
Perfectly Imperfect by Maya-Hime

Move in silence only speak when it's time to say checkmate - Annnnntty

xinn_ · Urban
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Chapter 2

"I still can't believe that you and Naruto tried to hide this from me." Hinata can feel the venom on her friend's voice, "I am your friend, Hinata!"

Hinata saw Ino rolled her eyes before calmly regarded Sakura, "Forehead, as you can clearly see, Hinata does not even know it herself."

Hinata nodded before adding, "Yes, Sakura-chan. I really had no idea until Ino called me earlier this morning. All I know is that in the future I will be married to your best friend. It is an arranged marriage," Hinata tried to explain, "I asked father earlier and all that he said is that this is really bound to happen. It just so happen that it is him." Hinata can feel her eyes watering, "And I don't know what to do."

Now Sakura was rolling her eyes, "What do you mean you don't know what to do?"

Ino nodded as if saying that Sakura was right, "Yeah, don't you like Naruto for what—16 years now? This is a great opportunity for both of you!"

Sakura scoffed, "Yeah right! As if!" She heard Sakura said sarcastically, "Have you forgotten that Naruto just declared his undying love for that Shion just last week? Are you crazy Ino? Do not give Hinata false hopes."

"And besides—" Hinata was cut off by the sudden ring of the first bell. This is not part of our plan. Hinata continued in her thoughts.

"Great! Now I am late." Sakura muttered under her breath, "I will catch you later guys. Tsunade can rip my head off if I don't appear in—" Sakura briefly looked at her watch as she was walking away "a minute. Bye!" Her friend waved off as she started running away to the right hallway.

"Well, I'll see you later Hinata. You know Mei-san can be a pain in the ass." Ino said walking to the left hallway.

"Yeah, pregnant hormonal Kurenai is not really a good start for me, too." Hinata whispered while she walks to her room just straight ahead.

As she was walking to the second floor, she can hear the whispers; feel the glares and the hurtful looks from the eyes of her classmates.

Luckily, she reached her classroom. When she went in, everyone became silent. Just how fast the room was so eerily silent, it is also how fast the murmurings started. This is one of the classes she loves the most, but as of the moment she feels like going out. But, then she was saved when Kurenai entered the room, "Take your seat Hinata and everyone else."

And just like that, the class flew by just like nothing has happened. And just like her first class, her second class happened the same way. She enters the class, everyone will look at her and then everyone will talk about her, the teacher will then enter, and then the class will just go on normally. This is my life. Normal. This is perfection.

However, the uneasy feeling just suddenly grows from within her when lunchtime came. She was about to enter the cafeteria to look for Ino and Sakura when somebody grabbed her hand and pushed her to the wall, hiding away from all the possible onlookers.

"What the hell is happening, Hinata?" He spouted angrily; his face an inch away from hers.

She had never seen this side of him before. Not when she forgot to tell him where she is when they are scheduled to meet. Not when she is being so clingy when she has problems with her family. Not even when they are together in bed talking about what they hate about each other. He looks so furious, so vengeful, so despised of her. She was taken aback by this sudden change of his usually cool demeanour.

I really am dead. "I-I also don't know what is happening, Naruto-kun." She answered as calmly as she could, even if inside she feels the turmoil, his rage towards her, that she just wants to ran away right now. "I-I was woken up by Ino's call. S-She told me about Neji-niisan's article." Hinata's voice is now starting to falter as she tries to explain, "I-I don't know what's happening Naruto-kun. M-My Father told me that this is bound to happen anytime soon, I-I just never thought that it would be you." Then all her pent-up emotions since earlier this morning just went out and she just cried, "I-I am s-so s-sorry N-naruto-kun. I am so sorry." She felt Naruto's hands slowly let go of her wrists; that made her cry even more. Oh my goodness, why am I crying?! And in front of Naruto-kun, of all people!

Hinata bowed down her head as she felt the tears streaming down her face, her hands trying to cover her tear-stained eyes, but to no avail. All the frustration, confusion, anger, and everything else just made her so vulnerable. She felt Naruto's hand removing her own hands from her face. He tilted her chin to look at him and she can see the same emotions in his eyes as she felt all of it. And just like that she wrapped her arms around Naruto, crying her chest out while continuously mumbling, "I am so sorry Naruto-kun."

Minutes passed before her wails turned into quiet sobs. When she realized that she was hugging Naruto and he was caressing her back to comfort her, she suddenly pulled back. Shock was evident on both their eyes. Then there was silence, followed by awkwardness. Before, Naruto finally cleared his throat, "Have you eaten lunch yet?" he asked looking anywhere but her while scratching the back of his head. "And uhmm—" he now looked at her, "Hinata, you should wash your face. It's so puffy." Then he smiled that smile that she fell in love with, that smile that is only reserved for her, that smile that makes her feel loved and cherished, that smile that make her feel secure and safe, his smile for her. And only for her; not even for Sakura, and most especially not for Shion.

She felt herself blush before she mumbled, "C-can you wait f-for m-me?" as she refers to the comfort rooms.

