
Perfectly Imperfect(Perfect of Imperfection)

edrie · Urban
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11 Chs


The bidding stopped at four oclock in the afternoon and will continue at eight in the morning the next day. Mich want to go back to the hotel to rest before they start their night.

Jeung-wu my dear can you pick me up at the hotel around seven pm? please...!

Sure! i will pick you two up. Isn't it good? you are staying in the same hotel.

ohhh...! mich said raising her eyebrows. okay!

Im heading to the hotel now,do you want a ride? Frederick offered.

Its okay, you can go back first. I need to drop by to a shop to buy something. will just see you later. Mich declined his offer politely.

If you dont mind, i can go with you. hmmm...Its just that i have nothing to do, i hope you dont mind me driving you there.

Mich raised her eyebrows and said ;okay, if you insist. lets go!

Frederick opened the car door for her.

thank you...!mich said gently. and she sits quietly . she didnt know what to talk about ,so , she just looked outside.

Which shop do you want to go? frederick asked interupting her thougts.

ohhh... yeah! can we drop by to any supermarket on the way to the hotel?please.

Sure! the driver responded

Thank you!

what do you want to buy in supermarket ?Frderick ask her to start a conversation.

ohhh... just some essentials. mich answered and smiled.

okay... how long have you been here Mich? You are very fluent in speaking korean.

hmmm...i come here often but i dont really stay long except when there is an unexpected problem that i need to stay longer. like now, i might stay here for maybe three months because of the bidding and some other problems.

ohhh okay,i thought you are based here because you are very familiar the korean culture.

No, its part of my job to learn their culture and language.

where are you based? he inquired

I am based in singapore.

Nice!singapore is a very lively city. i often go there for business.

hmm..yeah! she answered sound uninterested.

But Frederick keep on talking and asking questions after questions. And she answered him honestly too. Well,this is a good oppurtunity for frederick to inquire what he wants to know.

Yeah! do you always hang out when you are in singapore?

She sighed, hmmm... no, not really. i would be lucky if i have time on weekends..

oh!are you that busy?

yeah! and i dont really like to go out. i would prefer to sleep on my free time.

Frederick didnt have time to ask another question as the driver unterrupted them.

There is a supermarket inside that mall ,the driver told them.

okay, thank you. just wait for us here for a while. okay? frederick told the driver

Okay sir.

Frederick get out first and open the door for Mich.

Thank you!

My pleasure,Frederick said and smiled at her

When they reach the supermarket. Mich go to the Aisle where she can find her sanitary pads and the next thing is her favirote snacks. Her basket was full of snacks when she reach cashier and after she paid she was carrying atleast six full bags of snacks. And Frederick was surprised when he saw her carrying a lot of bags. He just waited for her at the exit because he needed to do some calls.

What have you bought? he asked

ohhh just some necessities,she answered him and smiled.

Let me carry the bags ,he offered.


They went back to the hotel and get in their own hotel room.

see you later,frederick said passing her the bags

see you! thanks.

at six thirty pm Frederick was ready and hesitating if he will knock on Mich door or will just wait in the lobby. When he look at the time,he thought its still early and decided to just wait at the lobby.

jeung-wu arrived after ten minutes. Hi,Frederick! he greeted and they shake hand. Mich didnt come down yet?

Not yet.

Hmm lets go up to get her,im afraid she is still sleeping.

When the lift open,Mich come out wearing a black tube romper that shows her curve.

Where are you going guys? she asked smiling at them.

To your room,i thought you are still sleeping like you always do,jeung- wu said.

She just smiled and hold on jeung-wu's arm and said shall we go now? she didnt even notice the guys standing on the side who's eye was still on her since she came out of the lift.

Frederick was looking at her with admiration and followed them out of the hotel.

It was a lot of people in the bar, and the lively ambiance hits their nerves too.

There is a table over there jeung-wu pointed.

they sat down and order something to eat first as they didnt have dinner yet and order some drinks after.

After dinner Mich ordered some frozen margarita ang the boys ordered a bottle whisky.Mich will start have margarita for starter and continue with the hard ones. One guy aproach them said,Mich you are back!its been a long time.

Mich look up and smiled and shake hand with him.

Can we dance? asked the guy

Sure! and thats the start of Mich wild night.She drank a lot and dance,lets say she really enjoy her night.

But Frederick was not happy seeing this,when he saw Mich getting really drunk,he stood up and pulled her back to their table.

Hey! you are drunk shall we go back?

Hmmm... Mich just hummed and leaned back on the sofa. where is my brother?

He is with a girl frederick asnwered her honestly.

grrrr... he always leave me behind if he see a beauty, she said pouting her lips.

isn't she who left us behind first?frederick thought .He think she looks cute when she behave like this than when is not drunk.looking serious and distant.

Frederick help her stand up and hold her so she won't fall. Lets go back to the hotel,so you can rest he said and lead her out of the bar without waiting for her reply.He hailed a cab in front of the bar,help her settle inside and sat beside her and he told the driver the name of the hotel.

Mich was leaning on his shoulder suddenly looked up and said; why are you so handsome? she asked acting cute.

Hmmm...why are you i gorning me earlier,if you find me handsome?Frederick looked at her with doubt.

Because you are so arrogant and i hate people who are so full of themselves,she answered him honestly.When Mich is drunk she is very talkative,she will speak her mind out.

what will i do for you to like me and talk to me?

hmmm...just be nice and dont bump on me because i hate it when i got hurt.

hmmm...okay...he said smiling and caressed her hair lovingly.

guys im very sorry for the late update. i was very busy plus my laptop brokedown, so now, i am just using phone. thank you so much to all of you for the support.

edriecreators' thoughts