
Perfume: The story of a murderer

"why can't i hate you??" he sobbed "because darling this is what they called destiny".... "do ever get scared that maybe it's for nothing? that all the pain and death won't change anything?". "Never". Neverland, a city with ongoing murders, a girl suspected to be the murderer , a boy trying to find out the truth behind his family's background . Is that girl really the murderer or somethings are more to be known , we all have seen , read or listened about movies and story of murders/murderers..... but have you ever imagined that what would be in a murderers mind.... is he/she suffering from something or is it killing people just for fun.....??

sayahali · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs





Oliver saw an image on internet , it's numbers and alphabets [01 = A,J,S 02 = B,K,T 03 = C,L,U 04 = D,M,V 05 = E,N,W 06 = F,O,X 07 = G,P,Y 08 = H,Q,Z 09 = I,R] , he repeats the image and write it on a paper , ''the times last digit-'' , he picked up files , he mumbled the time ,"first victim = 16: 01, second victim = 13: 03 , third vi... wait 1 and 3 , 1,3 says A,J,S and C,L,U , must be one of them" Oliver wasn't sure about the code , whether this'll be helpful or not , he aggressively grabbed his hair and sighed , suddenly a thought came in his mind ,

"what if , it has nothing to do with murders or victims , and i'm just getting distracted by this , I'll just write it in order",

he wrote the numbers in order and kept the paper in one of the drawers and called Mark to ask about the murder , but nothing happened yet. "It's already 14:55 , no news till now , i think my guess was wrong , but if the pattern is of 4 days then it should be today only."

Oliver picked up the last victim's files and saw the last date , "15th May & 10th May" they both have 4 days gap between them but he noticed something , his eyes once again travelled to time and saw , 13:05 and second last 16:08 ,"

If the pervious murders were at 13:00 and second last was at 16:00 , does that mean the next murder , will be at 16:00!?" He checked the time and it was 15:00 ,

"Forensics can't tell the exact time of death in these types of cases but they are an hour late , does that mean the killer must be out there , to kill the next victim , i've to inform Mark about this" ,

he called Mark and told him everything...

This 1 hour passed like a year...its soon gonna be 15:30 , I'm trying Mark's number but it's not available , after some time , Oliver's phone ringed indicating someone's call , he picked it up and ,"hello Oliver , you were right , murder did happen today , we discovered the victim's body , 30 minutes ago , I'm currently here in lab , i think it'll take 2 hours for reports to come " ,

"i knew it , even the time , it was around 4 p.m. right!? , and now i'm so sure that next murder will be in 4 days form tomorrow around 1 p.m. , and by the way , who's the person" ,

''It's Venturo Augustus , Augustus's son , he was found in his farmhouse", he explained and added , "Oliver don't you think that our killer is holding some kind of grudge or something towards Augustus , like every single person who has been killed is related to Augustus , in starting it was just employees but now it's his son ", Oliver agreed and declined the call .

After 3 stressful hours , Mark called Oliver and asked him to come to police station , Augustus's ceo wants to meet him , Oliver came to station and Mark took him to a conference hall , and he saw a man in his 40's , probably Arnold Augustus , sitting across the room , he suddenly had a strong urge to abience but resisted somehow and the man said ,"so , you're Oliver Flair , the detective..!?" , he smirked

"yes , it's nice to meet you Mr. Arnold Augustus" , "not pleased to meet you" , he said calmly ,

"what can i help you with sir?" , "Ah! You got to know the news , of today's murder?" , he stated sarcastically , " yes s-sir , i'm sorry for your loss" , Oliver bowed his head apologising , "loss??!!.. , you call it loss??..

"This time his voice was not calm at all but a little ranged , "My son freaking got murdered , and you call it loss? , you know what , now i'm not gonna stay still , I'll surely do some good arrangement for you Mr. Flair" , he said as Oliver's eyes widened by understanding his statement ,

"sir , please don't do anything , I'll try to find the killer as soon as possible , trust me" , he tried convincing him but he said "I am not gonna believe in any false hope , you are out from this investigation , and I'll make sure-" , he aas interrupted by a voice , both the men turned their heads towards the voice and saw Mark ,

" Sir please , don't do this , Oliver is one of the finest detective we have and atleast we got know about the next murder's date and time"

" We'll get through this real soon , and also i'm sure the killer is after you , like if we think about all the murders , they all were employees of your company " , Oliver stated this with surety in his tone , "what do you mean??" , "someone holds a grudge towards you , and is trying to destroy you , by killing your employees it started and.....now-" , " now your family," he completed Oliver's sentence

"yes, now your family , and it starts from today , with your son" , he said looking at his feet avoiding Arnold's gaze , "when will be the next murder??" , Arnold asked suddenly , "4 days from now around 1 p.m. ," Oliver informed them , "how are you so sure about time ??"

"it's a pattern , every murder has happened either at 4 p.m. or 1 p.m. and this one has happened at 4 p.m. , so i assume next will be on 25th May at 1 p.m. only ," Oliver explained , " i don't care , about this pattern or whatever , if the killer is really after me , then the next victim can be anyone from my family , and now if anyone from my family got a little scratch on them , then you'll see what I'll do!!" , Arnold forewarned them , and left from there , Oliver released his breath which he was probably holding since he entered the conference hall , Mark sighed and patted Oliver's back as comfort , "hey , do something but don't stress yourself ," he tried comforting him , " Mark you found some evidence on crime scene??", "no , there's nothing there ," he said , "but Mark , the crime scene is untouched , right ??", " yes , why??" , "and all the other murder scenes too are untouched , right??" , " yes , but why are you asking me this ? What's on your mind now?" Oliver didn't said anything but nodded his head and asked Mark , " Mark tomorrow can we visit all the crime scenes?? I want to check something ", " sure ," Oliver went to his home thinking about Arnold's threat,,,,

It's 21 May , 10:00 , Oliver and Mark are at the very first Victim's house where murder took place with some constables , "Oliver , you really think we'll get anything here? , we've checked everything here , there's nothing!!", Mark said ,

" don't worry , we aren't wasting time , I'm sure we'll get something" , Oliver replied , they were looking around the room where corpse was discovered , the room was half decorated and some decor itms were on floor , untouched , the room had a very soft fragnance of vanilla and sandalwood , something similar , some whipping creame dispensers , balloons , "was there any celebration on that day??" , Oliver asked ,

"yeah , maybe , we don't have any infomation regarding this celebration " , Mark informed oliver , "hmmmm , let's go to the next place !!" , Mark looked at Oliver weirdly as he didn't do anything here , and was asking to move from here just after 5 minutes , they went to the 2nd Victim's house , " Oliver , what are you trying to find , we didn't got anything at Adria Ace's house" , Oliver didn't said anything but focused on the scene infront of him , exact same situation , half decorated room , items lying on the floor untouched , and whipping creame dispensers , balloons and the same fragnance , vanilla and sandalwood.....

Oliver and Mark checked all victim's houses and saw the same scene in all ," Mark , it's the last house , Venturo Augustus's farm house , and it's also same as other's , the similarities in all the scenes , and it was their birthday celebration , the half decor was for their birthday!!!" , Oliver said , "and you noticed something , the fragnance of vanilla and sandalwood , it was there in all scenes , maybe the killer wants to hide some kind of aroma from us with the help of that scent.."