"Sure! No worries." And he accompanied her until the door of the ladies' comfort room. She just washed her face and when she saw that it looks more manageable than its earlier state, she went out. She was half-expecting Naruto to be already gone, but she was so happy that he really stayed even if some of their schoolmates were looking weirdly at him waiting outside the ladies' washroom.

He just look at her when she came outside, then started walking to the direction of the cafeteria. Hinata kept her pace, just following Naruto, but not enough to make bad stories about them. Then, Naruto realizing that Hinata is steps away from him, suddenly stopped and grabbed her hands, "Walk faster, Hinata. I really want to eat, and it's almost time for the next period." He led her to one of the vacant seats and asked her, "What do you want to eat? I'll buy it for you."

She felt people staring at them. Who wouldn't? This is the first time we are seen together in public! "Uhmm, anything will do, Naruto-kun."

Naruto just shrugged and went to the counter to buy them food. A few minutes later, Naruto put down their tray. What she saw shocked her, her favourite meals. "Red-bean soup and cinnamon rolls for you, ramen's mine." Then he showed her that smile again. He cares, she thought before pushing it away again, there is just no way he would like you, Hinata. Get your head straight. Naruto-kun likes Shion, and he even liked Sakura back then! Can't you see the pattern? He is for the cheerleader type! Not for the stuck-up princess like me! As she argues with herself in her head, Naruto started eating; so, before he even notices her, she started eating too.

Some companionable silence passed before Naruto called her name. She looks up as an acknowledgement, "My mom and dad would want to meet you, eventually," he mumbled as if it is so foreign to him, "Actually they are bugging me ever since that article came out."

She frowned what does that mean? Did they not know about their son's engagement to me? Naruto, as if sensing what she is thinking, answered her unasked question, "My grandparents were the one to talk with your father about the marriage and merger of our companies."

Hinata just nodded in understanding, I see. "N-naruto-kun, I am really sorry about all of this. I really don't know about this. I know that we have agreed to—" but before she can even continue, she was interrupted.

"Hinata," she was cut off by Naruto's cold voice, "I don't think that this is the place to talk about this," and as if proving his point, he scanned his eyes in the whole cafeteria, where students and staffs were not-so-subtly staring at the new-and-not-really-couple.

Hinata looked down once again, all thoughts of eating gone, "Sorry."

After that there is just awkwardness. Not a single word was spoken again between the two. As they finish eating, almost at the same time, they part ways. Hinata walked back to the main building where most of her classes are, and Naruto going to the opposite direction to the College of Humanities.

The day flew by just like that. Aside from the nagging of Ino and Sakura about her and Naruto being on the same table in the cafeteria, which she answered as nothing, everything just passed by in a blur. The talks, the glares, the whispers fade away as time passed.

A week has already passed and she and Naruto haven't spoken even once since that day that their engagement was publicly announced. It was understandable on both sides since they are both busy with their thesis papers, and Naruto still has to juggle his time with football practice every afternoon since Christmas bowl is fast approaching.

Then November came. It's just a month before the Christmas bowl, and a month before her birthday, and just two months before their wedding. It's just around the corner and they haven't even spoken a word about it. What their set-up would be and their new rules.

Hinata had always tried to wait for Naruto at his apartment but he is always late to come home after football practice, that she is always forced to just go home. Her father always maintains that they should all be present in the dining table to talk about their day. It is her father's way of trying to show that he cares, because ever since her mom died after that kidnapping incident, his father has changed. Gladly, at the present, his father starts to reach out to them once again.

But, ten days without seeing him is already torture for her. So that Friday morning before going to school at their breakfast table, she had decided. She asked her father if she could stay the night with Tenten, who is Neji's girlfriend, to finish their thesis. Luckily for her, Neji was already gone for work, so her father agreed without any questions. She just knew that he will allow her to stay the night with Tenten since he likes the girl for his nephew.

All that's left is to talk with Ten and I am ready. That same morning, she packed her pyjama and a change of clothes for the next day. As she was on her way to the school, she dialled her friend's phone.

"Hina-chan, what is it now?" Tenten said laughing at the other end of the line.

"Ten, can you please cover for me and tell Neji-niisan and father that we are to finish our Thesis in your apartment?" she asked, kind of worried that Tenten might not agree.

"Hmmm, but we are already done with our Thesis right?" Tenten asked. Hinata is now nervous, until she heard Tenten laughing again, "I am just kidding. Of course, I will," then suddenly her voice became so serious, "But, tell me why?"

Hinata knows that Tenten knows about her not-so-relationship with Naruto, so there really is no point in denying it, "I have to go see him, Ten. It has been a week and I am already worried."

"I understand," a pause, "Hinata, I trust you that you know what you are doing?"

Does she? "Yes" I think so, or not. Even I lack the conviction.

She heard Tenten sighed before saying, "Okay, fine. I'll cover up for you." Hinata thanked her friend and before she even said goodbye, she heard Tenten said, "Use protection, Hinata." And the line went dead after that.

Damn Ten, as Hinata felt herself blush from the roots.