "concerned parent", try to steer her toward what he wanted her to do, and tell her who she should be friends with so he could gain connections through them to their parents. Good Lord, did this man never think about changing his script? Not even a little? Even a minor alteration would be better than the redundant nature of this conversation. At this point, it was exceedingly hard to even feign interest in the conversation.



As if to save her, Nathalia began engaging her father in a few pieces of news she had heard through a few other wives, successfully diverting his attention away for a while. She was so sick and fed up with these regularly scheduled meals. Meals that she couldn't even enjoy because she never got to pick what she wanted. A thought suddenly occurred to her. Why was she even forcing herself to eat this? Couldn't she just order something else? Was she an idiot? She palmed her face, pressing the buzzer for the waiter. 




Knock! Knock! The waiter entered.



"How can I be of service?"



"I'd like to order some…." She looked at the menu, deliberating. "I'd like to have a portion of Cajun Alfredo pasta with a side of braised beef, please."



"Right away, we'll be with you within 15 minutes."



After he left, her father looked at her, annoyed. "Theia, what are you doing?"



"I'm ordering food I'd like to eat. You constantly order food that I dislike without asking me about my preferences. Usually I would have no issue with it, but I'm hungry and I had a long day, so my apologies, Father, but I'll be eating what I like. "



Theodore took deep breaths, telling himself that it wasn't wise to say something to annoy her into leaving. She needed to stay for the required time so everything could go as planned. Take deep breaths and ignore her nonsense. If she wanted to eat and become a pig, that wasn't his problem. The hell it wasn't. He was still planning on making use of her. If she got fat, what good would she be? That was the only reason he bothered with her. And what was with the look on the brat's face as though she was enjoying the situation? For f**ks sake. So damn difficult, just like her mother. He clenched his fingers, shooting Natalia a look inviting her to say something about it. 



"The Cajun pasta is quite delicious. I've had it myself before. The spices they used really complimented the shrimp as well. " Natalia said.



"Oh? Then I'm glad I chose it. Have you tried the beef before? "



"No, I think I tried the braised pork though. It was delicious."



"Then I'll try that next time as well."



At this point, he truly wanted to choke them both. What a pig team mate you are! He indicated to her to talk about the food, yes, but it was to advise against it, not encourage her. He felt like he had to constantly struggle to control his emotions today. It wasn't usually this hard, but he felt as though they were both out to get him. If Natalia screwed with his plan, he'd make sure she paid for it. 



The more Theia saw him visibly trying to calm himself, the more she anticipated her meal. There was nothing like eating food you liked with a show, and at this point, his face distorted in anger and annoyance, was the best show she could have had. It was rare enough to see him without that cold look on his face, so she'd have to enjoy it. 



Light flashed. She calmly put away her phone and found them both staring at her. 



She said, smiling sweetly, "I just wanted to take a picture of my beloved father to commemorate our meal."



She watched as his lips twitched. Today seemed like it wasn't a bad day after all. After those losses she had taken, this was just what she needed to revive her. She was now actually more grateful than ever that they had forced her to come. "Thanks for the treat," she muttered. Life was good. 



Fourteen minutes later, her food was brought to her. As much as she wanted to dive into it immediately, she took her time, eating it while utilizing the correct etiquette so they would be unable to say anything. The first bite of the pasta was so good that she always cried. How could she not have known how delicious this food was? Less than ten minutes later, however, she had already finished both the pasta and the beef. It was the first dinner they had had out where she was fully satisfied. She couldn't wait to tell Lessie and Alex about it later. She spent the rest of the time making small talk with Natalia before preparing to leave, as it was already 7 o'clock. 



Today she found her step-mother much more pleasing to the eye, she mused as she walked out of the restaurant, looking for her car. 



Suddenly, as if they were waiting on her, a van pulled up with two men jumping out and grabbing her. This….just what exactly was this?

Song for today is Better- Khalid

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